AWC shows why the game is so unattractive to new players

supatease has one of the worst takes on many topics lol
but awc, 3s and soloq ladder show that boomy is indeed not “god tier”.

of course boomy has more than 1 viable comb. Boomy is in a good state. Its just far away from being “god tier”.

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So a well known boomie is looked down upon on his takes about boomie and said to be completely wrong based on what someone who dont even main boomie says? :thinking:
Interesting take.

Depends on how you define god tier. People see it differently. For you it might be “unkillable one shot”.
He were basing it on gladiator push.


Boomkin looking pretty good in the AWC. Only the 7-0 today and winning the whole thing for the Americans :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Feels like supa might know more than some ppl do about boomies. :thinking: What a shocker! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Prove for this is:
I play this game since begining, when I have time I play ALOT, when I dont have time I play very little, lets say I know all mechanics and classes in PVP, however if I not play for a while and return back, I always suffer big setback because even for me pace of game is initialy hard to catch, and somewhat overwhelming, imagine how is this for new players.

I personaly think that pace of game must go down significantly, WoW shoud be more brawly game than FPS shooter style. Right now game leans more toward FPS shooter style.

With recent changes to stamina, trinket bonuses and armor, nerfs to certain classes, it feels like they wanted to make games longer, there is no point for people to play setup based comps, winning on dampening and mana is not healthy for the game

When evry game you play goes into mana territory its bad
When you die like like sniper headshoted you in CS:GO its bad

Sweetspot is somewhere in middle, my opinion is that WoW need to be brawly game where oportunity to playmake raises from situations, right now WoW is mostly like cowboy duel, bam bam and someoene dies, it just went to deep into FPS territory.

I just wanted to add that Demon Hunters should be deleted from the game and it will be way more fun to everybody.


He’s baaaaaack :pray: :white_heart:

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I missed you too brother :heart:

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Getting geared still takes waaaaay too long, especially when you are a solo DPS player.

and what about the Dh devs?

You talking about the rogue dev?

Haha good point, but i gave up on that, they have too many Cd´s to Avoid a confrontation

And when they run out of CDs, they add new ones, cant wait to see the Preperation comeback

I mean yea, but if they just outright deleted DHs he would just focus more on rogue. If thats a good or bad thing that can be questioned xd

oh true, i havent think about it :smiley:

or how about, to move the Frost dk, and enhancement feral dev to the Rogue class? :smiley: this could be a crazy combo i would Support them on Kickstarter

They can work on some Delves or whatever other new feature.

there is not a single statistic that shows that boomkin is heavily overperforming at the moment.
I could not care less what one boomkin player says lol

if a spec is god tier it must atleast be shown in some statistics.

and last week awc a shadowpriest won the whole thing. Does that make shadowpriest god tier? Since you act so smart all the time maybe you could see the similiarities between all these teams? Maybe, just maybe outlaw rogue + X makes a really good comb.

i think both of you know that boomkin is not “god tier” right now and just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Idk if its some ego problem but im getting tired of it.

You dont like reading do you?
But you did care about what one non-boomkin player said. :+1:

I wrote it, but you apparently jumped over it since you tend to not care about actual explanations.
Your idea of “god tier” and other peoples idea of “god tier” can be heavily different.
You can be shortsighted if you want, but you dont need to demand other people to be the same.

Only in NA. If you look at EU there is one Moonkin player above 2800 and the rest are 200-300 cr below him.

Moonkin isn’t strong in EU meta so we don’t see it. EU and NA metas are two different worlds.

Again NA. There won’t be a single EU team playing any of these specs. It’s either because of different meta or lack of the players on the level of Destros, Arcanes or Elementals that we see in EU.

Also in NA we saw Frost DK and caster MW that you’d never see in EU. Ret/War with Fistweaver did top 3-4 this week as well.

It’s like Axiom - one of the best Enha EU tries WW/Enha/x every season on EU like they play in NA and he memes that “finally” this season it’s going to work. EU and NA are two different metas.