Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable!

OP has gotta be trolling, no way someone can be for real about this, right?

and if you have any respect for the people that have suffered becouse of it you should have not even tiped about it first hand.

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It should be unacceptable for blizzard that i unboxed (since moving 3 years ago) my PS2 and played PES 6 yesterdayevening.

I didn’t. Some people claimed I did. I proved them wrong.
So please, stop saying that nonsense.

I’m not salty. I’m infuriated. Your popcorn’s gonna get burned man. :upside_down_face:

Damn sorry, i will take some unpopped kernels then, thanks for the tip! :popcorn: for everyone!

I have respect for them and those I know who suffered from it. And I do that by urging Blizzard to do the right thing. This whole event just serves as a horrible in the face reminder for me of how bad it is IRL at the moment.

Nah, I choice to tell you to sod off because your pointles to discuss with.

The forum is for discussing things. Not for pointless arguements like you are trying to bait.

So you tell me to go away because you can’t come up with a decent argument. M’kay.

Which I am, lol.

In any case, you’ve shown your colors, so I don’t think I will bother responding to you anymore.


How do you deal with even playing Warcraft then?
When so many die in wars? When so many die by violence? When so many suffers under dictatorship? I’m surpriced you can even handle, because so many children, young, grown and elders are affected by this.

Seriously, stop it. It has nothing to do with Corvid. Never has been and never will be about Corvid or anything else going on IRL.


There is; they are both unacceptable.
Sure, they’re not on the same level and I NEVER claimed anything of the sort.
That’s all people being ‘conspiracy’ ‘fake news’ and all.

It really really does.

Again; only similar in that they are both ‘unacceptable’.
In their own totally unrelated way.

I can’t help what silly conclusions people draw. Unfortunately.

no you are not, you are not giving me any respect.

i have lost mine grandparents where not even 24hours had passed since the first died, while mine father was hospitalized and he had to ear ALONE, that his paretns where dead.

they where buried alone, with a plastic grave.

and just the fact that you are just brining this is…well feel lucky that we use characters nicknames.


You just keep telling yourself that.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt but I really am struggling to understand why you brought the connection into this in the first place if you dont think they are comparable.


Anyway… I’m off for a bit. Have some real life matters to attend to.
Keep this thread nice and toasty. Blizzard needs to hear this.

False. Only in this case there is a third faction: Scourge, that is an enemy to both Alliance and Horde.

We’re not at peace. We are enemies and probably always will be. There is a temporary cease fire at the moment though.

It might not be THE solution for YOU, but it is a solution. One among a few others you’ve been given throughout this thread.

Rofl According to Blizzard it is working as intended. Just because YOU don’t like it it doesn’t mean it’s broken.

You mean that chatting while browsing the AH and queue for other stuff you’ve been talking about?
Guess what. It’s very much doable. In any city but IF/ORG. Only that you refuse to move for a few days…

You know very well that’s not what I meant.
The horde and alliance are not at war with each other. At the moment.

Now I’m really off.

We aren’t going to agree on things. You don’t get reminded of the IRL situation by the event, but I do and it hurts me more than you know. The fact you cannot see that would equally make me want to have some colorful names for you if I see you IRL.

What’s the post limit to a thread, and how far have we got to go to get it closed?

Talk about repeating things over and over ad nauseum…

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