Asmongold is right RWF is ruining WoW

So tell me when you raid do you start from mythic ? When you PvP do you start from 2.4k ratting ? When you do M+ do you start from +15s?

I have seen this argument before and I will rebuke it the same way I rebuked it the other times with just 2 words “NARUTAL PROGRESSION”.

Where was this “path of least resistance” argument when you were talking about covenants pre-SL launch. Also how is M+ that rewards M+ gear exclusively going to be the “path of least resistance” for raiding if only raids rewarded raiding gear ?

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So progression must happen one fox tail at a time?

Best typo ever sir
I also do a lot of typos but none were as awesome

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Why not? I mean it’s not like its hard to catch up with gear itself (excluding system based stuff and tier gear). I mean M+ is spamable, PvP is spamable, Raids just need to up the drop rates. Also how I would imagine it it would be something like a tier set (or the torghast knowledge thing where you just upgrade a skill tree), these systems would not be as mandatory for lets say up to +10s, normal raiding and low rated PvP (I have no clue), but will be required for the higher difficulties.

It’s ma’am and ty, turns out I’m awesome even when I make mistakes.


I’ve been around for a long time and trust me, this “just” is on the level of “OMG I’ll have to cut off a limb before I allow it” for them. It’s very, very much not “just” in their eyes. I do get your point but Blizzard is super stingy. They have frozen their business strategy in a supposed sequence of actions that they believe prolong subscriptions and we’ll not change their minds.

That’s why many people on these forums say that Blizzard lost their way completely because they appeal to try-harders and race-to-world-first players. But, as every corporation, they’ll go all the way until they find out where their audience stops having it and only then will they adjust.

Mathematics is tyrannical like that because these trends are unfortunately super trivial to predict even for an amateur mathematician. So yeah. :frowning:


Noone force anyone to do this.

RWF is players choice.

But if many player so buthurt, then return raid lockout to normal-hc raids too.

Those groups were my own and aimed for completion itself, not for in-time completion.

Oh no, who cares? Ah yeah wait, right… The people that are not willing to take players not fitting their expectations. And then people here on the forums say “It is unrealistic that someone has to wait 2h to find a group” :wink:


10/10 troll post.

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Oh I am very aware of that fact. I am just making an argument and providing a possible fix to this situation. Idk about you but I was here during BfA and pre-SL launch where the community was pinpointing the pain points even before they released and it took Blizzard months and sometimes a year to provide a “corrupt a wish” solution to these pain points.

I would say that “many people” are wrong in that case. I used to be a “try-harder” and it never felt like the game appealed to me in anyway shape or form. Quite the opposite, it felt like the game was designed specifically to keep me away from the content I wanted to play. The more correct phrase would be the game is designed to counter the tryhards and WF-ers and it has a trickle down effect on the rest of the playerbase.

No, you are not forced to raid on mythic.

Why? It is true.

Blizzard holding a gun to your head if you dont RWF?

Imo its not about rwf but m+ doing +15 is much easier then organizing raid group so for most ppl aside for tier set there is no reason to even try(not even mentioning nerfs to raid drops and removal of bonus rolls) with tier pieces available for catalyst it will drop even more

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Yes and no. The game is mostly optimized around the try-harders. Try playing solo and just doing things in the world, or gods forbid, gear yourself for PvP in random battlegrounds. The whole experience can easily be summarzied as “lel”.

I mean OK, Zereth Mortis and stuff but that’s like 0.1% of all potential world content out there. It’s a shame the game is that huge and it always manages to sheep-herd people into sub-1% of its content…

But I get what you’re saying. If even the core target audience isn’t satisfied then Blizzard truly screwed up.

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She didn’t say mythic, just that she(going by character don’t @me) is forced to raid. Also she said as of today meaning the “creation catalyst” argument is still not valid.

Because you fail to understand that Blizzard supports RWF and design the game around it. (By making it even harder tier after tier)

That is all.


How? Normal mode is pretty ez.

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Yeah exactly. Trolling. Welcome to ignore list

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So everyone who does not agree with you is a troll?

You simply do not bring any arguments on the table, just make statements.

Yeah they make hard content, and?

Still players choice if they wish to play 0-24 or not. And i can still repeat myself, NOONE forced to do this (you and many have a hard time to understand this).

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