Auction House Lag

The Blue Post guy already stated that they were attempting to address an issue Sunday.

Also, I can’t recall seeing a comparable problem with any of the previous releases since Legion. Sure, slower response times, and no one would complain about that, but not this.

If I wanted to post my usual ~1000 auctions these days, I would have to spend the whole night – or use a script that does the job while I’m AFK. But maybe that’s OK for Blizz?

Same with the AH throttle (introduced 18 months or so ago):

This measure favors multiple account holders par excellence. I have only 2 accounts, and I’m not botting, but doing a cancel scan every 2 or 4h for 1000 auctions (which is nothing extreme) is simply undoable with one single account, it would take the half day.

With two accounts, it becomes doable, but not yet OK.

With more accounts, the problem simply disappears! So, botters (who tend to have more than 2 accounts) are simply not affected by this throttle, they are encouraged.

Think about that.

Bots are a huge problem, but not in this particular case, and Blizz loves (or needs) them anyway.