Auction House Lag

I bet they could prevent these things, but it would require spending resources that will be useless after couple of weeks, so instead they decided to save the resources, maximalize the profit and just hire few more guys to keep forum in check during this duck up period :smiley:
Obviusly its more profitable to just save resources, dont improve the infrastructure and keep milking the money, they know these problems always subdue after initial hype is over.

its not down, its just unusable for regular players.
Meanwhile, the biggest AH goblins with an army of bots are scaming people for milions of gold coins ever few minutes, yay! :smiley:

I am at the AH for the past hour and can’t buy anything lmao

Its incredibly annoying! Not only are we losing items we try to post on AH (Ive lost 50k worth of reagents), buying stuff is almost impossible with the “The Item Was Not Found” message… This is incredibly stupid.

If bots are really the cause for that traffic I would love to see Auction House Addons being banned which is long overdue.

The AH is completely unusable no matter if you are a veteran or a beginner. Clicking on a bunch of items and just receiving errors message is not how an auction house should be working.

Please site sources that aren’t “I made it up”. :rofl:

Absolutely unusable. Doesn’t matter which time of the day.

Early morning? Lag

Noon? Lag

Afternoon? Lag

Evening? Lag

Late at night? Lag.

Imagine paying 15$ for this crap.

As someone who likes to buy/sell and play around AH, this is really unacceptable. Really poor first impression, no updates from blizz and resolution is not in sight.

I won’t be surprised if players start with refunds as main game features are not working.

dont you realize, that bliz are not even aswer us about these problem. what a shame

how do you lose 50k for not being able to sell mats? others will not be able to sell or buy the mats either

Hes talking about those items he managed to post on AH and they are not showing anywhere.
Luckily as far as i know nothing is disappearing in AH, its there somewhere, only the AH isnt showing it in “auctions” tab.

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I thought he meant that the materials for the release of the new addon are bought for a lot of gold and that’s why he loses 50k because he can’t sell them and the players buy them from other players. It’s true that some prices are high at the beginning and become cheaper over the course of the addon

sorry, i translated with google

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No AH no issue. Easy fix

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AH cosed atm.
Fix incoming?

Its been closed for a while.I read smth like 8 hours on another thread…
Hope they ll open it soon…it s getting annoying not being able to buy or sell anything for such a long time.

AH was closed for half a day and they fixed nothing. Still laggy af, still can’t buy anything. “The item was not found” error on any item.

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Item not Found.
Can’t buy anything.

What a great thing to come back to!

i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM i love TSM


Top tier AH experience right here.

There is now a delay between successive items put up for sale. About 10 secs imo.
Fixes the scamming but not the ‘item unavailable’ for stackable items.