Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Is this like asmongold confronts blizzard but actually just sat there asking normal friendly questions like any other streamer / YouTuber who has also done interviews?

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Itā€™s always nice to hear the other side of the coin, but what I usually see is many people here always go for extremes and/or come up with such ludicrous suggestions itā€™s borderline trolling, e.g. Lilith stating they either nerf raids by 40-70% or remove them altogether. Itā€™s hard to take those suggestion seriously.

Itā€™s not only the ā€œcasualsā€ doing that obviously, both parties are guilty of it imo.

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Iā€™ve been saying this for a while.
The time of the monolithic raids is over. They are too long and too much of a time and effort investment.
The WoW devs should look at how FF makes their raids in short pieces for fast consumption. It is way less daunting to organise.
People have a lot they can do with their time these days. There is no lack of what to play that immediately drops the player into the fun and allows them to hop out when they had enough or have something else to do.

Because of this mythic+ became far more popular than raids, to the point iā€™m wondering if its even justifiable to keep bringing them out.
I personally would rather see efforts go into other features and more dungeons.

Unless, of course, as i said they change the approach.


u have alot of things to do , u can do only m+ and heroic mode raid or pvp, if u dont have time and u dont want schedule so dont touch mythic , thats simple, i dont know why people dont know that.

ā€œoh no, not clearing the raid on a joke pug on the first day of release, such a terrible design, its killing partecipationā€


SK pieces just announced theyĀ“re done with the RWF.

Another loss for the haters in this thread.

Blizzard need to abandon RWF completely, pretend it does not exist. It will only get worse from here. Raid participation numbers are laughably bad this tier and everyone and their mother has tIeR sEtS now.

The tournament realm suggestions are awful too btw. This is an MMORPG. Get this E-sport mentality that has been ruining WoW PvP since TBC and PvE since Legion out of the game.

Yeah, it literally is!! Thanks for using publicly available objective data to actually agree with me.

Mythic is the root for all of WoWs problems. The boost mentality is the symtom. It even killed classic.

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you can make the coolest raid there is, and still raiding wont be a thing for most as long as u need to be in a guild and show up x amount of hours x amount of day week after week, months after months,years after years. A game should never ever been so timeconsuming.


Blizzard with MASSIVE nerfsā€¦ YET again for Normal and Heroic

Upcoming Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Nerfs - Normal and Heroic Raid Bosses - Wowhead News


These nerfs are of course just way too little, way too late. Blizzard have to have looked at the awful participation and panic nerfed the raid. So many people have quit the game by now though. Playing on Alliance has never felt this dead.

I agree with this sentiment, its why I stopped playing and stopped caring about raids a few years ago.

I just couldnā€™t be bothered with schedules any more, I have enough to do so in a way Iā€™m a metric now of a player that just gave up on raiding not because of difficulty but because I just didnā€™t want to devote that much time to it anymore.
I had already started scaling back what I was doing so I didnā€™t really pursue the mythic raid race, a boss here or there some heroic raiding but not really devoted to it because it became something I wasnā€™t enjoying stupid mechanics, needing meta setups to do a boss that was badly designed from the get go.

But they can do what they want tbh, Iā€™m just returning after a long hiatus and donā€™t plan no doing anything that time consuming.

Shadowlands Patch 9.2 Hotfixes for May 4, 2022 - Slight Anduin Nerf - Wowhead News

Latest Anduin nerf

Very cool tactic of Blizzard just constantly nerfing the raid to make it seem like raid participation was not a disaster.

Hmm I think the problem lies more in the expectation of the average 2022 gamer to get the best gear in the game. I think itā€™d be amazing, if mythic raids gave the same ilvl gear as heroic, but had additional things on it like sockets and cool visual rewards like a special mount or transmog on various bosses, etc. Just things that makes mythic still something people wanna ā€œachieveā€ once and everyone gets the reward the first time they achieve it, but not for gear on a weekly schedule, and maybe also make it not reset automatically at the end of the week, unless you want it to be reset, so people can keep working on it over the expansion, but remove the special rewards after itā€™s over, so ppl have an incentive to do it during the expansion (not necessarily the patch).

little OT and unpopular opinion:
people discarding arguments just because streamer said them are on the same level as people blindly following them


Upcoming Sepulcher of the First Ones Raid Tuning - Jailer Nerfs - Wowhead News

More nerfs

There are like 600+ guilds stuck on M Anduin right now.

Sorry but this is clown balance, at this point people are almost in full BiS and they canĀ“t even get past M Anduin until Blizz nerfs him for the umpteenth time.


one problem with raids are that they are to long, 10 or 11 bosses in a raid is not a good idea, never realy was, considering to even get it to work they have to put in portals so you can skip, instead of making one 10 boss raid in to 2 raids, where both have a harder end boss, like Sepulcher could have been Anduin end boss in one and jailer in second.

like the botto, part one raid, with anduin last boss, and second raid starting with Dausagne leading up to the Jailer.

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Same These are Three words Words no one said ever :joy:

I mean, donā€™t you know, if whatā€™s his face says it, it must be trueā€¦
Or tho, I have yet to get a reasonable answer to why I should care how other people play the gameā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Or how 5 guilds doing RWF impacts me in any wayā€¦

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Oh god yes. They keep making ONE raid per tier with 10+ bosses instead making 3 raids with 4 bosses or even 1 bigger raid and 2 smaller ones. The worst part is that after doing the same raid on normal (during 1st patch and in current for tier sets), then heroic and then on mythic you get fed up of this incredibly quickly.

Also, I miss side raids with fixed easy difficulty to go there just for lolz. I really enjoy my time on Zul Aman since itā€™s quick and easy raid so we goof off on Discord while doing it. Current raids feel like theyā€™re just to sweat.


I agree that the normal/heroic raids are too difficult for most players. And the raiding participation rate is certainly dropping in wow.

But I donā€™t think it is entirely caused by RWF. WF mythic raiding is totally another thing affecting less than 1% playerbase. There are a lot of bad influence from RWF: boosting, token trading, gold, etc.

I am totally for REMOVING ADDONS in wow and reduce raiding difficulties. Todayā€™s combat addons like DBM, weakauras, etc. are too important and intelligent for raiding. They should be absolutely banned.

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