Auction House Lag

Can you not fix this already? Its been days now and its lagging so hard. Even tho noone buys what you’re trying to buy, it just says ‘its gone’ and yet the stock remains the same.

How hard can it really be to make it work properly?

:warning: CS is aware of this issue. For more information, please follow this thread in the Customer Support section. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.


It’s their first expansion… give them a break.

Oh, wait…


Optimizing network infrastructure for millions of players didn’t get that much easier. I’m just grateful we have somewhat smooth launch discounting AH lag.

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Yep. AH Items might not appear for several minutes.

They only had 2 years since the regional AH got introduced which immediately super lagged the AH.


My daily AH posting that used to take 15 minutes, now would take 4 hours. Quite impossible to post farmed transmogs since TWW start

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Is it 2? Thought it was a patch late in df?

Some month in 2022

Garbage system says theres no stock however I can see 9999999 on AH.

It updated SO slowly.

Just BAN TSM and similar addons which drag it down. Impossible to buy anything and you cant even OVERPAY bcos the dumb system doesnt allow.


And yet… it never was this problematic and that Add-on has been around for a while now.
No I don’t use the add-on. I just think your proposed solution is rather simplistic.

right now the only way to get something out of AH is to get an addon and keep spamming macros and hope you accidentally buy something :smiley:
Amazing job Blizz, well done! :clown_face:


i mean do i really have to say it. Title says it all

I’ve been using it, sure it’s slow, but it’s not useable.

I havent been able to buy anything for 20 minutes when i finally dont get “item isnt avaible” it just loads till i close AH.

Oh, the item isn’t available.

Yeah, I had that when trying to buy something earlier today. I just relogged, bought something else that I needed and then went back to the previous item and then it was working fine.

There are indeed problems with this expansion and I hope they get resolved, once they stop using their interns to do things.

works fine but you have to exit and login again to make it “work”

Its not the interns its cross region AH that higher ops wanted. Which tbf is a good idea if they just wanted to make the AH actually work besides at 1-7 am

I have no trouble selling, BUYING is another matter, which begs the question, who is buying all the stuff I sell? I can’t seem to buy anything I want

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Takes 20-60 seconds to post things

Its super obnoxious at this points it honestly just faster to farm the herbs myself and send it to myself than buying it on the AH.

Dunno about you but that sounds like its not working

If everyone has this problem, who actually buys all of it? Bots? I was never able to buy something off the AH that cycles a lot.

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When I am selling herbs I’ve farmed, people are buying them before the AH UI even lets me list the next item out of my bag.

It’s no suprise that people are struggling to buy things.

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