Auction House Lag

removing the scamming is a start id say, but the lag is pretty frustrating

THIS is so sad to see and to have the exact same Problem…

Damn this is bad

Can they not just figure out the accounts that actively snipe the cheapest auctions and reposts them or something? Yes, there are tons of people like myself spending 30 minutes to buy 10x of an item and having the error message countless times, but bots are the main reason of this lag. Or stop the region wide AH altogether? I was hopeful that I was gonna get my professions up, with 0 luck since pre-release. Getting worse by day. It needs to go back to the way it was. ASAP.

A small way to fix ya issue guys, Auctionator addon has a slightly different UI, and seems to help me buy items. its not a bot or anything just a different ui…

Where we at Blizzard? Firing 1900 people and shilling EA how about you hire some decent devs that know what they are doing and pay them correctly? Just and idea. Also how about communication? Clowns.

I have found something via testing. I can buy items just fine on Chamber of Aspects, but if I try on high pop realms all I get is item not found.

Still no fix? Ye sure :wink: Why fixing the thing that was working fine since 20 years

An update has been posted by our developers in this thread: Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September