Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

We have Semi news from twitter. Tom Ellis Senior Game Producer for wow tweeted this:

“So what’s going on with the Auction House is an interesting tech problem, a well meaning and simple design change caused a DB table that used to hold 20-60k rows to now contain tens of millions. Not a problem by itself but we’ve got some code changes to make to support this new world we live in. We’re going to throw more hardware at the problem with maintenance while people far more clever than me work on actual solutions.”

So sounds like we have to wait AT LEAST until reset. And even then it might not get fixed completely.


yes they are … we got body 1 and body 2 and purple haircuts … while AH is dead, billions of gold disappeared, guild bank tabs with stuff are lost 2 weeks alread, etc.


Show me a screenshot of yesterday an I will believe you.

And 49g for an Arathor’s Spear seems cheap to you?

They are in the void, it happens really often, sometimes you will not get them back

OK, it’s time to stop blaming addons and “bots”, it’s completly Blizzard fault.They did try something and it went wrong.

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Very bad example, it is happening due to the mount :smiley: I did buy some ore, bolts and parts, but would you buy some Hochenblume? 50k of it?

No thanks but if you got some serevite ore @50silver give me a whistle. :smirk:

Just scroll down in AH omg.

My statement was that prices are dropping rapidly, which is observable fact. What is cheap or not is subjective.

Sold yesterday for few millions with few parts :slight_smile:
I do have more, can sell you for 100 g each

It’s awful. Bring back old not realm wide ah if you can’t ban TSM.


Damn, the sense in posters here get lower by the day.

“What do you mean something in the game is not working as intended and you don’t like it? Suck it up! Go outside instead of wanting something you pay for to work!”

Dude forgets we pay a monthly sub and an expansion cost and still is OK with things being broken.

If you think this is OK and it’s a consumer issue YOU have an issue and probably shouldn’t be allowed to make financial decisions.


You are so kind. My personal beliefs however prevent me of taking advantage of you. :crazy_face:

Bless you anyway. :wink:

It’s funny when people act like knowing something obvious makes them smart.

they are still there just not ‘Visible for u’ but they are still there dw

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sometimes i wish u guys knew what coding on an outdated system is because dont be fooled Wow engine is Outdated like hell itself.

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Can’t make a change faction because my 8 lots on auction cannot be canceled around 10 hours… I have these items in my inventory, but the auction doesn’t think so.

AH lag keeps trolling us with so many ways.

More like you were given an invite but chose to ignore it, then cry about it seeing pictures of all the people having a good time.

Yo, Blizzard. Auto Buying from TSM Is ruining this game and I’m losing my mind. BLIZZARD YOU NEED TO FIX THIS. There’s no excuse for letting botters trap the economy like this. I can’t even buy a fishing pole or cooking accessories. Everything is bought up, yet still appears in search saying “Item cannot be found.” This is intolerable. Fix this. Please. I beg of you. This is ridiculous. Fix this madness.