Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

I raid mythic and do okay in keys but this prestige you speak of serve’s no place in an online game its just pixels means nothing.
I will not look at you and think wow you are super cool and envy you i see it just as another piece of armour and title nothing else people need to get over themselves tbh.
Prestige to me is somebody irl who does something amazing to help others stop making a game mean more than it is.


It’s elitism to point out you’re not really putting any effort in and getting carried? Your dps can be done by a healer. Like, you have severe rotational issues. You can easily do 6k dps with your gear, which is almost like double what you’re doing.

People were doing more than you’re doing in dps, before season 1 even started. My alt that I dps on is doing more than double your dps at ilvl 237.

Neither will I do that with others. But that is one of the Reasons Devs push forward for harder content.

Idk what you talk about. Also…

I am at 250 GS rn. Don’t know where you pull that number from, but it is probably like 2 Months old Info at least.

Also, I don’t care for Min/maxing. It is not necessary to complete content on Normal Difficulty in Raids.

You’re doing 3.6k dps. I said you can easily do 6k dps with your gear.

Knowing your rotation well enough to not be able to be outdpsed by a healer isn’t minmaxing. It’s the very basics.

Can you read? There clearly is written “7890 DPS”. Also ingame numbers reflect the same result.

My peak rotation damage I can do is 30k if you want to know it.

I don’t care what raidbots says you’re capable of doing. You’re not pulling those numbers according to logs, you’re pulling 3.6k dps.

Hes looked up your charcter on

Ok, then go link the source you are using. I at least provided one.

Oh wow, he Orisanct looked up the damage from 1 single boss I fought exactly once so far and puts that in Correlation to my overall possible Damage I can do.

That’s like what? Taking 1 bad example and presenting it as the default performance.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ich werd nich mehr…

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It doesn’t matter what you can do when you’re not oding it.

Dude, just get out of that argument. You take a performance from a “New Player” Raid Run I lead myself where the entire goal of the run was to learn the mechanics and slowly progress forward with other new players and you put that performance of an intentional, not optimized run on the same “need-to-be” level of experienced Raiders who do this Raid on Normal and Heroic probably every week.

That’s the same :salt: thing as telling a new intern at a company to be on the same experience of a 20-years in service employee.

With you is arguing simply not possible. You turn whatever you can find to fit your narrative, similar like certain Politicians do.

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:yawning_face:… another whine post about how 100 players you’ll never encounter or raid with somehow ruin the raid for you…


well its the dmg you did and it reflects your skills.

its ok to be bad at game. im bad at game myself and it didnt stop me from clearing +20s last tier

on my mage im beyond horrible and yet i was doing 17/18s.

there is no shame in admiting that you lack skills.

better this way then pretend on internet to prove something nothing cares to people who dont care about you

Totally agree on that. You and I don’t need to be Top 1 Player Worldwide in a Raid to have an opinion about the content :slight_smile:

Never said I do. But I also never said I am aiming to be the best :smiley:

Heh, tell that to Orisanct trying to make me look bad when I don’t even try to look good. :rofl:

No, I’m saying you’re doing bad dps. Whether you’re new to the raid or not doesn’t matter. You have severe rotational issues, which has nothing to do with the content you’re doing but your lack of knowledge about the class. Like, you barely crusader strike. You don’t keep blade of justice on CD. You don’t keep wake of ashes on CD. You’re holding them all, for ages.

Like, on one of the fights, you could’ve done something like 100ish crusader strikes, you did 50ish. Blade of justice could’ve been used like 60ish times, you used it some 40ish times. You used wake of ashes 7 times in a fight where you could use it 12 times.

Like, what. Why do you think this is because of “new content”? Your low dps is a rotation issue, not a content issue.

Asmongold should stick to what he does good, and that would be tmog competitions instead of click bait ‘big wisdom discussions’.


+100 Truth


Not really.

+15s are pretty easy if you know what you’re doing but not braindead easy. No reason to go beyond doing +15s because the rewards stop at +15, unless there’s no 15 keys up and you have to go with a 16 or 17 key to fill your vault. They’re only to get even easier and easier as more people get closer to 278 ilvl and obtain tier sets.