Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Personally I think they should go back to the formula they did with the Legion Raids. Each Raid has a similar, yet unique version of the armor set that goes more into altering details with rising difficulty. Maybe even extend that to the weapons visually.

Then add exclusive power to each tier of difficulty for the loot. That way you make players play first LFR/Normal, then attempt Heroic and then attempt Mythic.

In the same time Raids need to become more intuitive and simplistic, similar to how Destiny 2 raids work (since that is mainly a console game with Raids). Most Raids have easy to learn mechanics that only sound sometimes complex at first.

That isn’t different from WoW…

If you look at the other thread you will know you are wrong that’s 23k guilds not kills. There is no site listing how many times its been killed by those guilds or in pug’s.

Fair point.

Praise our lord and saviour. Our last defender. Asmongold !

Massive Nerfs to Mythic Halondrus, Anduin and Jailer on the Weekly Reset - 30 Second Bomb Timers - Wowhead News

Can all the but tIeR sEt balance ppl please explain to me how the tier sets were to blame for Blizzard needing to months after release still nerf the raid massively, because they´re numbers show ppl are stuck and engagement is low :s?

Also Asmongold did a decent interview with Ion, hopefully Blizzard

A) Changes the loot system
B) Does something about addons ruining the game

Yeah it is becouse of existence of M+ and welfare gear from world content. Ofc nobady will ever bother to do raids when you cna get same or even better rewards in 5man content like m+. TBC raid participation is gigher becouse there are no easyer alternatives and raids are exclusive. It hasnothing to do with difficulty of raids.

cant u just raid with those who wanna raid, why do u feel the need to force ppl into raiding,
What is your issue, Your so entilted thinking every one wanna become a pro raider like you.

11/11 LFR, thats some nice raiding right there my friend.

Raiding takes too long. I rather run M+, it’s more efficient for me. I run one, if I still have time, I run a second. Raiding is like ‘commit from 20:00 to 23:00 server time’. Yeah, well, how about no?

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In my opinion MYTHIC bosses should be hard and unforgivable and they should be exclusive for those groups who are determined to kill boss.
However other difficulties should be possible to kill by group of average players ofcours heroic harder but not any “life” challenge. This not first topic here about raids when i saying this but they are too complex too.

I only state reason behind lower particiapion numbers for raids. I am not for m+ or for raiding. Idc who does what. And fact you instnaly attacked my argument like this only shows that you are entilted one. People do what is most efficient way to get gear. M+ is way more efiicient in terms of effort vs reward so naturaly players droping raiding.

You know why you see so much influence of such a vashingly small percent of players?

Blizzard have cottoned on to the vicarious gamer market. It’s has a lot of benefits, if you’re the company.

By having people who think content is watching others play, it really isn’t all that required to make a particularly extensive or deep game. All they have to worry about is making a stream-friendly narrow sliver of challenging content, say Mythic+ and Mythic Raids, and everything else can be total rubbish because people don’t spend anything like enough time doing it to notice-- and they are completely persuaded that all of that isn’t ‘real’ content anyway, so it doesn’t matter.

Personally I despise Mythic+, because it is so tailored for stream-friendliness. It’s designed as an arcade show first, and as an RPG game last.

How is it tailored for “stream-friendliness”? The streamers don’t really have time to read chat or answer anything.

So you are assuming all M+ runners are streaming or something :thinking: I am myself not liking M+ because it is somehow stream-friendly. I just really like the content. And i also do not stream. But apparently i am doing it wrong.

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That is true and I agree. The raid’s difficulty - reward gap compared to +15 is huge. However, I genuinely think the raid is more enjoyable and interesting in TBC overall. I am a retail player too and i have CE for many tiers, so I have experienced both.

Well less aceasible raids are always more fun and interesting to do than raids what you can afk clear by pressing single button. Exclusive raid with 1 difficulty will always create more desire to beat than raid what you alredy beates 3 times over in 3 different diffifulty levels. Aka Mage tower popularity.

I do really agree with this too. I was never a fan of multiple difficulties. I especially despised that in DS or SOO when more difficulties were introduced. It comes down to the psychological factor involved. Content that’s more exclusive will always be more popular.


When it would have only 1 difficulty i would not do it at all. Multiple difficulties is making more people raid.

Blizzard could not defend the development costs of a raid with the low participation in raids. I mean; to me it is fine when there would be only 1 difficulty, but don’t expect the number of people are actually doing it.

Streaming is about watching, and most of the chat is between those viewers.

It’s fast paced, and it will last a set amount of time.

“So you are assuming all M+ runners are streaming or something”

What a ridiculous statement. No, I do not think ALL Mythic+ runs are streamed.

It is a system made very much with that in mind.