Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Take with a grain of salt because I don’t raid atm, did watch the world first tho. Heroic is like the new Mythic, Normal is like the new Heroic and Mythic is extra Mythic. I think that any group of experienced players should steamroll normal, should steamroll approximately half of Heroic while defeating Heroic within a week or two and then progress week to week in Mythic.

But Jailer heroic was so hard that guilds who would normally boost Heroic hadn’t even killed it and were successfully selling boosts to normal for big gold. The raids are just too hard, the Mythic WFR showed that too, Liquid actually quit the race. And everytime I’ve made these posts over time someone comes and tells me about how many weeks it took to kill Onyxia or that I’m wrong about raid difficulty.

Hot take but I think raids should be Emerald Nightmare difficulty, steamrolled by fairly average guild groups of dad gamers while in near to BIS in current patch, not nerfed 14 times and still harder than 0% Heroic Lich King.


This is more to do with the type of players that are around now they want a free ride usually or are just toxic in general.
I’ve had plenty of pugs for this way but I’ve also had a lot of groups work well together and finish the key or whatever even if not a perfect run.

Like him or not, he for years before his fame one of the highest achievement score players in the game worldwide, and remains among the top to this day. He gets Gladiator every season and had done that long before he was famous, he cleared Mythic raids in multiple tiers (including one of the hardest tiers, TOS in Legion).

He may no longer be a hardcore raider and he’s not a M+ hero, but he’s still one of the clearest WoW experts in the world. The guy can look at your character and tell you exactly where any item you have equipped has come from, what raid, what boss, what achievement etc.

How is he not an expert, regardless of your opinion on him?


Those are my thoughts, more or less.

The content in WoW is the same as it’s always been, but the difficulty design has really taken off as Blizzard have embraced the notion of competitive high-end gaming culture.

Either you play a version of WoW where the content you do is braindead easy, or you play a version of WoW where the content you do is Korean eSport levels of difficult.
And there is next to nothing in-between those two extremes.

I’m not a fan.


Yeah then they should remove that “old RPG idea” that participating in every piece of content gives players and edge. Which I don’t trust them to do. 19th will give clues.

I remember doing those 25 daily quests cycles, but I was still in middle school, so I was not really giving a f aboot XD
I was doing them and that was aboot it.

Which is the mistake they obviously made. But then again, the question is that was WOD worth saving ? It’s like SL, most of the “core” features were a faillure so cutting the expansion was the move.

Reminds me of when I was quite salty aboot “unpruning” when I pointed out “what was the point of removing sac and hammer of wrath for ret if they’re being brought back as baseline spell?” to which I was being told it’s for the sake of “experimenting”. I still fail to understand to which extent is doing to then undo is “experimenting”. I really don’t. Looks like a waste of time.

That being said, I’m actually glad that RWF lasted more than a reset. The game is not meant to be played the way they did.

Then Blizzard would have to recognized they were wrong aboot that, which is unlikely. Also, some players would be upset, so hopefully, Blizzard won’t cave to them.

You’re misrepresenting me… a liiiittle tiny bit. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do like the idea that you can’t switch between Covenants and I do like the idea of putting a few pieces of power in there; for me the fundamental is Soulbinds and how insanely far that went in terms of player power, and I also said I thought the abilities we got should’ve been more in line with racials instead of what they are.

I am a fervent advocate of not pulling the ripcord.

I was talking about your current stance on the borrowed power and grind. As I recall your stance back in the day was that Blizzard would balance the covenants as whole (soulbinds+ abilities+conduits) and the difference would not be big between them.

Doing just LFR+normal was not enough for me to get the 4 tier pieces just yet. That means I’d realistically have to go into heroic, which is probably advised anyways so that you have a decent item level on those pieces. Heroic is already more of a commitment than I’d like as someone who is otherwise not interested in raiding but wants the tier for other content.

I think it was, yeah. Just forget that blasted base, nerf it to irrelevancy, and bring players into the capitals - and actually finish those obviously.

Those whole prune/unprune cycle really just had the overall effect of buffing CD’s into the stratosphere. It hasn’t been good…

It’s true there was a time where I said “Well, they just balanced mage. idk how they did it, but they did”. So I was sitting there for a moment like… can they do it?! Hopium?

And then they f’d it all up again. Obviously I had taken hopium in vein.

My original stance was that I said the power gains - like nevermind the balancing - but the raw power gains, were too great. I wanted the choice of Night Fae to be like the choice of playing Night Elf or something, and instead it was like a second friggin’ talent tree. WAY too strong.

The world first competitors brought this uppn themselves by making the race an actusl event. Blizzard doesn’t make them play 16 hours a day for a month.

I do agree with you though.


The more I think aboot, the more I’m glad they cut an entire patch out of SL.

That’s another issue I wish they’re fixing in 10.0. Classes should not go from hero to zero within the span of seconds.

I have been mythic raider since 17 years and now I am casual since 2020 June. I understand why casual complain about it and I would say Blizzard have killed the community for casual for many many years. They have to give us what we pay for, which they dont. Just look at Creation Catalyst! Why do we casual have to wait 2 months?

You get it now? They totally ignore casual like this! I talked with some mythic raider so yeah it is fact and true. I know ION is one the best game directors, but sometimes I think he needs to go for some reasons. Thanks!

Amazing you raided mythic before mythic was even a thing.


Why?!.. A barrier to entry.

Most gamers are Lone Wolves, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are A-Social but more so that they don’t have the time required for group content.

Adapt or Die, why are you playing an MMO if you don’t like and or can’t do Group content?.. this question should never be aimed at players but instead at developers.

He obviously means someone who raided for near realm firsts or just raided the highest difficulty levels. Don’t troll him.

I was making a joke I can see his achievs you know.

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What mental gymnastics school did you go to, to reach this conclusion?

I play a game to have fun. I boot it up, I have fun. If I don’t, I boot another game up and have fun in that instead. Me stressing home to raid at 20:00 and three hours onwards isn’t what I consider fun. Me getting home at say - 20:00, a friend calls me and asks if I want to come over for some BBQ. Hell yeah! Because I can play the game any other time.


So in fact you have a problem with tier sets not being obtainable through m+ or pvp.

How is that related to rwf?


Seems like you know what you want. I see no problem there.

If you want to raid with the bois or randoms, you have to invest the time.
If you want to do BBQ with your friends, you have to invest the time.
If you want to have a GF or BF, you have to invest the time.
If you want to get good grades at School, you have to invest the time.

It’s everywhere the same Principle, god damn it!