Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

Not convinced, chief.

sounds like a stupid version though, the community is behind me on this

Hey strawman, The person I quoted:>

This is LIMITED TIME event for just 1 week to show the power of the scourge,

**You should really, ya know, read thhe quoted post before you say stuff like **

Yeah nice strawman, no, what I saw was players holding out in pockets or resistance around the city, to kill ghouls/player ghouls, and playing that out IC.

That meaning that people thhink when they are the ghouls, they are trying to eat brains

Its brainless zombie RP, all there is too it. :confused:

When you really want to ya know, RP, you dont just brainlessly kill and pretend you eat brain.

You dont like what I am sayijng with thhat its not lore friendly? Kindly sod offf, cause you’re singling me out with your post as if you dont like me posting.

There is nothing to point out this is a game and the scourge has been in it since Warcraft was created

Yes it is.

You don’t know me. You can’t read my mind.
It was. And you have no substantial proof otherwise.
You’re going to have to take my word for it.

With that answer and reading back; doesn’t it all make sense why I keep repeating the same thing?!

Oh yes! Yes it does.

You literally said you felt violated , don’t even try


i have lost 2 family members, and mine father was close too due of covid.

the only one with bad taste is you that you are correlating this 2 events

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We can do a 1000 bois and grils let’s goooooo.

If you’re wondering why I have time to post here, it’s because after this I went to Stormwind to kill some ghouls and turn into a ghoul but alas for 5 mins now nothing has happened so I came back here.

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Is that not unacceptable then?

Ehm. Sorry dude. I’m telling you the truth.

Yes, yes. Definitely unacceptable. Hope you’ll recover from the trauma.



What is not acceptable is to talk about getting violated because you got killed by a ghoul in a video game


It’s almost as if you don’t read what I post.

People, are roleplaying holding out against these zombies, and other players, that became infected, that now roleplay those ghouls temporarily, are also roleplaying with the surviors, holding out against them. Do I need to make it clearer ?

No, not really.

It’s happening in the world, like, the undead plague is returning in lore.

It’s almost like people can oppose what you say on a forum, it’s almost like it is a place of discussion.

It’s almost like I also reply to other players.

A universally hated pandemic event with horrific design reinstated almost exactly as it was during an IRL pandemic.

IRL right now there have been numerous things getting cancelled, even statues of hundreds of years old racists removed from towns around the world. Blizzard have proven their self to be correctly sensitive to the change in times and with this event they should be too. Remove it asap and never, ever bring it back.

That’s not what I did and that’s not what it’s about.
After a 1000 posts, you STILL don’t get it.

I dont read your post because my post wasnt relevant to your post at all.

You know why :popcorn: are so great in this thread? Its because Tahra salt all of them really good.

But for real, complaining about this “issue” as human rights violation is absolutely comical when there are so many real problems happening and you put this in same basket


The irl thing is unacceptable that is very true.

However the 2 things are not comparable at all.

So even your answer of saying it is unacceptable is you trying to equate a connection where there is literally none.

One is something horrific and mentally scaring.
The other is a slight annoyance.

Your explanation changes nothing about what you said and your intent behind it.

If you didnt think the 2 things were at the very least similar, you would have NEVER brought it up


You know, it is kinda disgusting that you’re comparing this, an ingame event, that has existed in the lore for years, literal years, to something that affects people irl.

But I replied to what you posted ???

Whatever you post can be replied to. That’s how discussions works, that’s how arguments works, that is the purpose of the forums.

There are some posters in this topic who enjoy being able to grief other people in-game, people who want no part in this nor want to be forced into being someone’s victim. It’s unlikely their view will change?