AWC shows why the game is so unattractive to new players

Interesting take

So Devoker is squishy?


  • 2 walls
  • Renewing blaze self heal
  • Time stop immunity if needed
  • x2 Freedoms with Hover if needed
  • Nullifying Shroud
  • Rescue

The “casting” rotation includes

  • Disintegrate
  • Ocassional Fire breath purge
  • Ocassional Living flame
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate
  • Disintegrate

Meanwhile a spec like Moonkin has:

  • Barskin
  • Renewal
  • a nerfed Bear form and frenzy healing for 25k



I wish NA games were bit earlier for me Sadge

If your team isn’t clueless boomy is very durable, saw it this week end on awc with 30sec cc on the Rsham the druid sitting in bear and didn’t die.

I agree with you when people called devoker bad earlier and all of a sudden you see them cheesing people even at high cr, being close to impossible to connect that was funny.

Sitting in bear with few more armor and without damage at all? Sounds good


Did they remove the extra HP from bear form when I looked away? D:

Blizz wanted to go eSports with WoW (because of money, of course, chasing that LoL-dream). A very bad idea IMHO.
An MMORPG is by nature complex and its mechanics are meant to be discovered over time, it can be imbalanced because it is how RPGs are, there are too many scenarios to ever balance this right (PvE vs PvP, group sizes of 3 - 25, Simple Deathmatch vs Mechanics and Environment).
An eSport game should be “simple” to pick up and spectate. It should be simple to switch characters due to balance changes.
WoW is simply not made for eSports, I am sorry for those who lost their jobs, but it may be better overall (Microsoft now owns WoW and laid off most of their eSport squad)

And you are a WoW Player. Imagine how “casual” spectators would feel when watching such an Arena game. It makes no sense to try to build eSport around 3s Arena. It is boring. Now, if YOU enjoy it, good for you, but the overall numbers AWC is making (if 12k viewers is true) means there is no general interest for this, and IMHO WoW should not try to go in that direction. Better make PvP simpler and more attractive for new and casual players, that’s how we could get a less toxic pvp experience overall :slight_smile:

relax you need like 2 or 3 addons and thats it. Gladius, Bigdebuffs and WeakAura and you are fine with most classes.
There are no “pre scripted key combos” or third party programs which give you huge advantage.

it’s not opposite? less skills creates more diversity, uniqueness?

Eh, no, did you play during the pruned era?

Most specs played like this → combo point generating ability, finishing move, 1 or 2 CCs and some fluff abilities. Most specs played like a variation of rogues. It was dull.

Most likely I was random BG Andy at that time.
Then it was just badly designed.
If to think logically, less skills each class have, can create more unique play styles cos dont have to overlap same skill function just with different visuals?

You say that, but how am I supposed to know that and believe you, as a player new to the scene? I look for a ‘guide’ or ‘tutorial video’ and I get 200 different items recommending me 200 different things, when I look for an add-on in PvP in curseforge I get 628 projects, and that’s just one add-on provider. There are countless more.

Never mind the constant updates and changing ‘meta’s’ over the time line, some kind of weak aura that was needed, but then there was a hotfix and this ‘other thing’ is now the way to go, but they forgot to update the guide. Then you need to know to install everything and familiarize yourself with these add-ons and adjust the settings.

If you already have them and have your set-up ready, obviously it’s all very easy and simple to you.

Then you come with a disclaimer such as:

What classes are they? Did I as a new player picked a class that needs more add-on? What do you mean by ‘fine’? I don’t want to be ‘fine’ I want to be ‘good’, what add-ons do I need to be ‘good’? etc.

For new entrants this makes no sense and seems like a massive amount of work and management just to get ready.

I’m not looking from the perspective of someone who’s already ‘in’, but from the perspective of someone who is ‘outside’ and thinks about getting ‘in’.

The moment I saw that I knew people would reply with things like this, which is a meme in itself. The very fact Moonkin is barely viable with anything in 3v3 except with an Outlaw Rogue (who literally permanently CCs an entire team so the Moonkin doesn’t die) speaks for itself.

Why don’t we see Moonkin Demo, Moonkin DH, Moonkin Ele, Moonkin WW?

Not talking AWC only btw. In general Moonkin just has no buttons to press compared to other specs. Also has awful mobility compared to every other caster outside of Shadow priest.

Spec has had the same talents for god knows how long, you got a barkskin, a bear form frenzy and a renewal. 2 of these 3 buttons are healing, meaning they become useless in dampening completely.

Compare this to something like a Mage, who has more CC, infinitely more mobility, immunities. Warlock has port, a lot more Hp, passive healing, gate. Ele Shaman has less mobility as Moonkin yet it’s harder to kill in most situations because of how many things you can do to save yourself (knocks, stuns, instant root on shorter CD than druid, bigger Wall, immunity, way more passive healing, etc). And ofc Devoker as we mentioned. Even SP the wheelchair has immediately panic buttons such as 90s Disperse CD and void Shift if nothing else is available

As I noted in another post, Moonkin needs new buttons. Literally dies to any melee for free if that melee is able to interrupt Cyclones properly. Compared to other caster specs, it got nothing this expansion basically.


I expected some sort of extremely fried take coming from a dh (shocker).

Boomkin is extremely good with a rogue arguably S tier comp.

Both wall and renewing blaze has to be pressed before the stun otherwise you get smoked. Ren. Blaze does not outheal classes like rogue and dh since it takes like 10 sec to heal back up.

Disenegrate, eternity surge and breath are all casts and getting locked punishes you a lot.

Hover freedom bothers literally nobody except warriors.

Dh at this point is beyond nerfing the class just needs to get removed. Every damage thrown at a dh is a waste they literally take no damage what so ever. They outheal hybrids with 2 button rotation, blur is a joke on a joke cd. Avoiding random cc every 10 sec by an accident. Zooming accross the arena with the speed of light, unkiteable.
Damage of 3 people combined even at 1500.

Who the fk thought its a good idea to give dh 4 forms of instant cc on a massive range on a joke cd ? XD. Lil bro should get a sleepwalk treatment 2sec cast.

I was talking about Moonkins and casters, but hey, is it time to reply to WoTLK posters?

Maybe it is! Let’s deep dive into the mind of a hidden account poster on the PvP forums.

This is why the Evoker has a healer?

This is why decent Evokers actually get kicked on Sleep walk so they can freecast

Hover freedom destroys every single melee excluding Ret and Survival, which aren’t real melees anyway, since their dmg is 20 yards+

I promise to use these tears to fill up my aquarium

Laughs in Warlock, Warrior, Death knight, Mage healing

It’s always by accident when people get outplayed xD

Wait you’re giving hints about where you play, careful, the WoTLK character disguise may fall off unexpectedly

30+ seconds is a joke cd? 2 min cd for a 3 second fear is OP? Dispelable stun is OP? Ooof.

I would say something about other specs, but you wouldn’t see those specs on 1500.

Anyways, have a good day, make sure to bring some tissues next time

Lil bro plays a dh since shadowlands there’s no point of us having a conversation. Your opinions are irrelevant. Peaking 2.4 in those terrible 4 years on a Guitar Hero class while all your alts sit at 2k is kinda wild but i call it a “classic”.

I wouldn’t bother with you, but observing dh players on forums is more fun than playing the game itself.

Boomy/ww boomy dh is very strong, but it’s always the same why bother playing something ‘’ harder’’ (if I can say) when you can play an easier comp?

In eu we are know to be meta slave but in us those comp are being played at r1 range, so boomy isn’ t underperforming in other comp.

Didn’t saw any lock/boomy but I assume it’s pretty strong too.

this information overflow exists in every pvp game.
The reality is you dont need most of the stuff to begin with.
When someone starts playing rocket league he does not need advanced mechanics in bronze and watch 10 tutorials on that. When you start CS:GO you dont need to learn all perfect smokes on every map and in LoL you dont need the perfect build for every situation at beginners level.

Its a matter of time and in WoW Arena its the same.

You start by actually learning how to deal dmg, kick, Stun targets etc.
By time your awareness improves and then you can look for additional addons that help you. Of course its better to have them from start but you can easily play the game before too.

If you want to be better than most players than you need to invest more time than most players. Thats true for every single pvp game and in WoW this also involves setting up your interface/addons.
Could the default UI be better? Yes.
It is insanely difficult to look at a guide or ask in a stream chat which 3 addons everyone uses and download them? I doubt it.

wait i thought boomy is god tier according to our friendly and humble sp player in this forum? hmmm

Its interesting that you say Supatease is wrong based on what Irony say. :thinking:
I guess he might have more knowledge about boomies huh.

According to a far better Boomkin player than you*

Get it right, please.

And even if it WAS true that Boomkin only has 1 comp to be viable (it absolutely does not btw), that doesn’t change anything.

When Sub Rogue and Fire Mage were only playing with each other in Shadowlands because everything else was bad with it, did this change how you’d regard the specs? No. Stop being wilfully dense, please.

That’s not just about time to learn the game and tactics, it’s also about installing and managing external software and figuring out how that works.

Everything that is required to play the game, even on the highest levels, should be provided by the game itself. There should never be a need to install additional software from third parties to be viable or get advantages.

That’s my perspective if you want to a have game that easily accessible for new players. You install the game, you play the game, simple as. No need to look up libraries or additional gimmicks you need to download.

That is of course purely from the perspective of attracting new players, I obviously understand the appeal of being able to customize your experience and tinker with software.

But those add-ons should be ‘cosmetic’ only, without being able to give an in-combat advantage of any sorts, once they do give any sort of advantage, they become a perceived necessity.