It doesn’t matter if I am using addons to help me or not, the Auction House just runs extremely slow.
I’m playing on the Firemaw realm, so its not a small server but certainly not the biggest these days and as of writing this forum thread its around 13.15, so not the most busy hour either.
I know its prepatch time and there are more people active, but even before the prepatch when there was nothing really to do in the game, the AH was still extremely slow compared to the retail AH.
It just feels like such a pain to have to use the AH.
Would it really be that difficult to implement the retail AH system and adjust the code so it fits to WotLK?
It’s just SO much faster and better and you dont lose out as much, if you’re not running AH addons with the retail AH system either.
it’s not worth the time to post auctions right now. idk how people are putting up with it, im gonna have to make some more alts to hold materials at this rate, can’t sit at the AH all day
Myeah agreed… Thats why I made this thread, cus I dont feel like “putting up with it” not sure its gonna change anything tho, and if not, there really isn’t anything we can do except play the game I guess…
If there is one change they shoulda done it’s retail AH, which fixes all this. Rather than sitting there thinking about changing the entire 2nd half of WOTLK so that we have to raid Ulduar until Legion comes out.
The AH is really slow and buggy with addons and just a bad experience without then nowadays. Sometimes I buy no items after clicking buyout 5 times, other times I buy more items than needed due to internal auction error.
AH barely working now because it’s under heavy load, and in a while that load will lower but then zombies are coming to spawncamp auctioneers.
Guess I’m not selling or buying anything until wotlk.
I have the same problems. I use the AH daily as a part of my gameplay, as i like to use TSM and have fun making gold. Right now, one of my key joys with the game is gone, and posting and buying on the AH with TSM is not a thing you can do. I could understand if it was some small buggy quest no one does, but this is the AH and blizzard is a big big company. Almost to unreal to believe that they just dont give a fuk about such a big part of the game not working… I kinda get LoTR online vibes.
Yes its still terrible, not even remotely close to acceptable, for such a big corporation to offer its playerbase… Just get rid of this outdated AH system and implement the retail one even if it requires some coding work.
Useless answer from them, again theyre trying to deal with the problem in the easiest way possible, instead of doing some actual work.
I mean if youre not using addons for this old AH here, youre really at an enormous disadvantage… But the new retail AH is actually not bad, you can use that just fine with no addons.
This issue needs to generate way more outrage, so that they can finally see it’s absolutely not acceptable to handle anything this way.
I’m not paying to wait hours just to post a few auctions, either fix your damn servers, or fix the whole system, which you purposefully neglected since the dawn of time.
You make a totally unusable auction house and expect addons to fix the experience, sure, okay. Then you kill the addons, because they hurt your precious servers, and you say you MIGHT consider doing something about the issue later?!
Do you honestly expect people to pay for an experience that’s lightyears worse than what they could get for free?
People rewrote your whole code from scratch over the years, in order to provide private servers, and lo and behold, they work much better than your own genuine version. How is that supposed to be acceptable?
We live in the era of cloud computing, handling an auction house in a performant and scaleable way shouldn’t pose an issue for anyone worth their salt in the industry.
Or is this your way of admitting that all good developers already left your company a long time ago?
Wake up, we need an answer, and a solution.
Even if it’s just a temporary one until you get your sh*t together. (which should start happening real soon btw if you want to keep any of your playerbase)
I logged in around 7 am and as of now 1 hour later I stilll haven’t been able to cancel all my auctions. I’m using TSM and I’m using the Cancel scan. This is the gameplay that I always wished for, SO THRILLING!
I decided to just cancel all my auctions without the cancel scan but by using the blizzard ui instead… I’m still being throtteled for just manually canceling 1 auction at a time. Blizzard this is not acceptable.
Addons can’t request less than 1 page no matter how efficient they are. Requesting even just the first page is inexcusably slow.
Please do enlighten me how the addon devs could fix that.
Note: All the addons I use already request only the first page when I’m searching.
Also do tell me: how did this work perfectly fine in the original WOTLK?
If you want to tell me people didn’t use addons back then, I can’t take any of your words seriously anymore.
The original AH was unusable since vanilla, people (including me) were used to addons long before WOTLK. Actually, I used the same addons back then as well.