Atleast make frost dk viable

All dk specs are terrible now i droped 300 rating since the nerf and no one wants a dk in their comp anymore… It’s so bad that i am forced to gear my mage to play arenas.

Probably should just gear your mage as it will never be in a bad spot its one of the 2 blizzard love classes the other being rogue

Agreed can’t remember a time where mages weren’t viable.

Lol, dks are still viable just not free rating as they were.
And I really hope that aids frost won’t ever be back. We dont need another faceroll specc


Unholy is far from terrible even after the nerf, it isn’t THAT bad to drop 300 sr because of abo.
You just had an unlucky queue streak or you weren’t even that good to reach your sr, but your spec carried you. Choose the one that fits you more :slight_smile:
Dakkroth said it on stream and he was right, whenever I see high mmr 3v3 games uh dk does less pressure now but it’s still good enough with tsg and wwdk to be viable.


Peoples with R1 teammates can take much more than 2400. In S1 was only 1 UDK at 2700+, at top 100 and even higher than 2200 and it was Servantes, but they was absolutely terrible.
They are still not bad in hight dampening games or in 2-s, but who wants to lick walls 15 mins in 3-s? :smiley: They lost a lot of pressure after nerf and thats is not a surprise.

Disc priests out damage unholy how is that fine in your eyes? Heal absorb nerfed main burst nerfed unless the game goes 10 minute long we can’t kill anything games won’t go that long either with warlock caster comps and rmx running around you don’t know what you are talking about your exp proves that also.

Only if you don’t sit him. In 2s you pretty much need to pressure him and with the 2 stuns and 2 interrupts + grip he won’t be able to cast fck :).
Unfortunately you need to sit disc in 2s or you’ll lose. Bad design but still

In 2s sure in 3s however…

If you play any kind of melee clave you can fford to sit the disc, like literally they flop quite easily.

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Where are the melee cleaves ?? I only see rmx and warlock/casters btw no melle cleave will play with disc lol.

I’ve faced alot of tsg/wwdk and even Ret/warr. Beside those a single comp with assa/feral and one ret/feral
This was last week tho since I’m not home atm and not playing

Oh and forgot about arms/DH and dk/DH(even after the nerfs it’s still aids to face them esp as frozen chicken)

Sure, there’s still an option to drop abo and play something else :slight_smile:

It’s not happening so idk, unless there’s a huge gear/neck ilvl difference or a bad dk player but then it doesn’t matter anyway.

My exp? what does it have to do with your case?
I mean the last time I played arenas on retail “seriously” was in wod s1 where I wanted the warrior elite transmog badly so I’ve earned it as arms/resto shaman when none of these specs were “meta” in 2s (feral, frost dk, resto druid, disc and survival meta already).
Before that many years ago I was playing above 23-2500 mmr on AT before Cata when every serious retail player played there.
Nowadays I cap with guildies and that’s it, but I still have a much better win ratio on my dk than you and I don’t even play the spec :slight_smile: have fun rating bashing others mate.

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So last time you played pvp was in wod s1? I know now why you are clueless lol.

Just what the fk.
I see you clearly understood that I still do play arenas, just not competitively :slight_smile:
If I’m clueless then all the top dks who contribute to the dk discord are clueless as well :slight_smile:
After the necro and abo nerf there are daily questions about unholy viability and the dks playing higher than you or me all agree it’s still good.
Now go there and check the pvp section, they might have some tips for you :wink:

I think u never ever play DK and have no clue what u talking about, even weak abo have no alternative. 8 min cd(-3 runes) zombies thats do 150K(without boots in PvP) dmg in 30s timelife on 100% uptime is peace of :poop:. They even can do less on targets like lock or on any other with good physical absorbtion.

On us ladder dks play necromancer’s bargain, necro aura and amz above 2k5 without C&S.
No necrotic strike or abo and they still have a positive win ratio, it’s not even a new thing as I’ve been checking ladders since they introduced the nerfs/buffs to dk.

isnt this topic is about making FDKs viable? :smiley:

They have PvP essences thats give them free PvP talent NS. But if u can show me the video, where they drop abo in hight rated games thats shows that this talent is just terribad as hell, coz other talents is about def mostly.

He said this, my little DK :

C&S is the essence you speak of. So he told you they do not play it. Read. Indeed on us ladder sole DKs have dropped abo and Necro, I’ve seen a couple of these too, but it’s clearly not everyone.