Auction House Lag

The problem with the stackable items is that lots of people are buying them simultaneously. The lowest priced items are usually low quantity like 10-50. And theyre sold immediately.
Solution: buy from someone with a larger stock (and higher prices ofc).
Or Blizz could temporarely ‘shard’ the stackable items.

Yea let me do that when the AH ui doesnt allow you to do that. Thanks for the advice

im so fked up with this ah sistem . i cant even buy some bags for my second chrt. what the f is going on???

What do you mean? Because of lag?
Or bug?

What do you mean? Because of lag?
Or bug?

Neither. That’s just how it’s designed. You can only buy at the cheapest price for stackable items. You can’t select who to buy from, you can just say how many you want and it’ll buy the cheapest it can
This is what causes the issue, because with everyone all trying to buy at the same time, everyone is attempting to buy the same cheapest items

No, you got a list of everything starting from the lowest price. You can choose to buy whatever you want.

Be careful however, if you click on someone selling eg 2000 items, that amount is selected automatically, you got to correct that yourself.

I would love to see what your auction house looks like, because that’s not been possible for years now as far as I know
I click on a specific listing and it tries to buy the cumulative total of all the listings that are the same price or cheaper than the one I clicked on. No way of changing it

I look for ‘Bismuth’ in Reagents.
I click on eg ‘Bismuth (lowest quality)’ and get a list of all the available stuff arranged by price with the quantity available at each price.
I click on the price I want and buy the amount I want.

yea and then it automatically puts all the cheaper prices into it at the same time, but thank you for making it even more clear you got 0 clue what you are talking about

And… character undelete still down.
Genuinely can you please point out what I’m doing wrong if you are somehow able to do it?
I mean no offense, but it feels more likely that you just don’t notice it automatically changing what was selected

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No, it doesn’t but you need to be sure to go up high enough in the pricelist. Eg someone with 1000 items 10th best choice may sell out quickly.

Lets just praise sharding with minute of silence.
Same thing, every new xpack xD

Yea thats annoying aswell

So either you are a troll :clown_face: or a dumb :clown_face: you can pick your choice.

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Link does not work, but just look on
Auction house for everyone
On the first image you see on the right all the available items.
You just choose the one you want, cheapest is default.

Okay well I thought maybe there was a communication issue somewhere, but now I know you’re just trolling :sweat_smile:
That image on Wowhead’s “Auction House for everyone” page is preceded immediately by

What is a commodity? Basically, anything that stacks and uses this interface where you automatically buy the cheapest of however many you need…

So your reference image goes against your argument :rofl:

(Link for anyone that wants to see the page

Checked it and there’s indeed a problem with buying low quantities if there are lots of small quantity offers.
My bad. :slightly_frowning_face:

No worries :sweat_smile:
It’s an intended feature, it’s just that it falls apart completely when a lot of people are buying at the same time :upside_down_face:

It’s even worse for selling :stuck_out_tongue: It takes 30-45 mins for stuff I post to appear in the listings so by the time it appears it’s already been undercut by the stuff other people posted an hour ago that also just appeared :smiley:

Basically you can’t choose which items you buy, you just input the quantity and it automatically buys the cheapest ones.