Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

Yeah, sure, because they didn’t already tell you what the issue is and what they are doing to help the system until they fixed the code…

Guys…here as well:

It would benefit the AH problem more to just stop filling the datanbank with items then to keep overloading the system and ranting about it.

Proactively help the system instead of fueling the problem.

The databank got increased, the code has issues with that. They will add hardware to compensate for this issue until the coders naged to fix the code.
The best thing to do is to literally stop using the AH. It sucks, yes, but it’s the only thing that helps anyone for now.
Continuing to rant does no solve the problem faster, the are working on a fix, but that is nothing that magically gets fixed within a few hours.

It’s not that the ignore you or something like that, it#s just not that easy to fix something like this.
Yes, it is correct to complain about it, but when it gets ackowledged then ther is no point in carrying on ranting.
It is a fair point to demand some sort of compensation for this issue, of course, and the longe rit takes to fix the more it is just fair to get compesation, but again, carrying on ranting does not help anyone, neither you nor the system.
Just reduce the loadout on the AH databank, as much as it sucks, but that’s the only thing we can do for now.

Botting being normalized (because it benefits token sales) + AH scanning addons (because benefits botting which benefits token sales).

You are being parasitized upon.


We know but you still have to wait until next reset for us to fix it
Have fun trying to sell or buy something for three days - blizzard

Well that’s the problem with adding hardware to a system. If they’d done that on friday and shut down the servers you’d be crying again, too. Soooo…

Its not about the complaining ( for me at least ). In this state the game is just not so much fun for someone whoes game revolves a lot around crafting proffesions. Adding to that this being complicated (i have no wisdom to share here) is all the more reason to “wait and see” in stead of trust the good people of the communication department at Blizzard on their word here. I know they want to solve it, and i sure know i can not do that for them.

Yeah if we’re lucky lol

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49710 days delivery time. That would be about 130 years.
I know it will be resolved in less than 130 years, but still funny :joy:

Put 8 auctions in 2 hours ago (~100k gold worth). All 8 auctions aren’t shown in my auctions tab and even if I look up the individual items there are no auctions from me. Basically, the AH ate my 100k gold.

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im about to pull my hair out just trying to buy somehting from auctionm house.

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You can’t blame Auction House Add-Ons. The problem is with how the Auction House is implemented in the game. It’s always been slow.

The LUA embedded API for browsing the Auction House is useless because you can use TSM’s background application, which downloads a cached version of the Auction House JSON data rather than spending time for any kind of scanning.

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I am 95% sure, the auction issue is being caused by botting.

today there was relatively cheap null lotus (80-100g per piece) around 3000 of those.
I had been trying to buy it for 20 minutes each time I did, after some loading “item not found” error.

Finally, when there was no longer cheap lotus and it price went to 140g, I was able to buy some for me. Then in a few minutes around 500 of cheap lotus appeared in AH and guess what I wasn’t able to buy it again.

Please blizzard employ some competent technical guys to deal with this botting.

but we’re all still paying to play the game. so its not like they are in a rush to fix it :man_shrugging:


Didnt we just have a wow dev explain the cause on twitter less than 24 hours ago ? and it was not botting, nor addons.

Do you seriously expect majority of player base to follow a twitter of some unnamed by you wow dev?

Nor does it matter, what matters is that when I see a clearly automated, scripted behavior in the game, I know that it’s either botting or some other 3d party software involved.

I was able to buy some items with auctionator’s shopping mode. For others I made crafting orders. If neither works you’ll need to wait until blizz throws in more hardware on Wednesday. Though it’s not certain whether it’ll solve the issue.

I actually had no issue buying from the AH today, was dreading it since there’s been like 500 topics about it. I got lucky :smile:

Just select other stacks of higher prices, it’ll buy the amount you want within that range from cheapest to the highest you set it at.

If you’re trying to buy the cheapest only it’ll keep showing that message.

There is gear piece i need for transmog from a set i saw cheap on the ah
I been waiting for a price drop and now i can’t even buy it

The general quality of current WoW itself is unacceptable. To be more precise, it doesn’t worth the expansion + subscription cost.

All these problems should be tested and solved in alpha/best/PTR test. Current situation is that players are paying Blizzard to be beta testers.

The expansions shall be free, and the problematic period (AH not function for days, etc.) should be refunded from sub price.

If a business can’t properly do its job, then it doesn’t worth the said money from its customers.

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I came here to post about how the AH is broken. I literally can’t purchase anything from it. The lag is insane but someone told me that it’s bots flooding the AH and spam buying everything and spam relisting for slightly higher prices, on loop.

So humans don’t get even a chance to make a purchase. It always comes back with “Item not found” despite how many refreshes I create and the item still being listed.