AV Premade Fix Suggestion

So I’ve been thinking about this AV clown fiesta that is going on in the forums, and came up with something that could help, unlike some others ‘‘bAN theM!!’’ fix.

  • Enable the option to queue in a Raid group.
  • When you queue with a Raid group, you’re only able to match against other Raid groups of the opposite faction.
  • Any raid group size (6-40) will be restricted to this.
  • Players who abuse exploits to face pugs with their premade group should face some kind of temporary suspension.

What I think will happen if blizzard goes through with this.

  • The casual PvP players don’t have to suffer the consequences of facing a premade group when they just want to take it easy and not have their few hours of gametime go towards nothings. (Be it horde getting stomped by premades or alliance players starting their matches 10v40.)
  • The more ‘‘hardcore’’ PVP players get to fight against players of equal motive, instead of farming casual players who runs around uncoordinated when faced by premades.
  • Queue times will even out a little bit better than the previous ‘‘premade fix’’ that only lengthend the current queue times.

Suggestions for WSG/AB.

  • Disable raid groups for WSG and AB.
  • Party Groups are only able to face other Party Groups.
  • Solo players are only able to face other Solo players.
  • Hide battlegroup numbers when you are talking to the WSG/AB Queue NPC.

This is what I suggest for the time being, feedback and criticism welcome.


Stop making sense. It doesn’t work on Blizzard.


The solution is already here : premade as 5 man. If you premade with more players to counter that, it’s a permaban. hacks@blizzard dot com if you see it with a video record.

If you want to premade with full group, goto WSG. Let the casual have enjoyment in AV.

At first glance this looks like a perfectly sensible and achievable means of resolving the issue. The problems start when you think about why the premades seem to be a thing in the first place. The premades don’t want to face another premade, they want to faceroll the bg so would probably prefer there not be any opposition at all and they can just carve a path south, kill Drek, rinse and repeat until they get their shineys. It’s not about enjoying pvp or wanting to play a bg. It’s purely about the speed they can get their ranking and/or gear. Given the option, I doubt a premade raid would use the queue to face another raid, they’d continue to try and find away around it to only face a pug team.


No this is the worst kind of solution to the problem. No raid grps. You guys just want to have the raid option viable because u want an easy rank and nothing else. Fix the premade problem and q up as 5 or go wsg.

Did you miss the point where premades are only able to queue against premades?

This should be done even in wsg. I cant understand why it has to be premades vs casual. I understand guys in premades love it as they can have supereasy life, but I think casual player deserve to have fun as well and win, or lose, against palyers on the same level of skill/equipment/organization.
But it did not happen in vanilla so i am guessing will not happen now


Yes, I do agree to what you have to say. Wouldn’t some kind of suspensions for doing these ‘‘work-arounds’’ (premades facing pugs despite these implementations through exploits) fix these? I doubt players want to go through this and have to face a chance to get temporary banned?

Yes, however I haven’t really thought of a suggested fix yet for WSG. I’ll have some thinking to do.

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Given we’ve seen bots and other issues for months with seemingly no action being taken I doubt they’d be timely about doing that even if they took any action at all.

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This is something I do not get with blizzard.

What is even the point of these ban waves, if you are only doing them every 6 months or so? By the time they eventually do ban these bots, the gold that they’ve farmed and sold for real life currency over these past months is enough for tens or hundreds new accounts for them and their mom.

And why do they just not ban them on the spot when they have enough evidence? The only way they catch them is through player reports instead of some warden anti-cheat that these bots ‘‘try to avoid.’’

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At a complete guess it’s probably down to there being very few support staff appointed to deal with Classic issues. Retail side the issues tend to be dealt with and the perception is that these are dealt with reasonably quickly. Classic feels very much as if the playerbase is out on their own with the focus solely being on dealing with retail problems. Having said that, a couple of month ago I had a Classic ticket responded to in only a couple of days so who knows what is going on there.

Edited a typo :stuck_out_tongue:

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Even as an alliance premader I would be opposed to these changes in AV. An ideal situation would be PURE PUG (so no 5man groups), but with great afk/bot protection (this could be done by restricting cave bonus honor and no bonus honor for people without HKs/damage/healing). The main problem is that the alliance always has more botters/afkers because of the short queue.
In addition, in an ideal world the AV would be balanced. This is just one iteration of many of AV in classic.

However, in WSG I would say your idea would be great. If you pug as alliance its no fun losing more than 90% of your AVs and WSG (due to premades). The few PUG WSGs I had were actually really fun and often pretty close, I actually have a positive winrate against horde pugs.

Premade groups in WSG / AB is fine, these battlegrounds where created with the option to join as group. Alterac Valley is another story all-together.

Although, since last week I haven’t seen many premade teams, excepting the Russians.

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But the alternative presented maintains premades in WSG and AB but with separate queues. A thing i have been discussing alot with a group of friends who also love BGs (for fun) but dont have compatible schedules to play together. Single queue and premade queue should be a thing but Blizz dont want to upset the nolifer’s group who just make a premade to easily farm randoms. They never want to face other premade because it could be 50/50 chance to win like when its random vs random. Make separate queue (Single and Premade) for casuals and people who like to play BGs solo dont waste their time getting stomped by premades Players who go hard on ranking still have the opportunity to play in premade group but they will have to do more than faceroll cause the other group would also be a premade. Well said it, but nothing will happen because Blizzard doesnt care about costumers as long as they keep paying.

Alliance will not like this change, atm even very high premades barely win here and there in AV against pugs. Imagine truly dedicated horde raid matched against this… Looks sort of a nerf to a faction with already very low morale.

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