Atleast make frost dk viable

At least redact it to have some sense… idk

Even cdews team told that they will try with the nerf comening

Coz they can’t play RMX and cdew can’t play anything other than Rshama on pro scene.

Yeah, Shadenox said he saw games against dks with the setup we mentioned.
Even in EU there are dks playing like that.

He is good with mw as well

Who is he? And give me the videos on hight MMR or R1 players, I need to watch. Said and be viable(sucessfull) on hight MMR without this 2 strong PvP talnets is pretty different things.

So he can heal melee cleaves mostly.

As I said it above I can’t give you videos about dks playing without the said talents. I will not repeat myself, if you still deny that uh dk is viable idc, your loss :slight_smile:

No videos- means bull :poop:. Goodbye. He is playing on 2K MMR, one my comrade DH playing in 2 DPS + tank on the same MMR - this is good comp?

You’re literally calling out a blizzcon champion on not being able to play anything else than rshaman, yet you can’t even play arena on an uh dk.
Makes much sense doesn’t it?
Inbefore you call me a fanboy, no I’m not but he still miles better than youll ever be

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I don’t care about him, u called his name - i answered to u, thats all. Any other questions?

So if something isn’t on twitch or youtube it must be fake?
Check dk discord mate, there you’ll meet many high rated dks who’ll tell you it’s true :slight_smile: and as someone said above frost dk is pretty good with r3 bote essence.
It doesn’t need buffs for sure.
Also I’m against 3button specs being viable, but that’s just my opinion.
When people tell you facts you just don’t care because it doesn’t meet your own opinion.
It was fun having this little discussion with you, if we can call it a discussion when you deny everything and can’t bother yourself with checking if it’s true or not.

Goodbye my friend as i said. Was nice to talk.

P.S. As for FDKs this player played it in TSG thats i watched if i’m not mistaken.

100% Dk Player.

Blizzard: Nerf is Incoming!

DK Player: Ragequit, broke PC and Keyboard kills his Family.

Being the most overtuned Specc (besides DH) for one whole Season isnt enough?


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No im telling about talents, i don’t care about nerfs. I will play it whatever happens.

You’re just complaining about poor Uh Dks.


That’s not even a discussion, everyone just stands behind his opinion.

Just played frost for few games damage is fine but i feel like unholy has more things other than damage frost needs to make it up for the damage but it doesn’t i think frost dk needs a rework.

Unholy is better in hight dampening games, but u need to survive somehow until that, anyway time will show. As i saw a lot of players said that they lost a lot of pressure in burst phase after nerfs. I I would try it myself on FDK, but i don’t have any 1-d weapons and too lazy to farm, and ofc i’m preffer UDK and farmed all secondary stats to UDK.

Games rarely go to high damp these days with all these rmx/warlock comps running around.

Did RMX suddenly disappeared from that season? If UDK hard countered heals (the only thing it was good for) suddenly we call that overtuned…ok. If you look on ladder there were healthy amount of every good spec, before nerfs…now slowly starting to go down, AGAIN, back to pre 8.1.

TBH melee cleaves are harder to heal than setup comps in most scenarios. It is arguably easier to play as a dps but you need a really good healer!