Auction House Lag

Transactions from both bought and sold items aren’t arriving in the mail. This is on Draenor.

[Ravencrest] : Items disappearing after listing and cancelled auction still visible in my list. Opening the window of the AH takes around 4 seconds.

You are aware that most of the times when you buy reagents, you are probably buying reagents that come from bots? So, they “are selling”. The buying part is you, so who “should not be there”?

There is no way to stop bots at the AH, that is too late. You have to stop them from botting reagents gathering or whatever sort of resource acquisition, i.e. you have to stop them from participating in the game. (E.g. rigorously banning.)

They’re not undercutting because they’re scripting the AH UI (they are, but that’s the smaller issue), they can afford to undercut prices that much because it’s still profitable for them because they’re botting, meaning they’re selling quantities that no normal player could ever sell.

But as I said, this is a constant problem, and Blizz is apparently doing nothing (or half-assed stuff) about it (and on the AH level, they even encourage it, see my post), and this is indeed a huge problem, but it is certainly not significant to the AH crippling lag problem we are currently facing.

I can live with the delays just not with the fact that items disapear… and items that are no longer available still being listed. Delays are inconvenient ofcourse but the other mentioned issues are much more severe!


Are you sure they disappear? I just checked my auctions again, and everything I posted 3h ago seems to be listed now. (Some of them were not listed last time I checked, so a bit of patience seems to be needed :wink: )

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I have a few items that i still cant see after 24 hours i usually list for 48h so it may still sell or return, it wasnt anything ill lose sleep over.

Still you cant cancel what you cant see so if one makes a mistake and forgets a 0 theres no way to undo the mistake same if you are undercut and want to relist. Even 3 hours is beyond unacceptable then.

I’m generally very patient, but considering what people pay for this game and the importance of the AH i feel one should expect a more permanent fix. Its not like its been problem free before TWW either.

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Furydin-Ravencrest. I am currently experiencing delays of up to 2-3 mins for AH searches and posting items takes about 90-120secs per item with the default UI

I am also getting errors (This Item Cannot be Found) when trying to purchase non-commodity items from the AH (for example the new 38 slot reagent bags). If I repeat the search the errant listings remain present.

These issues have been reliably reproducible since the start of early access. There was a brief improvement on Sunday but it only lasted a few hours.

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EU Twisting-Nether getting worse when you use auction house. Searching every time every try to sell and it is so slowly and lag.

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In a week, the blizz couldn’t fix this problem! Maybe it’s time to hire employees not based on gender deviations, but on professional qualities??

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AH is completely down, its just an endless search
Gordunni EU


At around 10:30 this morning, it started out “good” at Azjol-Nerub EU, posting one item took only about 2s.

Suddenly, around 11:00, it stopped working completely, every posting attempt is stuck with fetching item info (“Searching…”). I opened the event tracer and there’s not a single AH-related event to be seen. It’s like I’m not connected to AH at all.


Also horribly lagging here on Connected-Kult der Verdammten.
I even lost an enchantment I cancelled yesterday. it seemed to be not cancelled but when I clicked on the cancel button, the error message said that “the item was not found”. It never came back. It’s neither still in AH, nor in mail. It’s just lost.

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It’s pathetic. The only ones who can use the AH are bots and people using heavily automated addons (so basically bots too!).
The AH has been bugging since atleast 3 days!!

Thanks Blizzard for an AH that can not be used by the average player that doesn’t use a bot/addon :clown_face::clap:t3:

What a joke.

It really is overdue to do something against bots & these addons, but blizzard would rather implement EA & some store mounts than to fix their game :sob::sob:

AH is VERY slow on Ravencrest. Items dissapear after I list them and sometimes I cant list anything at all…

Also the game itself is too laggy


Bronze Dragonflight EU
Same issue.
Taking forever to get the window to open, and almost every item I try to purchase it says not available. When posting items myself, it takes a long time to show up. Sometimes it doesnt show until I reload the window or exit and enter the AH window again.

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It’s horrible, you cant even see your auctions or if you sold something and all you see is bots running up and down from mailbox to ah/ or bots contstantly scanning, placing items way lower hoping other players fall for that trick. It is really time for an item lock, placed then give a lock for at least 15 min.

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The Auction House is (or was during multiple times) completely unusable.

Not sure how to fix this with all the addons & bots, but something has to be done here…

It’s been terrible since a couple of days now…


Alonsus-EU also having the same issue

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Tarren mill - EU. problem is still there, and actually ALOT worse, the chat is also horribly lagging. and before any blizz people try to say it, i’ve removed all my addons, and even done the usual stuff with the files to reset them, and the problem is still there, so not an addon problem, this is a problem at YOUR side blizz, not player side.


(Twisting Nether) Please do something fluquently . It’s realy hard to get even one material on ah.