AV was a total let down

Probably because no one actually speaks highly or fondly of Zerg Valley.
Whereas “12 hour long AV games” are one of the commonly spoken about things in Vanilla.
Meanwhile they gave retail the AV everyone knows and remembers as a callback to celebrate 15 years of WoW.

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Took me 2 tries to get the standard from the cave for my trinket… thats how fast avs are done :slight_smile:

They should reduce the honor gain for loosing AV, so that it’s not more profitable than winning any other BG.
…just my opinion.

Just buff bosses to a point when all bunkers are up that it is impossible to kill them. This way objectives matter more.

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i like this one better than the long one.
i think that the main NPCs should scale in difficulty depending on the towers/bunkers burnt.

but i don’t like the stupid troll tribe ganking people in the GY and all other stuff in the old AV.

Agree, I tried to do some and at first it was so confusing because people where not stoping to kill or get the towers.
So people just rush to the end, try to kill the commander and thats it.

Also if you want to queue with a friend you can´t, even if you want to bring a frind and do some protection with him or try to… well have fun you can´t you have to play with 39 other that you don´t know you go like a sheep to the end and finish AV in a few min.

Give me my AV from old, hours in AV, somunning the elemental, fighting for control over the zones.
if people wanted a fast AV they can go play PubG, those are fast.

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Yeah you got your #nochanges AV, not exactly what you wanted after all, was it now?

This version is unfortunatly “all changes” AV, so I think you got that wrong m8 ^^


They should remove some pve npcs and it would be much more fun.

Yes they should remove final bosses. And raid leaders should just roll at the start of the battle. Who rolls higher, wins the battle. So the rep farm is even more efficient.

It really makes me sad how few people play BGs because it is fun. Most people play mindless and boring farming game. And are yelling at people that actually start PVPing in the middle…

Thats not the AV i remember from vanilla. Its a pity, because I liked the old AV. But the good thing is that the farmers who rush everything can have AV, while people who like PvP can go to WSG. WSG is fun!

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