Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Pretty sure US servers has both of those, and they are 100% fine.

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It is server side.

Add ons DO NOT alter the server side code.

It worked fine with the same add ons until TWW Early Access

It is not add ons, it is server code.

Get over your hate

No they aren’t.

I swear to God, I wish I could be as confidently incompetent as people on these forums.

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Anyone who thinks a client side add on is making the server perform like a dead horse is clearly delusional.

Please explain why the issue only started at the beginning of TWW Early Access, if what you say was anywhere near true this would have been an issue for as long as add ons have been around,

The issue is SERVER SIDE CODE. Not add ons, not scammers, not botters.

Deal with it hater

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Just proves the point, find me a post from before the TWW EA that highlights these issues and you can maybe come out off the “Clearly Does Not Understand How MMO Code WOrks” box.

I swear to gods, I wish I could be as ignorantly blinkered as the add on hate mobsters.

Amen to that.

That’s an insult, not an explanation. It’s plausible to think, that if a massive amount of people during a launch used an auction house addon to do massive amount of listings/scans at once, it would disrupt the servers. I don’t wanna be rude, but I don’t think either way that people, who only play to earn money with gold is healthy for any online game, because that’s one of the root issues for many of these problems. All these full-time botters/traders/boosters are parasitic in online games in general in my opinion, as they worsen the experience for many other people for personal gain.

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It’s better if you don’t know about coding that you don’t say anything. Sorry to say but AH is slowed by multiple actions sent via an outer source interface that causes traffic to the server. These bots are running scripts that are automating auctioning process in the game through TSM.

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I just find it funny, that before today I rarely was using the AH to buy things. Was mostly selling mats/potions/flasks… now I want to use the AH to buy some equipment & bags… The Item Was Not Found for everything, no matter the price of the item xD

AH should be an addon free zone, so people just buying/selling by same rules.

An automatic buy/sell script for example mats, is just queing the AH serverside up…
AND people still say: addons does not make AH slow cuz its serverside. is just sorry to say it stupid…

Like saying if 100000 people tries to login to WOW at same time does not give wait time for server being full…

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Yes their AH is 100% fine. i am literally watching gold making streamers on US server. The “that item is no longer available” is simply because of the mass amount of players buying stuff on the AH, Thats just what happens on hyped xpack release and is not really a AH error.

Frankly, they are having 0 of the problems we are having

Such as:

They can post auctions WITHOUT ITEMS DISAPPEARING, And since their items doesn’t disappear they can also cancel their items without any errors. They can also search for items without having to wait 2 minutes per search, And when their items gets sold or cancelled their AH actually UPDATES so that items that are sold doesn’t remain listed for hours on end. etcetc EU has so many more AH errors that US server doesnt that i cant even remember them all.

If it was a Addon and region wide issue, then US servers would have the same issues as us… but they DONT.


my friend who lives in Canada and plays on NA servers we also the same problems that we she just told me

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They actually did shut down AH this week. So they had issues too.

I get your point, but you’re kind of wrong

And here you’re completely right

The issue is server side, not client side. However server side latency is often caused by too many requests. These requests do not have to come from the same source.
10,000 people can all use a system just fine if their requests come in naturally with somewhat random spacing. However if 10,000 people all try to perform the same action at the same moment at the minimum interval, then it would increase the processing the server has to do, which would take longer for the requests to be fulfilled.
So the client side actions do in fact affect the server’s performance

However as many people have said, the existence and use of addons like TSM is likely not the cause, they’ve existed for ages and will continue to exist for ages and the servers will cope.
The issue will likely be because of the amount of people trying to use the AH at one time. And a large portion of these will be people/bots spamming the AH with custom scripts or hardware level interactions that are being carried out through various addons

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I feel like this EXP is going to die for me, because of the AH issues.

One thing is that AH is slow and you keep getting errors, or you don’t get the buy. You have to use 5-20min just to buy things. Im wasting my time on waiting.

The other issue, is that when i post 200 Storm Dust, they are not shown in my AH, meaning i can take them off the AH, i need to wait 12h before they are in my mail box.

How can this be an issue 2 weeks after EA.


I sold a lot of items but they have disappeared. And I can’t trace them…have I lost them forever? This is really strange for Blizzard. Why

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Yeah, no word from Blizzard on it either.

Absolutely disgusting quality of gameplay for an expansion launch. No excuses anymore, it was like this in EA too so it’s not just due to the influence of too many people.


What? Reagents, materials are not :smiley: It is the most sold/bought products

ok yea sure their AH was slow for a while, so blizzard took it down fixed it and then put it back up and it’s been more than fine ever since.

They had some AH issues(nothing close to what EU has) which was fixed with a AH shutdown and fixes on the backend systems.

What they did on the US servers just proves my point more tbh…

IT WAS NOT FIXED BY BANNING AH ADDONS OR MAKING CHANGES TO REGION WIDE AUCTION HOUSE because those aren’t the main things causing problems. So people should stop screaming about it because we have proof from US server.

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Not sure if they work fine there, but doesn’t the token price tell us that more people in US buy tokens? It means less gold makers with TSM addon