Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

I do dislike him but he does make good raids and dungeons just a shame about the other 99% of the game.

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I would agree but the lastest raid has been nerfed so much already . normal is cake walk and the first 7 on heroic are pretty easy as well. Mythic is meant to be hard and for guild groups and if people want to raid and get gear they need to set time aside for it like always.
Its so early in the patch as well.

I have no idea how many times the raid was nerfed. My personal experience is 9/11 normal which I did once two or three weeks ago, undergeared (and yeah my dps sucked but mechanic wise I was doing fine), with a few exceptions the run went smoothly with almost no wipes (we had 1 on the defective pantheon and 1 on anduin), overall I found the raid pretty easy and frankly a bit boring so I left.

However people are still claiming that it’s hard and it requires an organized group so I am considering that my XP is not that of the average player and the key goal is to get more people into participating into end game content right?

I disagree i think you are right normal is very easy and in a good spot for social and fun guilds and even pugs . Problem is the player base expects everything to be one shotable is that a word ? :smiley: and it should not be.
My guild is on Anduin heroic later today and i am looking forward to some fun. I was so surprised how easy Jailer normal was being honest had a great time jumping into holes and the defile :slight_smile:

On an off topic what is your stance on mythic raid sizes. Do you think it should stay at 20 or would it be better to become flex like normal and HC?

I think a set size is better to balance but i would have loved 10man to have stayed as it was a cosy time for teams.
Lots of guilds died in making 20man a set goal 25 and 10mans.

10mans as they could not recruit enough on dead servers to do top end raids and 25mans who needed a rosta of about 30 players couldnt fit all in and people left.

Myself i would have gone for 2/3/9 to be default so 14 set size so all classes could be taken. 25mans would still have struggled or if they had 30 players split into 2 teams but that then makes problems in guilds balancing the teams.

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I had several guilds die on me in BfA due to the roster boss because everytime we got tired of HC and wanted mythic but we didn’t have enough people. Last week was particularly a sad one because the guild I was in on my old server officially stoped raiding due to roster issues. Anyway hope Blizzard figures it out.

EDIT Because Vinzora is trying to prove a moronic point with this quote in his tread here is a clarification on why the guild failed.
We lacked people to raid with not because of scheduling but due to a lack of A) Alliance players and B) skilled players. The guild eventually stopped raiding because it turned into a revolving door of unskilled players coming in failing and leaving the guild.


Raid are not “hard”, in my opinion problem is they are “too complex”. What preventing many casual players to gear up and just jump into game without studding tactics.
For example in many games if fight is complex you have tips “on air” or boss using spells in way you can deduce what he doing and avoid during fight.

In WoW, raids are builded in way preventing players to just jump into fight and have fun from raid.
LFR should be literally learning mode with many arrows and tips like, move here, avoid this, soak this, run for your life etc.
However mythic shouldn’t be possible for ordinary players and only for HC players.
Learning mode in lfr could make raids more available for casuals and put life in lfr.

There seems to be an inconsistency even within the same difficulty.
I have only the normal mode experience of most bosses in Sepulcher and the difference between the first few bosses and Anduin was ridiculous. While it is simple to understand what to do in that fight, it can be super frustrating to get everyone to execute it properly or fail and risk wiping the raid.

Ban DBM and weakauras, see how design changes.

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I did raids in vanilla, in TBC (in the original versions) and I went back to Wow in Shadowlands. Raids are much less attractive now. It’s too hard, it has too many mechanics and the raids in the shadowlands are all in an ugly environment. They do not have an interesting atmosphere at all compared to BWL, ZG, BT, Hyjal, on the contrary, their environment is ugly. Torghast was a horror SL and the whole raid in 9.1 looked like Torgahst? I went through it once at the LFR and never again. For us, causal players raid just isn’t good, that’s why raids have such poor participation.

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Totally agree there, he’s one of (if not) the best in the business at raid and dungeon design. Been saying for ages that although he should remain as Game Director, he should concentrate more on instances and let his assistants deal with the systems and stuff. And make them actually fun to play around

I don’t think you convince anyone to change their mind about a stance by saying ‘you need to admit you were wrong’.

Blizzard is trying to cater to a lot of different types of player and has experimented with PvP vs PvE over the years. I don’t even see it as a case of right and wrong. I see it as different players prefer different systems and they are trying different things.

We’ve had systems were the two were separate, we’ve had others which have actively encouraged or even made PvE or PvP players have to take part in the other aspect of the game whether they wanted to or not.

I will always prefer when they are separate. Some players will prefer not having to have separate gear sets and progression. I don’t think one is more valid than the other, one is not right or the other wrong. It’s just different preferences.

Assuming there are any people left raiding after that.
If WoW is to become addon-independent it will require a radical revamp that even in the best of cases will turn off a lot of existing people.

It would be much easier to avoid caring to much about the players who seem to be willing to do extreme things to get ahead

All the DBM and weakauras make them design raids around them, expecting players will get a pop up on screen of what to do.


And by doing so you have more freedom in design without it becoming the same thing every single time you do a boss.

Pretty much shows the mindset behind the behaviour. I mean he/she checks peoples progress, ilvl and uses it to measure the worth for a group and I shouldn’t do the same to measure if I want to be in a group with him/her?

I prefer a not so great player over someone who behaves badly in a multiplayer game.

The huge problem some people refuse to see is that the RWF isn’t just making raid design unnecessarily complicated and takes a lot of development time but makes the token a more important part of the game.
The token already has a bad influence on everyone, not only those that buy or sell it. It inflates the market of the auction house, it makes boosting a more or less legit way of income and makes trading of “bop items” possible - which means you can buy gear with money (as the RWF has proven again)

All that has huge influence on raiding and players. Why should I try to get into a raid group when I can use my credit card instead, buy some tokens and trade those for a heroic clear?
Why should I really try to improve in PvP when I can buy rating the same way?

This all effects the playerbase in a negative way.
I remember how hard it was for our raid on a “high” server to find players that want to progress (that was in Cata) because some of our roster quit WoW. We couldn’t offer people clear runs at that time and the new trials had to run dungeons with us and get their gear.
With the current state of tokens you are basically having to search all over EU for players, because you can buy your way through progress, without having to run x for two weeks, without having to try bosses 6 hours a week, etc.

Where are the numbers? I’m not saying you are wrong but if you have no evidence then people will discredit this post from the first sentence.
Also, why is it negative that raiding is incetivized?

Hall of Fame raiding only suits the 1%, yes. But 6,5% killed Mythic Sylvanas. This is not a problem. Asmongold not being able to take completely random people into a completely unorganized environment and not clearing it on DAY 1 is not even slightly problematic. If they were unable to clear it after 1-2 weeks of playing a few hours each day then something is wrong. Normal is supposed to be easy - but raiding is NOT supposed to be 1 day of fun every 7 months for people that only do Normal.

This is a completely irrelevant comparison. They are doing the bosses in a state that the average player will never even get the chance to see. Everyone else comes there when the bosses are nerfed, with clearly laid out strategies and with better gear.

This is just blatantly incorrect. Raid complexity is not a result of RWF, it’s to do with players getting better. Also, Liquid didn’t give up because of difficulty. They conceded that they lost WF and took a break to travel home from their event venue.

You’d need some solid proof for this statement my friend.

This isn’t necessarily true. The difficutly has been pretty much the same for players doing it early. You’re just biased.

Raiding has not been ruined for the majority of the playerbase. The playerbase just have children, a career and much else in life that prevent them from scheduling longer sessions of gameplay.
Also, don’t forget that raiding NEVER caters to the absolute top. It’s ALWAYS aimed at the casual players.

No, it generates interest for their game. They are already not doing an event themselves, but acknowledging the race with the bare minimum - which is completely correct.

That’s because people want instant gratification without having to think whatsoever. These raids are so easy with modern technology and knowledge you’d have to tryhard to not succeed. Is a free win really that fun?

They already do outside of tweeting a congratulatory message for kills.

Pretty much this, but then rwf “kings” would suddenly stop playing.