Yes, the limits I suggested were meant for each player individually
It takes too much time to even search, not talking about selling things… searching circle in every action
The worst thing is if I want to buy something which is about 2k in stock it tells me after waiting it’s not available but it’s still there…I refreshed after all try and always the same result… I spent about 20 minutes there and in the end I needed to buy amount of 6 or it didn’t allow me to buy more…
Scam means to exploit someones ignorance to achieve personal gain and enrichment.
That is exactly whats going on in the AH. Those people who post for low price (aka undercut) have no idea they are selling way below the market value, they see similar listings and think its ok, but those listings are just decoys, solely made to confuse them and make them post for inadequately low price so they can immediately snipe those and instantly flip it for huge profit.
Those who think its normal are sorry losers and stinking scammers.
Being stupid isnt a crime, expoiting it IS, Blizz as a provider of this paid service should do all in their disposal to protect everyone (even those stupid and ignorant) from such fraudulent behavior.
Exactly this.
You can easily see it by watching Mycobloom for example.
There are 2.6 million of them and it only goes up, while this morning there were barely 200k of them.
Items that are sold simply aren’t being removed from the listing, as a side effect entire markets are crashing because people are undercutting listings that aren’t even there to begin with.
4 AM and AH still laggy as HELL
I think the problem is the system is expecting you to buy from the same amount as you entered the search… things are still available but they don’t count with the change of amount so you just need to wait for the moment when noone is buying it
At this point i’m Asking to remove TSM combatibility from the WoW client until the problem is fixed. I know there are TSM users reading this but Auction House can’t work like this. You need to understand that the current problem is caused by automated actions.
90% of the Auction House is “Searching” with the rotating loading arrows.
The auction house should be free from addons that can be used in conjunction with botting to make things miserable for the player base…
That is we called ghost auctions. They are already sold, but still showing on the ui.
This also answers @skippert question 2.6million mycobloom but half of them already gone.
Auctionator doesn’t lag the AH. Yes, you can scan AH to have prices saved for your tooltip, bit it is 10 or 15min cd scan. Auctionator is actually very helpful if you don’t like TSM. TSM in other hand is terrible for the structure of the auction house. You can literally scan the market 24/7 for undercutts, or be the undercutter, and many players are doing it rn. I’m against TSM, but I also strongly disadgree with you about removing all the addons. Same with WeakAura. I really like to set up my UI, procs, cd’s on the screen, but I also hate that Blizzard needs to do harder fights because WeakAura can do insane things to help players, and bosses to be way easier to kill. They need to find the middleground, and I hope they will, because addons are very cool, but also a curse of this game.
this is annoying me.
This is annoying me.
hello people,
while playing i farmed some herbs and i wanted to sell them on the AH. when i put them up someone bought them later but in the panel where all the sold stuff usually show, it never was there? i added like 5-10 items to sell but they didnt apear in the tab. i did recieve one payment from selling. but im wondering why doesnt it show? could it be from the AH lagging(couple days now)?
i know the lag cant be because of the addon. i use auctionator and it only shows me the ~ price on the AH.
maybe one of you could help me because i rather ask here first than go to support
also sould i put other stuff on AH or i should wait for the fix?
thank you for the help/info in advance!
edit* i just got mail with all the payments, but when i press to accept it showed error with the mail…
edit* after sometime i got the money. i happy i didnt lose it cause of this…
Just ban any addon relative to AH.
Problem solved
I also can´t see my own auctions. i have reported this to blizzard, but it seems to they have ignored that
AH is completely broken right now, cannot even buy some bags for an alt I just made.
I’ve logged in different characters and tried buying in a few different Auction Houses, its beyond a joke now.
I read that as if you screamed aaaah bug!
Just thought id mention that, bye!
Not really the case, every call the addon makes is within the game’s API. Addons can’t do anything more than that. TSM just stores the data and able make calculations with it on top of the base AH.
So even when mouse wheel posting auctions with TSM is within what the devs allow, and I don’t know why they wouldn’t throttle searching and posting limits per minute or something. Maybe the issue is something else?
I don’t know why the item market is suffering from “Item not found” but I can tell that commodity market buying is unusuable because of the volatility of the price. Because the buy call for a specific commodity takes 2 inputs, ID of the item you’d like to buy and quantity. Since the lowest price is changing rapidly (because of undercutting and people trying to bait price like every half a second), until the time you send the buy order the price changes and AH prevents you to buy something that you didn’t account for.
Real solution would be adding buy order feature but a quick hotfix would be letting buyers put a upper price limit themselves with the already existing quantity limit and filling the order until the price limit or the quantity limit is reached, whichever comes first.
That’s quite literally what buy orders are, except that if this script runs client side then it’s (I’m guessing) what TSM and other addons offer you to do, which results in more traffic than if the whole thing ran server side.
Plus I’m not in favor of more band aid fixes as they tend the become semi-permanent and cause more problems in the long run.
Are all servers AH connected on EU?