Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Right now I am. I have barely stepped into M+ and the raid. And honestly it’s very dull. I wouldn’t say it’s optimized towards tryhards but the open world content is definitely lacking and has been for some time now.


Oh I do understand that. But you simply ignore the fact that blizzard is making raids harder and harder because of RWF. That is all I have to say bout that, nothing will change my opinion on it.

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Maybe we’re not addressing the same thing but in my mind Covenants are designed to suck people in and trigger their Sunk Cost Fallacy and Fear Of Missing Out brain schemata.

In my mind, the overlap between try-harders and the above group is very big i.e. a try-hard is by definition ruled by the sunk cost fallacy / fear of missing out / “I-raid-for-the-prestige” thingies. I could be wrong, admittedly.

Factually correct. The problem is that by giving all that attention to raids, many other areas of the game suffer and so the content drought arrives to all other groups much sooner.

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Oh no we are addressing the same thing, but you are missing some key information here, which is…

It was priamarilly the tryhards that were against tieing power to the covenants going from HC raiders to WoW streamer/youtubers to WF participants and it was the more casual audience like Elias who has not completed a +10 in his life and doesn’t know what the M+ affixes mean that were advocating for “meaningful choice” and “sunk cost fallacy”.

In my opinion, ever since mythic 20 man raids started, blizz made “wall” bosses to stop guilds progressing without enough gear. They designed these bosses to fall after a few (1-2 ) reclears from heroic or prev killed mythic bosses.

The tryhard RWF guilds however wants themself to kill everything on day one cos “the world ends” for them if they dont. Even they know that they cant beat the boss with their current gear, they still smash their faces to it, maybe silently hoping to nerf it (after enough cryings).

And race for what? To be shown on a website to say “xyz” 0-24 nolifers cleaned xyz raid first.

Aside other RWF guilds i highly doubt anyone else cares about this.

Really? That’s news for me and I find it hard to believe because I see so many people in the forums, right here in General Discussion, defending the current systems with their dying breath.

But you’re right, the “try-harders” group is not a singular hive mind and is composed of different sub-groups and I kind of didn’t address that. My apologies.

What do you mean by the current system? For context the argument before was “covenants should be easily swappable or provide no player power at all”, even preach (used to be in world 40 guild and pretty good player overall) wanted the covenants to cosmetic only. Even in this tread you can see people like Ishayo and Shihiroki who raid/ed mythic and spoke about the negative aspects about these systems. Tah and Elias who are considered casuals were one of the primary people advocating for locking in players into covenants and power was mandatory to that system because A) meaningful choice, B) you should have a punishment for choosing power and C) it would destroy meta gaming (it actually further strengthened the meta btw). The WF-ers were especially against the covenant locks because for them that meant they would have to roll 4x each class. On the otherside casuals were praising Blizzard that they have finally stopped catering to minmaxers with this system.


When did asmongold become an expert in wow?

Technically everyone can count as an expert if they play long enough. :wink:

Well questing on twitch will definitely not make you an expert in the top 1% mythic raiding.

It’s harder than before though. My guild got 11/11 normal this Thursday, after a month of raiding. In the last two tiers they were well into heroic progression a month into tier.

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Unless that person does that off-screen. I mean, Asmongold is not streaming 24/7 as far as I know.

For example, on Tuesdays Monday midday-evening he doesn’t stream at all as it seems.

Oh, yeah, he is just a casual quest lover by day on stream and hardcore 1% raider by night on the secret account. Quite a compelling story!

I didn’t said it is like that. I only said “it could be”. Not the same, man :wink:

Thats becouse you dont unserstand streaming. Streamer has to entertain audience and there is nothing fun about watching someone grind or do any of that hardcore stuff.

And having big prize for talking horror stories about some games, yes. cope


I completely agree with asmongold. You know raiding philosophy is wrong when raiding is better in vanilla and tbc


There is a point though.

It is a freakish state of affairs that Mythic+ raiding and top-end keys are so hard, yet EVERYTHING else in PvE is like being shown what a lobotomy would be like. In fact it may as well be called ‘none game’.

I find doing max level outdoor content unbearable. It’s just so awful I can’t find the words to describe it, it genuinely makes me feel a little depressed it’s so empty.

I would love to know really how much profit world first races and streaming indirectly adds to the game. Is it really the case that watching other people play has got to a point where it could be seen to be participation?

Well, my own opinion is quite firm. I couldn’t possibly imagine anything less interesting than watching other people play the game, what’s more at the very top level where it’s entirely cold efficiency.