Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Those who want to see them, would.
That’s what counts.

You are NOT getting it your way.

The whole point is that EVERYONE is affected in a world that gets attacked by the undead.

Its part of the game… PERIOD.


Unacceptable. Period.


The event is time-limited (and short), the fear is that people won’t find out about it at all. It has to be somewhat in your face.

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Yes, yes you are.

But see how we all tolerate you, even if we are fed up with you.

You won’t get what you want…PERIOD.


So, there all kinds of things they could do about that.
Make a pop-up quest. Let them come to either Org or SW and then make it clear; to participate in this part, you need to turn on warmode.

It’s so easy to let people know.

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Funny troll.

No u.

I will. Because it’s unacceptable. Period.

I guess a pop-up quest with a warning box (‘if you accept, you are going to turn on PVP mode’) might make sense, why not.


seems like its shark week >.>


I dont see the problem here… the week b4 the release of SL. Normally this week is dedicated to achievements, levelling chars, afk, fishing and cooking and afk.
Finally there’s somethin to do and i see “UNACCEPTABLE!” Bah…

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I’m not a shark. I’m a big fluffy pink dolphin.


I’ve just wasted half a dozen bankalts like you. Completely oblivious of their surroundings… they all try to run away in the last second but they all end up ghoul-afied.

hehehe :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a world event to signal the coming of the next expansion. You shoulfn’t be able to unsee it.

Meanwhile my Bankalt has always been in Silvermoon. Both it and Thunderbluff are the best cities for them anyway.

Just take a flightpath and it’s gone…big whoop.

Did you just call me a bankalt?!
You mouldy piece of blue play-doh.

There you go, problem solved. :slight_smile:

Sticks and stones… :stuck_out_tongue:

this is the second thread your posting this crap in…how you actually have anytime to play the game anyway when your spending every spare moment moaning in here about something thats not going to change and the majority are fine with is beyond me! I mean who do you think you are?


You’re lucky I don’t PvP.

Ignore my 25000 Honorable Kills achievement.

Very fun to ruin the game, for people that has no intentions of being a part of this trash event. You have warmode for a reason, forcing people into it, is so stupid. Its even better on RP realms. As a lot of frequently used hubs, are now no longer useable :slight_smile: