Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Mate please support us PvP players. We ask for separating PvP and PvE like it was in MoP and WoD. We are against forcing PvP players to PvE and opposite. It’s not fine to push every content to players.

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So if you know how painful it is. Please support us in our movement of separating PvE and PvP again.

I totally agree.

In fact, I’d like to see even more seperate gearing systems:

  • PvP
  • PvE: Dungeons (Inc M+)
  • PvE: Raids
  • PvE: World Content

In each of those activities you’d be able to gear up to ‘Mythic ilvl’ by doing THAT type of activity. And that gear would be downscaled to ‘starter gear’ in any other activity; if you want better gear in that particular activity; play it. Earn it.


Which is what i always did in every topic. But here we seem to get the middle finger by the pvp players, so i am done with that.


I agree because M+ gearing broke every other gearing in the game since it was added because it can be endlessly repeated as long as you find a player with a key for this dungeon. It made Raiding gear less relevant, PvP gear less relevant and not even mentioning other sources.

if you’d present it this way not like other topic I have only love for you brother.

Ok, lads.
Hear me out!

I relish in this Hunger Games kill fiesta, I am having a blast with all me buds and communities I am in.


I actually agree with you that portal rooms in both capitals should be shielded from zombie infections. Like have those Argent Dawn priests there, not a big deal for Blizzard to fix.

This should be beneficial for everybody!

I’m making a raid to infect Tahra, who’s up for this? Free cookies and salty tears included.


When ? Where ? How do I sign up ?

We just make posts on forums so far but I think we can make petition.

I like rare content like this zombie invasion, but I also agree people should be able to choose what content they take part in. Like for example there should be several ways to obtain items for professions, not forced to run dungeons for them.


Oh come on, OP is guy who wanted covenants to not being easily swappable for whole xpac cause “it’s meaningful choice” without understanding how PvE and PvP work and now he cries cause of ONE week of zombies… -.-’

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Count me in

i guess rogues wil have fun ganking peoples now when all are pvp flagged 24/7 .

I’m so happy I was trying to level alts and they are ganged 24/7 in starting zone.

Day one zombie event

Karen: I want to speak to the manager


You either enjoy being forced into things you don’t want to participate in because you are trying to level alts


You’re a triggered Karen


It’s terrible isn’t it Karen, one week an event where you can level about everywhere except a few set locations. Any other day you can level alts any where you want, even now you can do any expansions with out an issue.
But nop, Karen wants the event neutered because people enjoying the event in a couple of zones.

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It’s even worse logging into a game and being forced not to be able to play.


We really dont. It could even be the unnerfed version from ptr. But just opt in WM only.