Unironically, there are probably experienced database engineers in the community that would be happy to help.
But this isn’t an indie game with a developer that really works closely with the company. If they can’t solve it internally, they’ll hire an external firm.
I do the same, have to take a bit of a hit though, but not on all items.
Most crafting mats just add them to the market without undercutting. Usually if they don’t sell within the first 20 minutes they may not sell at all. So stick with the 12 hours when putting craft mats on.
everyone does, but with the given situation where bots are constantly listing and delisting mats for low price to bait other people to post it and then buy it for a low price and sell it for high, I would consider capping undercutting temporarily and see how it goes
So it is how it works, but is isn’t?
If somebody enables their sniper, uses a hardware macro to make their mouse leftclick the entire time and goes afk, what exactly does that do?
Does it
A: Reduce the amount of stress on the AH
B: Neither reduce nor increase the amount of stress on the AH
C: Increase the amount of stress on the AH?
Your argument is ridiculous and you have no point, I’m sorry to tell you this.
TSM is deffo not for small sellers, u can get just as fine by with Auctionator which is half as intrusive and doesnt have all those scripts!
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I’m a little seller and i’ve more than 800 unique transmog. Post with auctionator is pretty impossible. Btw here the problem is the bots who uses script and not tsm. Even if you remove tsm from game, the problem is still the same, because the servers are broken for the numbers of bot. That’s the problem.
Sigh. You have no knowledge of addons then sorry. Addons can’t automate anything, they can only do what can be done manually in game.
For argument sake tho - lets say i have a hardware macro and set it to constantly click every 5 seconds. When it first clicks search it take 5-10 minutes to complete, you can’t search while it’s searching so even though i’m clicking every 5 seconds i STILL can’t search until the 5-10 mins is up. So constantly “spamming the AH” is actually once every 5-10 mins. Could you do that by clicking the search button? ofc you can. IF the ah was working TSM would scan it much quicker than a person could manually but right now, today, it simply can’t.
Also - with the AH lag right now, it means that items I scan now will already have been undercut/sold by the time the scan completes so it’s no longer the best item to buy.
I guarantee you, no1 is using the tsm sniper right now and people are likely only scanning the ah once a day to get price updates. It’s too risky. since what you see as a good offer isn’t actually there and u end up buying the higher priced versions that actually do exist.
Your so quick to jump on the “its the addons” bandwagon… TSM Sniper was around 3 weeks ago, 6 weeks ago, 6 months ago. Was the AH lagging then? no. The issue with the AH is simply too many people using it and there were certainly maaaany more people using the sniper last week than there are today. As i said. TSM isn’t really working right now. but you can’t tell a flat earther that the earth is round so i give up
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The point being made isn’t that right now everyone with TSM is successfully sniping. The point is that people trying to snipe will be straining the AH. The fact that lag is slowing the process is evidence that there is too much traffic. It’s not like they’ve implemented throttling per person, it’s the fact that there are too many requests going through which is causing things to slow down. It’s basic networking, more scans = more requests = more processing = more lag
Nice idea (and I use TSM, just haven’t this week at all). But it’ll never happen. Too much of a technical headache to ban something like that, they’ll never do it because it wouldn’t be enforceable and people would find ways around it
Everyone blaming AH addons but the real problem is that every WoW player came back for launch and is now trying to use the AH at the same time
TSM have been around for years and AH worked just fine
Exactly. It should be banned, I made already 20 millions from the start of expansion and I don’t need TSM, people need to get good
They also should make AH not region wide
Exactly. TSM is not the problem. It may allow people to put more strain on the AH, but the fact that the AH was fine right the way up until release means that it’s not a TSM issue, it’s the amount of people now trying to use the AH because there’s new stuff to buy and sell.
Every single time an expansion rolls around, some part of the system breaks and everyone likes to blame something, when in reality it’s just the amount of players
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Speculation isn’t inherently wrong, but when it’s based on little to no information, it just creates confusion and spreads misinformation. So, how about this: instead of guessing and adding to the noise, just shut it and wait for accurate updates from those who actually understand the situation.
This really is a joke AH.
Not sure if its cause you combined them all or the amount of players, but surely you can either alocate more servers to it or outright ban the addons till its stable.
Again. Not gonna happen. People have been calling for TSM to be banned for years, for countless reasons. It clearly isn’t happening. Mainly because it’d be near impossible to do so
Odd time to randomly brag. Yay for you, do you want a cookie or something?
I am not buying this “it’s because everyone is back and using AH” (unless we include all bots), surely it contributes to the issue but there is something else…
when they reopened AH yesterday at 15:00 after 12 hours downtime it started lagging after 1 minute, surely it’s not caused only by the amount of players using it
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It could easily be. They closed it down for 12 hours. That’s 12 hours where people were farming and unable to sell, or where they put a hold on their professions because they couldn’t buy anything. All the expired auctions got sent back as well so as soon as it opened up again they were relisted, suddenly all the farmers want to list their stock and everyone else wants to buy it up. It just meant that all the traffic from the morning got deferred to the afternoon
Hard to say with respect to it lagging in 1 minute. If you say it was lagging in 1 minute, maybe you just noticed it being open slightly after a lot of other people. So 1 minute for you was actually 3-5 minutes of the AH being open again
Only Blizz will have the actual figures of how much time there was between opening the AH and it lagging out again
they didn’t come back, they just continued where they were when they closed AH
no, was literally there the moment it opened, I wrote it in trade chat and people thought I was trolling, after 1 minute it started lagging again for me and for the people in chat
anyway, I hope they find solution soon…
It isn’t just degraded performance. It’s totally broken.
Single list items that are meant to disappear once it’s purchased stays there. So item is always unavailable.
Then the profession goods and other stack items. You have no choice but to buy cheapest and upwards so between bots, addons and other players all trying to get cheapest. It next to impossible. Took me 19 minutes of constant trying to get 100 cloth.
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Well all of mine got sent to my mailbox when they would’ve expired. And it seems a lot of other people experienced the same thing
So you spent ages constantly refreshing waiting for it to open again just so you could be there the instant it opened to begin trading? If you were doing that, then other people were as well. And if you posted it in trade chat, other people probably did as well. And so the cycle continues…
that’s just misinformation
this is the second time you are putting words in my mouth, not even close of what happened