Auction House Lag

Trying to buy 1 item, there are 1900 on stock at lowest price but everytime I try and buy it says its gone - NO CHANCE. Its just so slow at updating.

Just do the right thing and BAN all these addon uses. Shouldve been done 10years ago.


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so basically ah is broken for more than 16 hours now, and its unplayable at the moment. Can we at least have an answer Blizzard?


It’s because bots are constantly creating and cancelling actions. Easiest solution would be to add 24 hour period before you can cancel your auction.


That’s not really a good solution either, because you might post something at the wrong price by mistake, if you can’t remove it for 24 hours, that item you meant to post for 2500g went for 25g and there’s nothing you can do.

However, rate limiting people who post and cancel so you can’t do it more than a couple of times in a row would be something, presuming they’re not just doing it once per bot, it would hopefully discourage them from doing so as they could lose their original items.

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Took 32 attempts to buy a herb this morning because of the constant cancel/relist and people fishing by dropping prices 20% to try and steal some misposts.

It’s the lowest price stack that is constantly being hammered, so we either need ways around that price constantly being updated in a slow system, or we need limits on reposting because it’s almost unusable for core materials.

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Its disgustingly slow, internal error occurs, AH disabled at the moment or simply loading forever. In the best case it takes like 10 second to post an item…

absolutely unacceptable, prices not updating for hours, can’t delist items, can’t do anything. It’s really bad.

Now the entire server starts laggin, i hope its not the AH lag spreading everywhere now :smiley:

Contstant message item no longer available. Cant buy consumables, mats, gear. Been playing this game since around 2007 and never seen crap like this.

worst part is when u are trying to buy bulk and u just get item now costs twice as much do u still wanna buy ???. then u cancel and c the price app isnt twice, but then when u buy it is twice ?_? the lag is real

Blizzard have at least acknowledged there are problems and they are working on it:

is that some kind of trolling ?

Its almost impossible to buy consumable/reagents/enchants, due to “This item is no longer available”
I have found no acknowledgement by blizzard that this issue exists.
Whats the deal?

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I have a feeling the only way this is going to be resolved is if they move the AH database onto a fresh server or slip them between server clusters to try and balance the load.

I doubt they’ll say anything any time soon, as they’ve got their Amazon Book Interns working on trying to find a solution without having to spend money.

Please see:-

The Auction house is such a Potato experience

Today i used 10 mins to buy 40 of a specific reagent - the constant “Searching” and item not avalibel is just not good enough.

  1. Add an option to buy items with eks. +10% to -10% of the current price or something similar. (make it like a slider maybe? +100% - 50% or something similar that u can target inbetween what you like
  2. Make me be able to target the big stacks to save time like in the good old days.
  3. Update the AH system to implement a scanner for inventory so u can select what items to sell and the slider option so u Liquidate the items to be sold at your set price + slider option.
    Make it scan inventory and post it all when set - a Blizzard version of TSM maybe?!

The AH needs LOVE ! :moneybag: :money_with_wings:

You might like to see this thread

And yes I agree it needs better features to be able to cope with this.

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It is literally unusable. It’s so slow that the item has been gone for weeks before the game even grasps that you want to buy it. Listings of equipable gear at a low price even STAY listed long after they’ve been sold. It was like this for MONTHS back in Dragonflight launch as well.

Bring back server-only auction house, since this “invention” clearly doesn’t work and never has. It’s either that or change how items are stored and accessed on the back-end.

Please see