Auction house+mails

Same here, must have sold for about 300k. None of my stackable that i sold i can get to my mail. Anything that dont stack works fine tho.

I miss the times when this kind of issue was considered serious enough to fix within 24 hours :frowning:


can any at blizzard update us? just I saw last night that there was a hotfix to sort out the AH and to leave it a couple hours and the mail will be sent to us. as of 7am this morning 24 hours after I read the post still nothing.

I spoke to a customer support person yesterday who did try everything to help me out as since Saturday ive been trying to realm change but cant due to active auctions which have been sold.

please give us an update even if its to say we are working on the matter.

latest info I know is this from twitter 10 hours ago

Unfortunately, we’re unable to make any guarantees for when the gold may be delivered. The developers continue to work on this issue and will be providing updates, as they become available, on our Bug Report forums: ^KAL

Wonderful how its on the US Forums only
shows how important we EU Customers are for them
the lack of open communication is 10 times worse then the bug itself.


They don’t even tell me should i keep selling my items on AH or just wait to fix it. If they are sure that no data is lost why wouldn’t say us to “Oh thats okey you can keep posting your items and just wait for your gold but it can be take a little time” are they lost our data?

Actually it is no use to post on ah, I made an experiment, I posted 9 zinthazid for lowprice on ah, only 1 post, after a few hours the item was gone from my listing and mail was empty :frowning:

Just opened another ticket with proof that items sold are gone and no mail is delivered. Now CS is asking me to report ingame bug reports as well? What the hell is going on over there

I can post the image here but it’s quite obvious they have PLENTY of proof

Yeah, still no freaking mail with my gold from sold items
 This is embarrassing for you Blizzard. Having this kind of issue gives the game bad reputation. It shouldn’t take a week to fix your “Mail Delivery System”-whatever

before the hotfix, i have some gold lost from selling stackable items, but after the hotfix, every stackable item has the porblem, found a thred explaining just wait a hours, but ive been waiting for 4 days now nothing there, hope thell fix it soon

yep, this bug is embaressing by now
maybe they should deactivate the AH Feature until its fixed? Oh no
why do something that would prevent even more annoyance
things that makes sense are not welcome here


Can’t we just go back old Auction House this was not that bad at least it was working

Use your wallets to protest. This is the kind of customer service you will get at the very least until Shadowlands, and even then I’m not 100% they’ll give a shait.


BLIZZARD remove the new AH until you can fix the Golds to all the People and Give us the Old AH who was working 24/7. you tell us this " some players" are experience long delay in receiving in-game mail. it’s 99,99% of all players not “some players” tell us the truth. when can you replace the new one with the old one?!

This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable. More than a week we have to wait for our gold! What is going on?!


Do they have an update at all on this? When the main thing i do is the Auction House the game becomes a lil boring

The only update on this issue is that they have no idea what it is and CBA to fix it.

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The first day I really freaked out. But after some comment’s I had trust in Blizzard and keep reposting all my auctions.
After 7 day’s I’m worried. Most of all because there is no communication.
If they are that shure we get our gold, let us know with an official post. If they are not, close the AH for further issues.


Good job blizz, really good job. this evening my 70 flasks have missed too. every second someone is missing their items and you do nothing about that. 4 days gametime left, when it’s end, i won’t buy gametime again.

I’ve just sold some food, and around 10-12 stacks of unbridled fury potions

No money
 this is over 24 hours ago

Apparently problem is almost solved 
 waiting for maintenance