Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Fair point. Hope you can still enjoy it that way.

I meant that statement in general in this thread, not specifically directed to you :slight_smile:

It is not always optimal, that is true. But from my raiding experience, a consens punishment often leads to players actively looking where mistakes were made and doing it better next time. With each try they try to improve.

Sure, sometimes there are duches that either leave or get toxic in chat. But dedicated and guiding players usually teach less experienced players when they hit that “team punishment” brickwall.

I do advocate for 10 man raids on every difficulty since I personally think that 20 or 24 player raids simply only make it a worse experience where players either lose the overview or try to put the responsibility on others of the group.

Feel free to do so. I usually try, when I do raids in any game, be always willing to teach players who never played it before. I don’t have any expectations when I make a group. Not for Raids. Not for Mythic+. I take whatever players I can get, as long as they are friendly, have fun and try their best.


While it is possible it is highly unlikely blizzard would do this since they seem to be stuck in a mindset of whatever content we create, EVERYBODY needs to engage with, also the insane fixation they seem to have with creating and scrapping systems over and over severly hampers any chances of us getting meaningful content beyond what we usually get.

And if they see specific feature failed - they gate character power behind it so people play it for reward :smiley: statisticaly - success!

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And so true.

Each expac we seem to get less and less new 5mans just SL

Classic 16
TBC 16
Wotlk 16
Cata 14
MoP 9
WoD 8
Legion 13
BFA 11
Sl 9

Its really sad and season 4 SL we have to use old one’s again.

Full disclosure: I like most of your posts.

But you’re swinging into huge extremes here and I am here to call out to your calmer manner and to please stop repeating “nuh-uh” as if on a kiddie playground. You can’t outshout a differing opinion.

This forum is not policed by you. People can make 200 threads about how Blizzard should change their game. There’s NOTHING you can do to stop it.

So maybe unclench a little bit? Please? :smiley:

Has it occurred to you that Jito, Tah and others advocate for what they advocate because they love many things about the game but hate certain others that are increasingly getting in the way and are obstructing that love? That advocating for certain drastic changes is like a cry for help from your intimate partner that wants to talk to you and not just break up with you on the spot? Maybe you should look at it from that angle.

And if you want to get dead serious, just repeating the status quo (like you do) is not an argument. It’s called “an appeal to tradition” and is considered by some to be a logical fallacy (although it’s not one in the strict sense of the expression).

So yeah, chill?

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I understand what you mean but he is just being as passionate about the game in the same way as Jito and Tah sometimes post as well.

All 3 of them are correct in there own way and its good to see players get heated and debate .

There should be a wide range of content for each player type this is true but you are calling him out for being passionate about a game he loves.


I don’t disagree with people having incompatibly different opinions. I have to navigate such work situations 2-3 times a week and my skin got thicker (and I love it, caring for that stuff before gave me literal gray hairs).

What I don’t like is Orisanct stubbornly asserting that their thinking is correct and “ours” is wrong. And their posts come across as gatekeeping.

I am all for sharing differing opinions. For just a week on the forums I already had my mind changed on one issue I otherwise felt pretty strongly about.


Oh he is stubborn as a brick wall no doubt about :slight_smile: i have had many runs in with him BUT i admire his passion and he seems to get faustrated and struggles at times to put his view across and it comes across as blunt and harsh.
He also wants more content and freedom in the game he loves as well. Believe me Jito, Tah and myself are no angels and have brash tones at times. What i am trying to say is cut him a little slack he is not a bad person just hot headed.

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Peace and love to everyone then. :hugs:

Well, almost everyone. Frak those raiders that insist our ideas “ruin” the game for them. :grin:


I am off to bed so gn when you get there :kiss: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Careful girl, my wife will jump you because she hasn’t gotten a woman’s love in a while! 🥹

Thanks for the constructive tone and for being nice. The forums need more of that. It’s much appreciated. Let’s make place for the others to continue voicing their views.

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That wouldn’t even be a problem to me if not for the fact that grimrail is on the list of those. I’d like any other dungeons from WoD than grimrail depot. The camera issues in that dungeon is insane. Even just doing it when it was WoD timewalking on an alt made me just want to take the deserter debuff and hope for another dungeon once deserter was gone. It feels so whiplashy with the constant zooming in and out due to how narrow it is.

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Oof, so true. It’s one of the reasons I quit Warframe: they stubbornly insisted that they’ll add the Railjack (space ship battles in a corridor loooter shooter, WTF?), engagement dropped, what’s the creators reaction? Put another game system (namely the Kuva Lich / Sister of Pavros personal nemesis system) behind the Railjack so the players go through it on order to do the other thing.


Declare the Railjack system is a success.


Game companies suffer from a severe sunk cost fallacy syndrome. :slightly_frowning_face:

“We paid our programmers and designers to create this, YOU WILL PLAY IT AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!”


Agreed some people love to advertise their fanboi crap on these forums way too much .


speaking of lich king and the defile mechanic
i still remember wiping to him due to players not understanding how that mechanic worked
and valkyrs not being focused i believe it was the chromie timewalk event

and what a surprise that my previous lfr group we got anduin to remnant phase twice
and lfr prototype pantheon the prototype of war adds kinda do a “defile” with an expanding area effect lol

im not ashamed of my opinons - i stated the same facts here

and fact is that NW on tyranical early in tier is absolute bane of groups consisting of weak players.

and yes before season started i thought it wil be tuned more like S2 - its factualy correct that S3 is much harder because they tuned it around 4 set bonuses while S2 was not.

and i am getting there slowly :slight_smile: my hunter is 261 and is already doing 13/14s. if i had time to rush for KSM i would already have it because only thing stopping me is lack of toxic io score to get into 15s . instead as you may know from my other threads / sites that you stalk very efficiently indded (respect there honestly im not as good with internet as you :slight_smile: ) i am currently runing m+ on 10 chars instead 1 or 2 - so they will get there dont you worry :slight_smile: i will get it eventaully like i stated that i will manage :slight_smile:

and honestly i have muhc more fun runing +3 on my fresh DK , +2 on my shaman (both dont even have 1 leggo because of prices atm :slight_smile: ) , or i have much more pride from tanking mists 11 on my druid and timing it then i had when i was just spaming higher keys last tier for score to make my e-pen bigger :slight_smile:

gosh it must have offended you with those 20s ^^ burn baby burn :slight_smile:


No, I’m just getting tired of your constant whining both here and on mmo-champion about how it’s too hard and how it’s impossible to do with pugs and how you’re stuck at 12s etc.

15s are easier now than they were in season 2, a complete joke.

I’ll just say it: GET GOOD.

Shadowlands sold insanely well… Then Blizzard fumbled the bag by having bad content and not even releasing new content.

So sorry wrong.

Also interesting that so many ppl liked my thread, thanks, must be because many ppl agree with Asmongold? Interesting stuff.

I think making the raid easier is definitely a correct move. But that wont be enough.

I think the raid is unappealing in itself, there is too many difficulties and people just cba for the following reasons:

LFR: I don’t even have to say it

Normal: Too easy, very low ilvl gear

Heroic: Probably the best difficulty around, but why would people do it or feel accomplished when there is mythic?

Mythic: Smash your head against the wall 400 times to kill a boss

All in all, look at TBC. there is a reason there is 5 times higher raid participation and 120k+ illidan kills compared to a mere 23k kills on 1st boss (most killed) of sepulcher across all difficulties. I think the raiding philosophy is wrong. There should be 1 difficulty, doable by everyone that rewards BIS loot, and there can be an artificial difficulty, just like doing a +20 for the people who want to flex their skill and resilience. The numbers speak for themselves in this situation I think overall.

(One more reason why TBC raiding is popular is horizontal competition: a more friendly environment towards players being the determining factor between the competition by speedrunning or parsing)