Avoiding death by going in que (follower dungeon exploit)

Today I wonna bring your eyes on another issue.
Death is already easily dealth with, you can even res with sickness and its not gonna stay longer than 1 min.
Some people refuse to acknowledge that they’re playing a game, and that goes with accepting defeat sometimes.
Having in mind how problematic and at the same time popular Premades have gotten (Theres a new wave of premades - #400 by Alessthra-argent-dawn)
Makes it seem like the playerbase at large aside from being 30 year old + is quite immature and doesnt get the memo.

The TLDR / the issue itself:

World PvP is plagued by people who use Follower Dungeons and other Que-Pops to avoid dying.
Thats pretty much it.
Its a disgusting practice yet it works everytime. And people do it.every.time.
This needs to stop.
And all of you who do this should come back to your senses.


They may not die but we both know who lost the fight.
It’s it a bit weird though yeah.


Make world PvP great, and remove queueing during combat.


Creative use of game mechanics to dodge 5v1 ganking
I see no problem there

It was already possible to hold a queue invite to fight in wpvp with a get out of jail card so what?


Dude you are the most absurd forumer.
Absolutely forget that anyone here takes you seriously.


They do?

10 chars :smiley:

easy fix is to not be able to queue for it with WM on.


For Follower Dungeons agreed. They are instant, so you can do your dungeon and then get back to WM.

Other content Id let people queue normally, since you never know when the queue will pop and it isn’t a guaranteed escape mechanic.


The practice you’re describing—using queue pops (like follower dungeons or battlegrounds) to escape imminent death in World PvP—falls into a gray area between exploit and broken mechanic, depending on how the game’s developers and community view it.

Exploit vs. Broken Mechanic

  1. Exploit:
  • Definition: An exploit involves using a bug, glitch, or unintended game feature to gain an unfair advantage.
  • If the developers never intended for queue pops to serve as a “get out of death free card,” and players are abusing this system deliberately, it could be argued as an exploit. Some games explicitly ban such behavior in their terms of service.
  1. Broken Mechanic:
  • Definition: A broken mechanic occurs when an intended game feature interacts with other systems in an unintended way, leading to undesirable outcomes.
  • If the queue pop mechanic is functioning as designed, but it creates unintended consequences in World PvP (like the ability to escape death), it’s more of a design oversight than an exploit.

How Can It Be Addressed?

  • Developer Stance: If the developers view this as a serious issue, they could:
    • Prevent players in combat from accepting queue pops.
    • Introduce a delay for accepting queues in PvP zones.
    • Apply a debuff that locks players in combat for a short duration after engaging in PvP.
  • Community Feedback: The community needs to raise awareness and report it if it feels like an exploit. Forums, bug reports, or direct communication with developers can push this issue to the forefront.

Final Take:

  • If no clear rule from the developers labels it an exploit, it’s likely considered a broken mechanic.
  • At this point everyone does it because they don’t want to be the odd one out getting grieved. It’s up to the developers to take action and fix these issues, flaming other players won’t make a difference. It’s not different to you shadowmelding and going straight into flight form to escape losing, it’s just another technique.

My message is clear, anyone with even a half a brain can read it and understand what is meant by it and why its problematic.
I get that you dont like me and you wonna troll but I refuse to argue semantics.
Also i love how you (a guy that does this) and another (guy who also does this) liked your comment.
Stop acting like a mob, weirdos.


Hey, let’s try to keep this conversation respectful. There’s no need for insults or assumptions about intentions—it doesn’t help move the discussion forward.

My post wasn’t about trolling or targeting anyone personally; it was about discussing a mechanic in the game that a lot of people find frustrating. If you have a different perspective, I’d genuinely be interested in hearing it, but calling people names or accusing them of being a ‘mob’ isn’t productive.

We’re all here because we care about the game and want to make it better. Let’s focus on the issue at hand and work toward solutions rather than turning this into a personal argument.


Then get out.


I’m here to have a constructive discussion about the issue I raised. If you’re not interested in engaging respectfully, that’s fine, but I won’t be leaving or stooping to toxic behavior. Let’s keep the focus on the topic instead of resorting to this kind of negativity.

You didnt raise any real significant issue regarding the topic, you’re strawpicking and decentralizing by wanting to focus on semantics instead of the issue at hand.
And people like you shouldnt use the word “toxic” to describe anyone but themselves.
Kick rocks.


I appreciate your passion for the topic, but I disagree with your assessment of my response. My intent was to address the issue constructively and explore potential solutions, not to argue over semantics or derail the conversation. I’m here to discuss the problem and possible fixes—not to trade personal insults.

If you feel strongly about the issue, let’s focus on the specifics and have a meaningful conversation rather than resorting to name-calling or dismissive remarks. I’m happy to continue the discussion if it stays respectful, but I won’t engage with unnecessary hostility.

Stay on topic then ? i wouldnt even have said anything if you did.

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Stay on topic then ? i wouldnt even have said anything if you did.

I’ve stayed on topic from the beginning, outlining what I see as the issue and offering reasonable ideas for addressing it. I haven’t made this personal, despite the tone of your replies. My goal is to discuss the mechanics and their impact on the game, not to argue with anyone personally.

If you’re willing to have a productive conversation about the actual issue, I’m happy to engage. If not, I’ll leave it here, as I don’t think continuing with personal remarks helps anyone

maybe have a duel ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :laughing:


Sure. We can do a duel. But how will a duel resolve anything ?

I don’t mind humbling you in PVP just message me anytime any place.

However in my view we have nothing to resolve, you appear to think I dislike you.

I neither like nor dislike you, I am indifferent as I don’t know you. I’ve never seen you ingame, I just see you on the forums and youtube comment sections being toxic.

I hope you find in peace yourself.

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