Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Yes it is regionwide.

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It was to my understanding that people use TSM to run said scripts.

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I completely agree. I’ve been experiencing constant lags, while trying to buy Dragonflight enchants for my characters, before moving on to the new expansion areas of the War within.


It’s impossible to buy materials without using any addon, personally dont like use any economic addon but game force me to use it. Cant even cancel my own auction. Fix your game pls.

ppl asking for auctionhouse addons to be banned…
Meanwhile im asking for a return to server based auctionhouses
The region wide ah was the worst decision they did since the introduction of LFR


One caveat /piece of info for the less informed: This still only applies to stackable items such as crafting mats and consumables

Any item such as bags, toys or equipment that takes up 1 full slot /item is still realmpool-locked :beers:


Ssssh don’t let the AH goblins hear that or we’ll have more problems.

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The problem is, they dont want to upset all the scammers because they pay a sub as well. The economy is basically run by cheats, and its so easily solvable. Blizz actually countered them a while back by making posts that were outside the norm invisible, but I guess this resulted in a loss of subs as otherwise they wouldn’t have changed it back again. This morning I kept an eye on one item, Bismuth Bitterling, there was a guy called Narzi posting them CONSTANTLY for 19 silver, and hundreds upon hundreds of people sold them to him at that price. He is too quick to even stop his scam by buying them first, and when the AH is this laggy its hard to believe he isnt using some form of cheat to rip people off. The fact people pay for this game and Blizz leave this as a possibility is absolutely disgraceful imo. No other MMO has this problem, GW2 has a really great system, even BDO where the game is thought of by many as P2W has a fully functioning market. There is no way Blizz cant manage this, and the fact they arent when it is grinding things to a halt for thousands of paying customers, should tell you all you need to know

He has to few achievement points to be a goblin… I hope :rofl::beers:

just block TSM addon and we are all good, is this really hard?


Day 6 of AH being totally unusable.

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A big solution would be to bring in buy orders. After that there can still be minor problems ofc, happens in any game but this bs has to stop.

Take ur time, its not like we are paying to play the game or anything.


bots dont use scripts within blizzard frameowkr they use things outside it…-.- thats why theyre bannable. its tsm x1000

Would also say ban TSM, or just any addon that interferes with overall performance of the auction house


I think the AH should first be made usable for the common Joe to buy a flask or two or casual Jane to sell an item or two… like the AH was designed for in the first place?

Right now it more feels like a Wall Street Stock exchange where millions of scripts an AI are “facilitating stock trading”.

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basically materials are regionwide

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We going to get back the items lost in the auction house, i put 500k worth of items up and their GONE been days nothing returned no gold ITS ALL GONE

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Sadly i didnt. iknow they might know it but instead of fixing it they are doing absolute nothing about it…

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Of course they are trying to fix it. Are you that fragile that you need constant reassurance?