As a PvP’er on the Horde side I can tell you it’s a lot more than “10% lower” chance of you winning a PUG vs PUG. Horde seems to win 90%+ of those.
I don’t see the issue. Sure there are a couple elitist discords with stringy requirements to dedicated, performance and gear.
But there are plenty others where decent gear, decent skill and the will to win is enough to get you invited.
If you are not in a premade, and you are not level 51 trying to get a weapon. I don’t feel sorry for you. You are either running around on a 60% mount, you have only a few blue items or you play with the arrow keys. The game is 15 years old, it’s not difficult. Allot of players were abandoned to the pug games for very good reason.
The only people i genuinely feel bad for are levelers looking to get a single win for their weapon.
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