Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

Endgame content is meant to keep you busy and take time of you away. That’s by design the idea of it. To keep you busy in as many ways as possible to give the devs more time to design new content before the players get tired of the endgame.

Granted, WoW does not a very good job at it, but it is still the principle behind the Endgame.

And sometimes that effort can come close to being a job.

Mythic+ is the grey-area here. You can sometimes get fast into a group and sometimes you have to wait for 2h before you get the people you need.

This experience can vary based on key level. Everything below 20+ is considerably quickly full in the group tool. But higher keys can sometimes take ages to get ready. I am sure the one or other 40+ key person can tell you that.

Ahahaha, no.

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Keep laughing to yourself. I had such experiences several times now. It is the reason why I rather host or not engage higher keys than 10.


Because people check you up before they apply or invite you to a group. You’ve failed to time +4s. I wouldn’t join your groups nor invite you to a group either.

And upon further inspection, I can understand why you’re failing to time +4s. You’re doing like no dps for the gear you have. I’m doing like double your DPS on my alt that’s ilvl 237, if not more.

I never jumped into the mythic+ world but reading this makes it a world I never want to join.
I mean failing is a huge part of learning things. You cannot really expect people to improve without it.
Is this what WoW has become? Holy, it’s really time to die for this game.


very very rare that happens and its only when the person sets silly requirements

meta classes
4 set
3k + score
keys above 20

keys from 2-19ish do not take 2 hours to fill at all never have.

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You should learn your rotation to at least be pulling somewhat decent dps well before you even go into m+. There’s way too many people who don’t have half a clue about their rotations. Like, I don’t expect some monster DPS that has their rotation down to perfection but when people are being outdpsed by alts, that are 20 ilvls lower than them, you’ve got some serious issues going on with your rotation or you just don’t care at all.

Or it just doesn’t matter because someone overgeared carries the group anyway.
The point is: Dungeon done, fine.
Everything else is not of interest.

but the whole “I stalk you on the internet before I join a group” is a chinese internet level of lost.


If you don’t check people up, you’re going to have a very high failure rate in your groups. You can’t just join or make a group and be like “Yep, this group is going to do this just fine” with the tools Blizzard has provided us with.

Ok, a place where no one sane wants to go. Good luck with that when player numbers continue to fall.


Yeah the pug scene is notorious for burning people out
It’s their own raft they’re burning down tho, just find a bunch of friends and do the dungeons for fun now
With the current reward system doing it for loot is a waste of time anyway so you might as well just do it for fun and it can be fun if you do it with friends

The sane thing to do is to check people up before you do anything with them.

Ok, i looked you up and read your posts and I really wouldn’t want to join you in anything in WoW.
No offense, I just think that this kind of behaviour is one the main reasons this game is dying.


Nah, it’s people not trying to put any effort into learning the class and content they’re doing and expecting to get carried.

Or they bring a non fotm class or have bad gear, etc.
Yeah, that kind of elitism is hurtful to the game in general.


Idk, I liked following the RWF streams, gave me vibes of the first Lich King kill on heroic 25. Which was a show-off back then, also with the introduction of titles.

Personally, I don’t want to schedule my playtime (anymore). Raid finder is an okay alternative to see the content, although I don’t understand the option to watch the Jailer cinematic without it being available in the raid finder yet. Oh and the gear, aside from the tier is mostly useless at this point.

I don’t believe it’s impossible to pug at least normal mode, but of course it depends on the group of people. And maybe not on day one of release, but is that even a bad thing? To me, it would be strange that without putting in the effort of progressing, you expect to clear it and receive all rewards. Kind of entitled and elitist.

Going into m+ without knowing the basics of the content and your class is basically the same as going into ranked in OW on a new hero that you don’t know.

I’m not expecting some god-tier gamers. I expect the very basics. When I, as the healer, can beat a DPS on damage then they’ve got some serious rotational issues or they’re just blatantly AFKing and don’t care.

Attack a persons views not the person and that what you just said is toxic trying to take the higher ground.

Same, that exact attitude is holding me back too.

I havn’t touched the LFG tool since 7.1 and I do not plan to touch it ever again
I’m telling you the PUG scene is unwelcoming and this is your retort?
I’ll say it again
If you want a terrible experience do solo wow PuGs

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