Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

I think we should start linking w3schools tutorials to blizz to help them optimize the AH. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.

Gosh, we find geniuses in the most unlikely places. So modest too.

its just a click bait m8 dont try to be funny

How can any reasonably sane person believe that the thousands of scammers refreshing the list every second isnt causing an issue. You are probably the sort of person who thinks Sky News is the gospel lol


What’s annoying me is the fact I want to use the new Patron for leveling my proff but I can’t buy anything :rofl:

Ability to select non-cheapest one would be nice.

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Just add another index to the table 5Head


It is not degraded performane, it is straight up NOT WORKING.


Before you start yelling from the rooftops that you’ve saved the world, and how clever you are, perhaps you should actually write something that makes sense.

benny the title is just a click bait to be heard, and it will make sense for someone who understands

It’s no longer degraded performance as it’s not working at all. Can’t have it be this bad till weekly reset.


Literally can’t buy or sell anything, loads for 10 seconds at least just to fail at either buy or sell action. What a joke. World of Botcraft.

AH crap.
Do not care.

Why don’t they just throttle requests or put some kind of ICD after something is bought?
Also maybe make a mode that lets us buy stacks in the list at X price without buying the previous stacks that we can enable/disable.

maybe some dump from blizzard will see, if there are more topics about that… ITS ALMOST WEEK this problem and no hotfix etc?

They run their own data centers, but okay

This is annoying as hell… Trying to level up an alt and wanting to buy some bags. For a game such as this you might think they have some experience with performance issues when releasing an expansion…

The new warband inventory is nice and all, but when I log on to silvermoon realm I see wildercloth bags listed at 20g. When I log in Xavius the same bags cost 145G. Its like a wet dream for bots.

Either make it so the item put inside the warband can’t be sold. Or sell it on the same server where the item originated from.

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It feels like they just don’t care about laggy bugged broken AH

lol… How does the addon function… ofc it effects the servers… get a clue also if they do ban it betting your first in line with your “hate” posts…

What are you on about? :smiley: you can’t play ?
you can play and you also can use AH i’m using it but it’s delayed and sometimes it happens that item is no longer there
is it annoying? yes
should be fixed? yes
Didn’t stopped me from doing profession and all that
so if someone claim it is unplayable
are you playing wow just for the AH? :smiley:

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