Auction House Performance Issue - 1 September

You know that you can lift that limit by edit lua file?

So you need a lua file, not implemented originally in the game, for not use an addon and fix the ah…

No, you cannot lift the auction cancel limit or the posting confirmation limits by editing lua files.


Ban tsm. Ah bots mainly causing the lag and this is their tool. Goblins will find another way to play ah , this is hurting regular players gameplay experience.


Have you ever used tsm? You know that’s not the problem? Btw the bots will still continue creating problems because they don’t use it but other scripts

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I think that might be the case because the other items were already sold but they still show up because AH is so delayed

yay for more punishment for people who didnt buy the expensive edition

I got TWO ideas (and the first one I’ve mentioned in part elsewhere on the forums and submitted in game to Suggestions):

Easy fix to STOP the bot flooding of AH… “if you’re playing Classic you cannot log into Retail” to the system. So, if you’re logged onto ONE license account, e.g. WOW 1 you cannot log onto WOW 2. Yes, the CHEATERS will always try to find a way to CHEAT but adding things that make it harder for them will help the honest players who all want a good AH system with fairness attached.

Maybe the solution might be a timer of 60 minutes between listings PLUS a maximum listing limit of 1,000 items total. That still allows for listing stuff but at a reduced rate. Maybe adding a built in function that when an item reaches 500,000 that it is a maximum limit and listing for that item is “closed” until the listing reaches half this number, with the additional thing that when this limit is reached that the 48 hour listing window extends to seven days before the item is returned to the player.

Neither of these ideas are ideal for people who want to trade regularly in the auction house but something needs to be done. The first idea is better because that would stop “same grouping up” that might occur the farm as bots.

The additional option is to create a so-called “designated farmer,” where the game detects if five or ten or more characters grouped up have the same gathering skills, i.e. mining and herbalism, and when it detects this it limits the others in the group from gathering when one member in the group has gathered a herb or ore. The others would only receive “broken stone” (as a grey junk item worth 1 copper each) or “wilted leaves” (also as a grey junk item worth 1 copper each). This might be the better option compared to the first idea.

Ideally there would be a combination of all the above ideas for a better functioning auction house AND a better situation in the outdoor world.

Well, it’s a secret what idea I sent in also, @Kaivax, but if someone on the team checks my most recent suggestions sent to you in game there’s one idea there that COULD be brilliant to make things a pain in the neck for the botters. Obviously, due to the nature of what I had suggested I cannot disclose it on the forums.

Yes , i did and still using it. Bots using sniping script 24/7 , scanning everything in ah non stop surely causing the lag. Ever since ah rework you don’t need an ah addon to be able to use it properly. I can live without my raid boe flip scan every tier. Currently this addon alone causing more problems then benefits.

So ban the snipe section, not the entire addon


17 hours ago and not a single update from the blues. Guess they just closed the auction house and went to bed…


Thats also an option which i’m not against but there needs to be something done , clearly leaving it alone doing no good to the game

I think, if anything, this has strengthened the need to have an ‘expensive’ edition for early access. AH was fine for the whole early access period, but once everyone else flooded in, everything became unusable and started to break down. Because people botting and multi-boxing aren’t going to pay for early access for all their accounts, so there was a short period of time where people could actually play the expansion and use the features as intended

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s still an issue that needs to be fixed. Creating a bigger rift between people that bought early access, and people that hate everyone who bought early access, is not a good solution. But this whole thing has strengthened the idea that early access is a good thing

This is a bit too risky I believe. Sure, it might be possible to find a way that makes this viable but but if something goes for ~1g a whale would have no problem buying >500k of those and posting them for 100g each and force people to spam /2 or pay 100x the price to get what they in a hurry. So we can’t wait until 250k of those items have sold, so we kind of have to let people post to the cap at all times (I guess?), but then it would potentially cause new issues with everyone trying to post over and over again to get those few last spots available.

Not early access is the good thing.

The good thing is like you said, you didnt have the bots etc. in it. THAT is what felt good.

And yes i can confirm. Played it in early access and everything was fine. And just a litte time after the real release it was laggy as hell sometimes, espacially the AH…

But you get it wrong. Not Early Access is great… Bots are BAD thats all.

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One word: VMs

yeah, pay extra 10$ a day for first 3 days or dont get to play as intended, good strategy

  • Their scripts improved and it’s a new expansion release.
    They also figured new methods to scam the system.
    Say the un-stackable mats:
  1. They post and re-post 1 stacks at seriously undercut prices.
    2.They auto spam snipe any unfortunate soul who posts at their price without looking.
  2. They BLOCK people from buying it by constantly posting and buying, thus keeping price high for when they resell.
    To all the “TSM boys” who think bots use some elaborate scripts or are some tech genuises farming bitcoins in an underground basement.
    No, they use TSM.
    Ban TSM

The good thing is like you said, you didnt have the bots etc. in it. THAT is what felt good.

But you get it wrong. Not Early Access is great… Bots are BAD thats all.

Absolutely 100% agree. If we could have no early access and no bots, then everything would be grand (not 100% sure on multi-boxing, but that’s neither here nor there)
However bots have plagued video games for absolutely ages. Every multiplayer game has them, and specifically MMORPGs seem to be the worst for them (because of their scale presumably)
Unless someone can constantly out-think hundreds/thousands of people with nothing better to do with their time except try and break games, we will never be rid of bots
However it seems like early access was somewhat proof of concept that bots wont get better editions of the game just for a couple days of access, at least not all of them. So it’s a terrible approach to the problem, but so far it has been the most effective method to get the game to be what it ‘should’ be

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Completely missed the point, but you do you. Be angry if that’s what you wanna do for fun