This isn’t about lag only, this about not being able to buy a single item. Hence not working. And no, bugs aren’t acceptable on a feature that is a part of the game for decades. Delves bugs I would accept, not AH. Fanboys…
Fun part: once your auctions ran out of time and you receive them back in your mailbox, you go to the AH again, list them on the current lowest price… guess what, they will not be listed on the lowest price… nono, they will be listed on your old previous prices, or again go into the nether like as if you are shadow banned or something… another 12 hours you can wait now… meanwhile prices drop and your stuff that you craftet 2 days ago on higher craft prices is actually non profitable anymore, great huh?
I grew a bit suspicious when I saw a person post like 50 000 items for 1 silver each.
Maybe I am overreacting or seeing it wrong.
This is just ridiculous. Can’t buy anything, takes 5 min to list 5 items. Cant delist anything on top of it it takes 1 minute to load individual items that you cannot even buy because they are never found. Merging the AH was a dumb move to make mats mega drop in price in hopes of people buying more tokens instead of doing gathering professions. I want a refund if this aint fixed the next day because this is Unplayable. I paid for a non working product, and so did everyone else. Either ban bots and TSM spammers or fix the damn AH.
Makes you wonder why they even launched the xpac. There’s no content out. All you can do is professions, but even that is not possible with the auction house being a burning manure tank.
Ban auction house addons and we’re good, thank me later
Where was he told? Not ingame for sure. Not in an email from blizz either. I haven’t seen it either. Are we supposed to read whatever social media to find warnings instead of playing? AH was shut down, then turned back on. I thought it was fixed. Though it’s still lagging so no idea what they did.
I’m not complaining, I have’t lost anything. I sold tons of stuff and made loads of gold, but we weren’t told anything.
its really fun to try and buy stuff off the auction house!
im glad you took ah down for many hours few days ago it really fixed all the problems.
Some dev said they figured out the problem but it will take sometime to figure out a fix.
So annoying.
The entire game needs fixing or delete it entirely and start all over from scratch. Almost 200 pounds for an unfinished crappy game.
just dinged 80 on alt and want to buy some gear to enter heroics. just literally cant. spend 15 minutes trying to buy 1 item.
Dude, the same goes to you. If you really believe you are making good replies you got a problem dude.
If you got a problem ignore. Your posts in generel are only critism and nothing else. Nothing from your side even if you do critisize.
All items on AH are outdated. I can’t see anything I post. I never know the actual price when posting. I never knew if the item I posted was sold or was undercut. This is highly insane.
Update here:
Absolute slopeater loser. Probably eating slop for so long it tastes like mcdonalds. The average Blizzard consumer without zero demands. Only this type of player could enjoy and defend an unfinished game after paying the full price.
Happened to me about a day ago.
Eventually, the item was sold and I got the gold a couple of hours later after posting.
Probably your item didn’t vanish and will end up in your post after the lot is due.
Well said Sir.
16 hours late
Is Blizzard administration ever replied to these issues? looks like they dont care.
Are we getting any compensation? I paid 50 euros + 13 euros subs, as I’ve been doing for years now. AH is an integral part of the game. I paid for this half-baked release, had to deal with this EA non-sense, and now this. Be respectful to your customers!