Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

YES x1 million times.

But this version just annoys most players.

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Lol. i hstoned in halfhill and all the cook were slaughtered by the zombies! (but no PVP flag)

That doesnt make name and shaming right.

Report it then, broken record much?

Wow. I don’t know what to say.

In another way, I know exactly what to say, but I like to keep playing…

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God forbid telling people its just not allowed becaus ya know, you’;re giving someone a bad ‘name’ wether you speak truth or not.

Its called being cordial, now if you wont have it, thats fine.

But your comment was really not necessairy.

Also, you use third party report plugin that may not work at all. XD

Yeah, people move away if you try to target them, making it impossible with this delay.

I remember the other event, duelling with a friend outside orgrimmar and we just saw a huge army come running at us from the direction of razor hill. Now I just see a few zombies here and there.

I remember it being a lot more of a “wave of zombies sweeping across the land” back in Wrath too.
I remember how zombies completely overran Shattrath then, and now it’s more like you conquering the tiniest corner in a capital hoping nobody finds you. Kinda lame.

edit: Oh nevermind, Darkshire is a lot of fun with this event! Feels more as it should.

It does work, as it makes a log of all the text input on the profile in a nice little package for the ticket.

They beat me to that anyway, so nobody cares.

No thanks. I’ll be cordial with people who deserve respect. It’s a two-way street afterall.

ok but how do you know where she is 90% of time if you’re not with her in goldshire :flushed:

But this isn’t about wpvp per se, even if it’s other players infecting you. This is about the storyline that’s leading into Shadowlands. There’s no lich king, the undead are out control.

They could have made the ghouls purely into a pve force that swarms the city every now and then and makes it impossible for you to… do whatever that’s so important that you can’t spend a week without it.
But, they decided to make it into something players can control.

Give us back proper PvP servers. War Mode is a broken joke. There is nobody anywhere with this phasing and sharding system. Every area is 100% empty. Have checked from multiple servers in almost every possible time. During prime and during day.

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the classic forced pvp works fine but it is only on pvp servers …

This crying is why we never have world events any more. I hate this community…

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World events are fine, but they have to follow some rules:

  • no PvP
  • no PvE
  • no quests
  • no roleplay
  • no mobs

And it’s perfect.

No, that’s just a convenient way to recycle that crappy old event.

The real story stuff is happening through the questline that sends you to icecrown and the Argent Dawn stuff there. That has story.
The ghoul stuff has no story, just a bit of ‘convenient logic’ behind it.


just log in on my rogue walking around Sap peoples inside SW lel :stuck_out_tongue:
Noone of Alliance will do doing quests today .

Blizzard has trying to pull this stunt several times now, nothing new tbh.

They did it, putting crafting recipes on the Underbelly, during Legion.

They went even further by making sure you would “accidentally” be PVP flagged, during your War campaign, even with WM off.

They knew that not everyone enjoyed this event during WoTLK.

I expect the same attitude regarding SL.
I am highly curious to see what they have in store for SL.

PVP unlike PVE can’t live without other players. Don’t queue for BGs and suddenly the queues go sky rocket, like Alliance insta queues vs Horde longer queues.

As someone that got Rank 11 during Vanilla, I can say I ignored crafting, since Legion, because all the crap they make you go through to get them.
I ignored everything in BFA, main reason was the story, but other stuff helped as well like forced PVP.
BFA was exactly what I expect it to be. A place to get higher level gear to farm legacy content.

I will happily reward the people that maintain the servers, that answer our tickets, that made the music, the cinematics and beautiful scenarios.
That’s why I happily stay subscribed.

I won’t be so kind with the story team and developer team.
Their next expansions will come for free, because that’s what they are worth, for me.

As our most beloved/hated character would famously say:
“You are all: nothing.”



Because people have profiles you can read before you blow them up as a ghoul? It’s not like this person never leaves Goldshire btw

Every death meens more anima for the MAW …