Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

You guys don’t have a problem with wow, you have a problem with mmo’s.

You played this game since you were kids and now you are suddenly adults and no longer have time for it and you want blizz to do smth about that.



Ex-:poop:-actly. You hit the spot and brought it down to the main point.

They suddenly have not the time anymore to play games as they once could as kids.

No one wants to raid anymore because going through all the hassle of filling a raid group only to wipe and then half the raid leaves fills them with dread. Much easier to just do a 30 minute Mists run and get mythic loot in vault. Also the idiotic decision of making the final heroic bosses harder than first bosses in mythic.


Don’t even say something about leavers when you put up a group for nyalotha that was supposed to be a full run and then leave after skitra dies, lmao.


I will be honest here. I’m guilty of this XD.

Personally I had good experiences with doing “new players” runs as Raid Leader. Most people stayed, even when we wiped 1h at a Boss.

You just need to make clear that it is a run for learning or attempting, not a “we will do this 100% in 40 Minutes completely”-run :wink:

Idk how that is in play, since I didn’t reach those bosses yet but I guess this is a common fact in the community.


You are a well known key leaver so you have nothing to say.


Hey don’t shame him for that, he was just doing that to prove a point XD. He is not the hero we deserve, he is the hero we need to deplete out keys


blizzard should have offered him the job of the npc in Oribos who depletes our keys by a level everytime we talk to him. :joy:


RWF is not a Blizzard ran or created event. Method created this race on their own. No one is telling guilds to participate or spend money on RWF. I do no think that RWF is ruining WOW. Yes raids are more complicated and hard to complete, but raiding should not be a piece of cake or walk in the park. If you are pugging with people who do not know the basic mechanics, even LFW and normal levels of raids wil be difficult.

oh no! anyway


April Fool’s Day was last week…

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Yet you assume people have trouble IRL because scheduling game time isn’t for them.

Yes, because apparently the idea of having a time management in general is for some people too much of a task to ask.

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Consider that many of us do too much time management outside of WoW and we don’t need more of it in a game.

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I don’t do time management for things that I do for fun, so lol. I do them when I feel like I want to do them.

If your life is so much full of planning and stress, perhaps a game that is designed around time investment might be not the right choice of game genre anymore then…

And that is ok. But a game shouldn’t need to change because of self-chosen personal limitations.

WoW isn’t designed around time management. You can play it whenever you want to, outside of raids. The only other content that required some planning was when doing CMs without pugging but that was only matching times of 5 people. Not 20.

I’m free to ask the game to cater to me as much as you’re free to claim it shouldn’t. :man_shrugging:t3:

Also stop insinuating stuff about people’s lives, it detracts from your argument and it doesn’t help discussing with you. I didn’t say my life is “full” of planning etc., I said I already do enough of it. There’s a difference.

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I have to admit the time management arguments are making me rethink my stance on raid tuning. On one hand I really like content for organized groups but on the other hand people are right that this is a game and not a job it should not require you to plan when you play it.

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