The creator of Twilight Devastation has left Blizzard

Jeff Hamilton has left Blizzard today.
You can see further information on his Twitter including what he worked on.

Do you think this is a good or bad thing for WoW?
Personally I thought TD was pretty fun.


I think we need more crazy powers like those, just with better ways of acquisition than pure RNG like they were at the start. It adds spice to the game. :slight_smile:


Lets go into him: Worked on Endgame zones (sure whatever), dungeons (sure whatever. Im not much into dungeon i suppose. I didnt hate any SL dungeon thus far tho) and raid content in BFA and SL (Uldir. CoS. Sanctum. Nuff said). “designing the m+ rating system” hoooooorssseeeee. Its pretty much copied over from

And now for the fun part: “Additionally, he worked on a great number of the novel special effect gear in Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, including Shards of Domination, Azerite Traits, and Corruptions” Big freaking cough. On all three. Shards being borderline poop from the get go. Screwing the balance of the raid ontop of it (Edit: Oh and before i forget it: Blizzard also was wondering why we didnt like shards despite us wanting tier sets back but werent happy with the shards and their power designs).

Azerite traits being a mess. Especially in combination with its attached system.

Corruptions being borderline dog (and no being in full corruption being fun is not a valid argument given how the system overall was designed. Keep the “fun” part, actually balance it and dont bar it behind an absolute atrocious system.) Also worked for EA which just adds to my saltyness.

I ignored the 3 items he also designed on purpose since they werent part of what i used.


TD was the most fun gearing has been since Legion. Anyone who disagrees is whiny envious DPS player.


Am I the only one concerned with the “Only Users that @JeffAHamilton named or follows can respond to this tweet”?

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Oh yes it is!

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Given the levels of abuse frequently employed by randoms on Twitter (and other forms of Social Media), seems fair.


That’s my thought. If it gotten that worse… Damn.

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it’s good that these people are going away from this game.
I enjoyed my ret with fullmastery build corruption…but to be real azerite armor,essences,corruption,shards it’s cool seasonal mechanic but i think it’s not for this game
maybe in POE this would go well
but in WOW it doesn’t fit


It’s also why some large companies switched off comments on their YouTube output…and YouTube switched off the dislike counter.

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It would work in RPG-Shooters pretty well tbh.

Which is a good thing. I wish many more Websites and Studios would do that, especially Bungie on their forums and also Reddit.

It is so obvious that a feature like a “dislike” button is not safe to be handed to people online. There are too many abusing it with quick judgement or out of hate.

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True. I’ve been saying that since the Eternal September, only about postings.

What we need is subject matter ReCAPTCHAs, like:


Not wanting to derail this topic too much, so this is my last off-topic comment about this…

But the other day when I was leveling my alt on Horde in Dungeons someone made a vote-to-kick for a guy with cyrillic letters used in his name and the reason typed in for the vote was “he is russian”. Needless to say I clicked on No immediatly. Some people are obviously not ready yet for a modern life and world with their views.


Not going to lie; I loved twilight devastation. Genuinely couldn’t get enough of it.

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Also responsible for the horrible paladin design in talents etc.

So… May he never comeback.

Wait wasn’t he also one of the snowflake devs on Twitter for being incompetent?

Ohhh now i understand why paladins, the buff class in every game, don’t have any buffs in SL…

Pardon my french but

He can rot in a ditch…


Or maybe , just maybe people can express their dislike of something bad, wrong, greedy etc etc

Then do it with words and not a negative number.


Yup, it was very fun to not have control over the majority of your damage.
It was also very fun to sometimes simply lose aggro to the other tank because they were proccing TDs out of hell while you weren’t.
It also made any dps check incredibly random. I occasionally oneshot the majority of tentacles during the N’Zoth Psychus phase, in other tries we were barely managing to kill them all because I didn’t procc any.

TD was horrible. Sure it felt great to have that godfight where you outdps’d several dps players, but in the end, the design behind it was just very very bad.

This is coming from a tank whose logs looked like this thanks to twilight devastation

I’m not going to judge somebodies work by a few strikeouts, but this guys recent history is not looking bright.


Idk, something feels off when a spell that comes from something that isn’t even your character isn’t right.

Makes your class seem entirely pointless really. You just stack a corruption like TD and it would do literally 70% of your overall damage over a Mythic+. I prefer it when my abilities do the damage through gear. That may just be my personal opinion though :+1:

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