Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

the thing with the AH is that players using addons like shoping list what is does they lock 100 items or what they want and before they even pres buy nobody els can buy it for some time blizzard need to do something about these addons and disable them

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People don’t read pinned posts however there is both a thread in general discussion and one in CS.

It’s practically unusable and extremely frustrating to try and use. It is not fit for purpose.

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Getting so fed up on this crap. Takes me litterally an hour to buy some simple mats. This will be my last expansion. EA ruined the market and i didn’t buy into that crap by principle but people go FOMO. Now blizz will have EA by every release. The rest of us guys that get in late will get slapped on with “hotfixes” to “balance” the gameplay. Get the f out


How about you sort it them instead of being lazy? Not hard is it? You have enough money off us.

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I said “try” to fix it. Obviously what they tried didn’t work.

How is this still not fixed

Comon blizzard how hard can it be to have a working AH… this is getting really annoying when you can’t even buy stuffs cuz its says ITEM IS GONE but its there… sometimes i just wondering what we are paying for in this game…


problem is the item isnt there,it is already sold.the issue is they visuality of ah doesnt update.

what that means is while the items are sold,and new are put in,the visual of the database we get,doesnt we end up with new items not appearing and sold items not being removed.resulting on the issue you are having with the “item is gone” error.

So how is this not fixed yet? O.o
This issue has been going on for days now and the only thing I have seen that has been updated and hotfixed was Class Tuning…

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If you’d bothered to search the forum you would see Blizzard are aware and working on it

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3 days without a fix for a game breaking feature… small indie company it seems despite Micro$$oft buying them.

oh wait, Call of Duty beta is more important… right…

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Imagine if it was the in game shop that didn’t work. They would put a NASA computer on that s#¤% in 5 minutes.


Hey everyone,

The Auction House has been almost unusable lately due to severe lag, and it’s no coincidence. Certain players are using dirty tactics to manipulate the market, constantly under-listing items to bait others into selling low, which is causing massive slowdowns.

These players list items at ridiculously low prices just to trick others into thinking the market has crashed. They quickly delist their items before anyone buys them, leaving only the underpriced listings from unsuspecting players. Then, they buy up the cheap listings to resell later at much higher prices. This constant cycle of listing and delisting is creating a ton of unnecessary data traffic, leading to major lag and frustration for everyone trying to use the Auction House.

This isn’t just a market issue; it’s making the game worse for everyone. Blizzard needs to crack down on these manipulative tactics and ban the addons that are enabling this behavior. The lag is unbearable, and it’s clear these market exploits are a big part of the problem.

It’s time for Blizzard to step up and address this before it ruins the Auction House experience completely.

I think it should be for players individually. Make it 5 listings per minute and 5 purchases per minute. Then people have to think and bots are made almost obsolete due to the high response time for a successful transaction.

That alone would do the trick if you can buy/sell only 5 times each per minute.

See it like a “slow mode” for the AH, like on a Discord chat or region chat channel.

First issue is, that people can buy Blizzard products with Gold.

Second issue is, that addons run the market and not the players.

Third issue is, there is no cap on how many items you can list per day.

From my point of view, banning AH related addons such as TSM is very important, second don´t let players use the AH from the mount / mailbox and third add a cap on how often someone can buy / sell something on the AH.

action house need WTB option. Blizzard is too late to bring this feature. And there should be a 1 minute limit for each different product. For example, I want to sell or buy Bismuth. After I sell as much Bismuth as I want, I have to wait 1 minute before I can sell Bismuth again. If I want to sell a different material instead of Bismuth, the time should be different. The same should be true for purchases.

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just no.

Ban TSM and bots. Problem solved.

Dont punish the normal playerbase


thats not correct.

i buyed a profession tool. Tried it for almost 30 Minutes… Everytime this message that “item not found”…

If i searched again, the item was still there.
And i got it after those 30 Minutes…

You just have to click again and again and again.

I searched multiple times and this item wasnt sold at all.
I guess the request for buying it just didnt came through.

Ah is soooooooooo slow, it’s infurating to use. Selling about 20 items takes around 10-20 minutes

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