Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

I dare say it’s more to do with the AH being Regionwide now, and it’s getting battered by the insane amount of queries since the Expansion was just released. AH addons never caused this issue prior to this…

I can imagine them fixing it by restricting the amount of queries players can do per minute.

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had same issue with crafted gear, hopefully we get compensated

You must be new here

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Quite a few of my auctions have run out in the past 1-2 hours and I’ve received them per mail. I don’t think anybody can give you a guarantee that your items / gold won’t disappear, but I’d consider it very unlikely to happen.

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Least was their argument for killing the group finder addon for world quests in Legion… Though doubt it was only that.

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Ban TSM, or at least make them remove the sniper parts, having groups u can setup for selling, just seems like clever organising, but theres parts of that addon that destroys the average user experience. im just small time crafter, but i cant buy mats, and when i do the price is always way higher than listed coz of these guys… its simply not ok. add a 1 min delay from u put stuff on AH until u can cancel it, sucks for ppl that post stuff wrong, but lets be honest u do that 1 time or 2 then u learn.

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Time for an AH like in GW2


I use TSM but I use it to know price of things that I drop. Is there any other addon that give me that informations?

Oribos Exchange and Undermine. They don’t scan the AH, instead regularly update the addon from their database to give the averages of an item’s value by realm and region.

I use it alongside Auctionator to determine my prices whenever I do my small scale AH’ing.

The vanilla AH interface is only useful for “small scale” (under 10) auctions. For anyone who posts a lot of auctions on a semi-regular basis (like once a day) it would be impossible to manage. I have over 450 types of pets that I post for 12 hours, then repost either in the evening or the following day. On another banker I do current profession tools/equipment, probably 2-3 times a day. On another around 700 auctions of different tmogs once or twice a week or sometimes a month. This medium level of inventory would be impossible to manage without an add-on such as TSM to give reasonable guide prices and aid with the listings.

I suppose I’m the in-game equivalent to a one-person shop-keeper v someone who occasional sells something on eBay or Facebook. I’m certainly not a millionaire goblin from doing this, as I’m relatively small scale, but I do enjoy this aspect of the game. Without people like me, and I’d go do something else if auction addons were completely banned, the AH would likely be empty except for high-priced items and bots, as small scale traders would quit the game.

It is the degenerate behaviour of a few people who mis-use these tools to constantly scan/post/cancel and then snipe the unwary who post auctions at their price. It is this behaviour that Blizzard needs to curb, either by throttling the account (which they CAN do, as, after you’ve cancelled 50 auctions, the AH cancel function slows to a one-per-20 second crawl) or finding a way to spot and ban the accounts doing this.

I suspect that the snipers are not even using tools such as TSM, instead using scripts to automate somewhat the posting, cancelling & buying of undercut auctions (as it is sometimes possible to snipe out their 1 item at 1 silver auctions).

TLDR: auction addons help keep the prices lower and available range of stock high. It’s the bots that need banning, not the tools.


The people crying about TSM, probably never used or read about it. Like the post up there, TSM helps you post (still with a 1 click - 1 post action) items. It’s not automatizated. If you want cancel auction, it gets impossibile after you use for more than 40 items and locks you for 5/10 minutes, with a cancel for every 10/20 seconds. Bots who post, cancel, snipe and try to put item at low price, are not using tsm but probably others addon (created by them or sold online) or using another type of script. So, banning tsm fix the ah? No, it will not. Put a region close for like 2/3 month the start of an expansion, or even put a simply waiting time of 1h if you cancel an auction does help. Or just ban the bot.

Yes but there are people who pay TSM developers to put in LUA changes and other stuff so it can be botted/automated.


The best reply in the thread.

Looking at it from a stock market perspective (because honestly, this isn’t the Auction House anymore, it’s more the Azeroth Commodities Exchange, when was the last time you actually bid on something), adding Buy & Sell orders would fix a lot of the re-scan & re-post issues while giving players that don’t want to spam the auction house the ability to get what they want at the price they want without needing to camp the auction house.

Would probably be a major overhaul and won’t happen, but a casual goblin can dream…


The whole system needs an overhaul and design change.

For a start, it’s hardly an AH, simplify it, remove a chunk of code and rename it ‘The Market’. Stop allowing certain consumables and crafting materials to be sold in single units, that drives me nuts.

Disallow sniping and mass trading tools, they are no part of a game like this, ban the users.

We need to have buy orders just like the stock market. It would solve so many issues.

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It better be coming back today otherwise I bet it’s gonna be closed until Monday :smiley:

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Look at all the poor people hating on TSM.


This would be a very nice addition to the AH for sure.

As said before. Why not make buy orders and sell orders? Albion Online has great system where. You have a setup fee for every buy order you do is 2.5% and sell orders are the same. Also, it takes a 4% cut when an item sells. That makes constantly spamming and undercutting stuff a stupid thing to do. It’s ruled by bots running the auction house and nothing with normal players.


Make sells order and buy order for the numbers of transmog that are in the game is impossible.