Atleast make frost dk viable

Show me few vidoes with suceesfull games on hight rated MMR. I’ve interested to watch. Thats peoples play without NS on low elo i know, i dropped NS coz its useless in RBG for example and do low pressure without dampening.

P.S.I see ur friend is typing a lot. I will not answer on wall of text. I want only one in this - show me the videos or stream. Thank you.

Well it is, but the reason why OP wanted to buff frost dk was because of his opinion about unholy’s strength in rated pvp after the 8.2 nerfs so I’d say we didn’t derail the topic yet.

You’re right, but I’m not sure if the players who still play necrotic strike and abo have played games since the nerfs, the ones who have adapted talents on the armory surely did.
So let’s say what you said: it’s not everyone.

I’d like to see videos about adapted dks as well, sadly I didn’t find any videos until now about it.
But it doesn’t mean it’s not true.

Do you even play the game? Do you even know what essences are ? At this point i am certain you don’t play the game at all.

And at this point I’m certain you can’t understand written sentences.

The one that gives you free Necrotic strike pvp talent.

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I do not have, actually I noticed DKs had dropped that talents because I was watching other classes face DKs on NA a night I couldn’t sleep… I don’t watch DK players very often so I can’t tell you names, sadly.

All dk streamers i know are gone or playing other classes.

Same with arms streamers, still the spec is at it’s peak in BfA.

Arms warrior is trash

U must be joking right?

1 player mix their essences for M+ and logout. Other player watch his armory - “ow, he is playing without PvP essence, thats for sure.”

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It’s not trash now that it got buffed multiple times and benefit a lot from essences. Not god tier but clearly amongst good specs.

This 2 talents makes them(UDK) viable in PvP abo and NS, if they dropped(hight rated or TOP players but im not sure about it) thats shows only 1 that this talent is garbage right now. And i need videos of succesfull games from hight rated player, not low elo. On low elo even BDK can win/win.

In the current meta arms warrior can’t do anything against most of the comps just look up the ladder it’s rmx/warlock/dh in top 100

It can with a Ret for instance. The new freedom talent when given to a warrior makes it destroy anything.

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Haven’t seen that comp in years problem with warrior is the damage arms is too much aoe and cleave they need to make arms like mop arms and buff execute ffs i played arms back then it felt like you were doing damage when you reached the target.

nLite won a series with it last AWC. I personally feel like Arms does deal damage with all the damage buffs it had during the last months, and even more recently. Again, not T1 spec and not oneshotting people on a Charge but it’s far from weak in terms of damage and disruption.

I have watched smexxins stream yesterday, there were a lot of high ranked dks playing frost in NA. It did not look too bad. Smexxin said frost is back and definately be viable. With up to 30k cleave dmg, heartstop aura and blood r3 fdks will find its way in this current meta, even in eu in the next days…


I’ve watched some streams too on 2.5K+ MMR and saw FDK in TSG and they win hight rated Dlock+Fmage. Actually more and more UDK reroll to FDK.

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Not true, UH DK still A tier, not S anymore but the same level as Arms and Ret, only WW and Assa are ahead now

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