Firstly Zamandah, thank you so much for your lovely comments, your brave, insightful and inspiring post.
As for why game designers make games, bottom line is to create an enjoyable experience for a large amount of players that will generate continued patronage and profit, because brutal truth, in this saturated climate, if you fail you lose your customer base. I will say that again because it bares repetition. Games are designed to be enjoyable, they shouldn’t be a chore, they shouldn’t have any worth or validity outside of personal and individual parameters, and any worth or cachet you infuse your experience with, especially from the perspective of others comes from your own opinion of its worth, rather than any true value.
In summary, unless you are being paid to play this game for whatever reason, e-sports or product reputation and promotion, then your achievements in this game, only hold worth to the individual that achieved them. Not to anyone else. Really, people just don’t care, not about your armour, your loot, the time you invested, any of it. The reality is, if you feel wronged that other people attain it in a different or potentially easier way, you wasted your time on achieving it in the first place, because your motivation wasn’t just for you, but the views of others, which you can’t and shouldn’t control and have no right to.
Also let’s face harsh reality here, most things in game now can be bought, people advertise runs incessantly, all legal, now Blizzard allows the sale of tokens. I have no problem with anyone playing the game how they wish, what I do object to strenuously, is people thinking they have the right to dictate mine.
Now I understand, though don’t necessarily agree with it, the inclusion of gated content and unlocking things like races. This game is paid for monthly, the longer as a business you can encourage and promote people to pay a running subscription, the better your profit margins. I personally pay my game-time in six month and twelve month blocks. Indeed over the twelve years I have been playing I have lost count of the money I have invested, all worth it, because I exclusively play this game for fun, and I won’t be forced into content I don’t enjoy. Life is short.
However it does upset me that storyline and lore is gaited behind group content of any description, because there is just no need to do that, Unless, and a cynical part of me wonders if this could be the truth, Blizzard are aware that people will pay for runs from others funded, and funding WoW tokens. However that does seem to suggest a certain amount of scraping the bottom of the cash barrel, that the idealist in me doesn’t want to contemplate.
I enjoy this game, I love the world, the characters, I love the simple things like dressing my dolly.
What I can suggest is that you guys band together, trade contact details, I am always there to chat to, for advice, sadly my profession means I have limited time to play now, but make a group yourself, not just for raids and group content, but to expand your social circle, to find like-minded people who understand your challenges. Maybe Blizzard won’t hear you, maybe some players won’t understand your difficulties, however people are right this is an MMORPG, and people are diverse, make friends, band together, share your experiences and help each other. If nothing comes in the way of a solution from Blizzard, doesn’t mean you can’t collaboratively find a solution yourself.