Auction House Lag

Blizzard ANY ETA on when u finally fix it? It is so annyoing


Guys you need to remember this is a small indie company! In all seriousness this is an absolute joke Blizzard sort it out. Not been able to refill the AH for days now as I don’t have like 4 hours to do a 5 minute task!!


Aggramar is really horrid as well. Thought it was the throttle that kicked in due to the launch, but since Im not cancelscanning and just posting/buying oldschool-way, there should have been no penalties like that, and after some of my mailbox clears didnt add up with the amount they should have, so I went here to check.
After reading some of the comments here, I just posted a bunch of random junkitems to check and almost half of them went missing after posting. So thats mostly proff tools and mats thats gone etc.
First my guildbanks and now my AH items. Im not sure how to counter items going randomly missing, but I do know that Im not very happy about it

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Hey all,

Our developers addressed an issue Sunday with the auction house, but it looks like this is coming back. This has been reported to our developers for further investigation. :pray:

Thank you for your patience, and feel free to keep posting about AH delays (including your realm name, and the time it takes for the AH to respond, for example).


Sadge… I can’t cancel my auctions so i can change faction and spam random HC’s with my gang :stuck_out_tongue: Feels bad. Also, old items seem to be stuck in the “Auctions” tab, stuff that is not even up anymore.

When i try to cancel auctions it just says “Item not found”. This happens on stuff that i know is not on the AH anymore and also on stuff that i know is on the AH.


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Aggramar server.

I just went in and tried out different things both with and without tsm.
There were no differences of note.

Delay of up to 10 secs just opening AH.
Theres auctions showing from other chars (as in I can see what my blacksmith has posted on my tailorchar) and items going missing from auctionlisting as soon as I posted them. and there was no "X amount of item in bags/bank ) they were just not being tracked/seen anywhere.
It took over 5 mins before they started to appear again. I took screenshots with timestamps.
Cancelling auctions is painfully slow as well and when they finally do cancel, even when going in and canceling one item at a time, they will still appear on AH listing afterwards.
Now they are being tracked as simultanous being listed on AH and as being in my bags.
Buying items is close to impossible, as AH is so slow that “Item is Unavaible” is pretty much the only thing happening. Listings are gone way before Ah updates.

Archimonde-EU Server

Laggy everyday since the first EA days. Makes it almost unusable efficiently.
About 5-10 secondes for every action (posting, refreshing, canceling etc.)

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the ah is laggy because BOTS using addons sending 100s of requests per minute to the AH server…

solution: find and ban THE BOTS

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Aggramar server, same issue as described by OP

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The Auction House is utterly unusable atm, I’ve spent the past 10 minutes trying to buy some crafting materials and it’s doing NOTHING. Everytime I click buy now its always 'Item unavailable" regardless.

It’s also caching items at lower prices being spammed by bots, that don’t exist but are shown as being active .

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On Azjol-Nerub EU, it is very slightly better today.

Two days ago I said “The lag feels as if the maximum AH throttle is always active”, today it feels like at 75% of max. throttle, i.e. a post or cancel takes “only” 2 or 3s. (This, of course, without having posted or canceled anything before the test, i.e., a post or cancel should be more or less immediate. And it doesn’t matter which addon I use, TSM, Auctionator, or the Blizz one.)

Opening the AH (clicking the auctioneer NPC) takes about 4s.

Same problem on Argent Dawn, MASSIVE lag… can´t buy anything…
7 sec to open AH
and same problem with my auctions not showing when i post.


I think the problem with the posted auctions not being listed is also caused by the delay. At the moment for example I see the auctions that I have posted 20min ago listed, but not (yet) the ones I posted in the last few minutes.

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Looks like AH is down now, can’t post just stuck on searching and also if you try to look under any category it’s just no items found (Twisting Nether)

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Aszune EU

Same thing here. Takes over 5 seconds for auction to open and then trying to post something takes an age. Thought it may have been due to the new release today but seems not. Hope they can fix this soon.

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Mornings are a bit fine. But after 9-10 AM, it’s getting laggy. Every expansion we have same issue. I think you should focus constant auction house users. New rare items get sniped with addons/programs but they run scanning almost all day. There are undercut/buyout people, I think they use automated programs. Those people might be the reason because they use multiple accounts at same time and they keep auction house busier more than any other player.


The Blue Post guy already stated that they were attempting to address an issue Sunday.

Also, I can’t recall seeing a comparable problem with any of the previous releases since Legion. Sure, slower response times, and no one would complain about that, but not this.

If I wanted to post my usual ~1000 auctions these days, I would have to spend the whole night – or use a script that does the job while I’m AFK. But maybe that’s OK for Blizz?

Same with the AH throttle (introduced 18 months or so ago):

This measure favors multiple account holders par excellence. I have only 2 accounts, and I’m not botting, but doing a cancel scan every 2 or 4h for 1000 auctions (which is nothing extreme) is simply undoable with one single account, it would take the half day.

With two accounts, it becomes doable, but not yet OK.

With more accounts, the problem simply disappears! So, botters (who tend to have more than 2 accounts) are simply not affected by this throttle, they are encouraged.

Think about that.

Bots are a huge problem, but not in this particular case, and Blizz loves (or needs) them anyway.

Search is working 50% of the time. Some items have wrong required level showed that doesn’t match the actual required level.

I thought there was a beta test to catch these things.

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Outland is broken beyond a joke

What we need is easier way to repost/cancel in auction ui. We wouldn’t need any other auction addons. If x player uses 10x accounts at same time in big realms, scans items for buying cheap with addon, wouldn’t it be a unnecessary burden to server? Asking server, do you have this group of items all day. Imagine 1000 people doing same thing at same time while normal players trying to buy bismuth ore to level their engineering and they can’t because auction house is lagging. Ofcourse undercut/buyouters are making things harder because especially when server is lagging because they and other players are trying to buy same item same time and if they are using automation, you would try to buy 1x item for 10 minutes. So don’t tell me bots are not a problem in this case.Main objective of auction house is buying and selling. Rest should not be there.

There was intense lag at auction house in dragonflight. BFA had same issue.