Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

True but you’d still PvE for weapons. So again it was basically raid or die. Like I said.

Why would I PvE for weapons? The 2.2k weapon was stronger for PvP than any weapon from the raid.

nah it wasnt meant to be replay to your post . to much pink in this thread :slight_smile:

Ah fair yeah that’s happened often enough to me to know the pain o7

No they wont majority of players will do what is most efficient way to reach their goals. Fact that you saw majority of people pick their bis covenant over what covenant they find fun is one good example. Nobady cares what is fun. Fun will always take second place in desicion making.

That’s not true and you know it (if you played). Forgot the name now and too lazy to look it up but the two-handed sword with three red sockets from ice crown citadel was by far the strongest weapon for warriors.

Dual wielding that was basically God mode.

It is true.

There was no reason to use a raid staff/polearm and miss out on the 122 resilience. I needed that resilience.

Raid weapon;

PvP weapon;

The stamina difference was huge as well.

No, you either sat with a shield + 1h vs me or you died. Warrior comps were for the most part ezmode to kill in arenas as feral druid/disc priest, they had to hope they could murder the priest before I destroy the warrior or oom the healer by the damage I’m doing. They could barely go on the offense because that meant I did more damage on them, one cyclone and they could die if they weren’t using a shield and def stance.

I quit myself because with comin creation catalist theres actually no real upgrades for me to get in whole raid

Normal mode Anduin felt like fighting the freaking Lich King on 10 man heroic difficulty.

I get the point the OP is making about how WoW might be doing to the path of Wildstar


It really isn’t.

In WoW you’re basically facerolling to max level. In Wildstar you were getting slapped hard already in the lvling dungeons.

thanks for the insight.
I only knew wildstar as the game that failed due to being too hardcore.
Meanwhile WoW’s problem is that it is not consistent .


Call me crazy, but in my opinion raiding shouldnt be insanely challenging.

Raiding should be about bringing people together play and have fun. Its an MMORPG…

In my opinion Ulduar is the best raid ever released. Normal mode and hard mode. Sure a hard mode raid shouldnt be completed easily, but todays raids are way too challenging.


Luckily 1 response of a player on the forums does not define the ‘mythic+ world’ :slight_smile:

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The memories of everyone going all “What’s happening???” when we accidentally triggered XT’s hardmode. Holy…


SoF has been the easiest raid for I dont know how long time.

It will.


The 1% will. And they don’t matter. Really, they don’t.

People always have to keep telling you: You do NOT speak for other players.
You get annoyed? Is that it? Ok, cool. I don’t care.

Your opinion. And imo a bad take.
I don’t do M+ and don’t care about it, but I do think it has a place in the game because there’s plenty of people who DO enjoy it.


Tbf WoD was pretty dull outside of Raiding and PvP, sure it was jam packed with treasures and rares that rewarded useless items but nothing actually fun or worthwild. Blizzards solution to this was not to change the content but to make it mandatory. Pretty much take BfA and SL, make the outdoor content optional and you will get WoD with M+.

It was terrifying.

Hahaha… no.

You people forgot what the word “game” means.

Most clashes in this thread come exactly from those fundamental differences of perception: where does “game” end and “a job” begins?

When WoW annoys me, I shut down the PC and go chase some bright lights on my 58" TV in a random shoot-'em-up game on my Switch (and I have like 30 of those games). No more than 10 minutes later I have a silly smile on my face and I feel better. Next step: throw away the stressor altogether (hint: it’s WoW). But I’m not worried, I haven’t played in at least 5 years so it’s not a drag (yet).

I pity the poor people who got so invested in this addiction machine called World of Warcraft that they forgot how to actually have fun.

And your gatekeeping behavior might be one of the contributing factors for the game slowly dying, too. Who wants to get inside a game and be judged like they’re on a job interview? Less and less people, turns out!


Oh look, finally you and I agree on something. Cool, it’s a good first step I say.

To the other two people replying to you: I’m fully with you but still, playing competitive content does require some investment. I’m personally not into it anymore so I stay away and don’t ruin it for those that do care about it.

As I said just above, I’m all for fun in my games but doing some content does require some preparation and that’s ok – if we don’t want to do it, we don’t.