AWC shows why the game is so unattractive to new players

The game as been awful to watch since probably MoP.

I started to dive my feet now with PvP, one of mine biggest challenges has been keeping focus on my character when playing against a BM with his oversized pets :rofl::rofl::rofl:

i mean. no? god tier means heavily overperforming and dominating at the highest level. You cant say god tier means average. Everyone knows what “god tier” means dont play stupid.

“yes i said god tier but for me god tier is average idk about your definition of god tier”. You dont realize how stupid that sounds? When there are no arguments anymore because every statistics says im right you start and try to change the definition of words lol. Its pathetic.

You can use it in different meanings depending on what you do and think about. Its just not solely based on “Unkillable, one shot” spec. If you fully believe that you cannot use that word unless it means exactly what you personally believe it to be… :person_shrugging:

Thats not what supatease based it on. Now you are just trying to make up what people said about it. Thats pathetic.

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Or “Unplayable” Ferals. :sweat_smile:

Im used to him ignoring what ppl say and only use what he believes ppl said instead to force his arguments. Noone said “everything about boomies are god tier” but he believes ppl did because he cannot be arsed to look into the video himself to understand what supatease based it on. Then saying others are pathetic because it does not line with his own mind.

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Boomy is far from god tier. In EU almost every top Boomy player struggles. I don’t get it how in NA it’s that high rated. 150 cr below the highest rated players is far from “god tier”.

Broxis is right here. Trying to apply NA meta to EU never works. Same we saw Ret/War/Fist in NA eliminating the Move.

I never said its god tier though? I said supatease put them as god tier based on gladiator push. Does not mean its god tier in RSS for example or with any other comp outside what he deems to make them “god tier”. Then if its wrong or not I have no idea. Was just interesting he put a non-boomie opinion over a boomies opinion.

I get it bro but it’s NA again. NA and EU are two different worlds. EU is sweaty tryharding region that plays meta to the maximum while NA is more relaxed where people play what they like. I played a bit on NA and in fact it’s “more fun” region but their prices on AH killed my time there. Things that cost 5 k here might cost 25 k there. Also you can only buy tokens on your main region so even this was not the case. The fact that Ven or Supa sometimes sound out of touch for us is just how different people play there. We always had better R Druids here while they always had great R Shamans for example.

Also as far as I know Broxis mained Boomy I even played few times against him in 3s (not this season though).


I checked it and his two Moonkins are his most played/highest rated chars.

Im trying to understand why this is relevant? x_X

Yes, there are different “meta” depending on region, but in what way is supatease wrong? Because its NA and not EU? Is Broxis the person that can decide that? Is Irony the person who decides that?

Yes. We also have better Ele on EU compared to NA. So can be the same thing with boomie. NA can have better boomies than EU.

I mean it’s relevant because we are in EU and we talk about EU meta. Supatease isn’t wrong overall just his takes don’t apply to EU arenas. Broxis plays the spec and as far as I remember talking with him he is not a biased guy like Irony and I agree with Broxis here. My friend played with one of the best Moonkins ever - Melby and they had really hard time because Moonkins struggle in the current meta. Havoc historically paired great with Boomy but this time it pairs better with Destru or Ele. Regarding Irony you are right. Guy plays Havoc and thinks that his spec is fine lol

I wouldn’t agree to be fair. Corkiy, Melby, Lazer are amazing Moonkin players. I think it’s just for some reason they have less Havoc players in NA. Maybe because Mvq also played in EU qualifiers with Jaime.

Then you havent read when he defended boomies last season with just “small changes” to fix them when aloot of top players considered them S+ - S++ tier. Not to the same extent as Rets though with some ret defenders or havoc defenders with “we die in a stun” comment over and over again.

Which was my point. If he said “its not relevant in EU how they are in NA” that would change the argument. But stating “supatease is wrong” based on him not liking his takes to start with was funny while taking Ironys word as pure facts.

I have no idea in terms of whos better and whos worse. Theres more boomies in 3v3 in NA than it is on EU which usually indicates something but at the same time noone knows since regions are better at different “metas”. Atleast personal take from watching AWCs. NA at times do look more fun than EU.

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What you say makes a lot of sense. I don’t read Irony’s posts as they never make sense so that’s why I didn’t consider it. Broxis isn’t wrong per say because he bases on his experience but yeah. Supatease talks about NA.

Basing things on your own experience can easily be biased.
There were several ppl who could not climb above 1600 as Ret even when it was at its most broken form. If they said its not “god tier” are they correct based on their experience?

What I wanted to say with that, is basically I usually rather take higher rated players experience as more in line with how a spec is functioning rather than someone who might not play it to its best.
Broxis has his experience which he can deem as correct while looking at the statistics that he feels proves his point. But that do not change the fact that he might not play it to its fullest in 3v3 or he isnt playing as much in 3v3. Can be alot of reasons.

I am full aware that they most likely are not within the zone of “God Tier” in terms of its overall performance around RSS and as a spec.

yes boomkin won awc but basicly because cdew had more mana in the end and it was close.boomkin seems actuallly balanced.its good but not op.

My point is that saying in EU that Moonkin is op you might convince someone to play it and then struggle to find partners or push xD In EU Boomy doesn’t work that’s my whole point.

I get it that you listen to Supatease but I’d rather listen to Skill-Capped because they also consider EU data and are more accurate with EU meta.

I dont though, I personally dont really care. Its how people argue that just makes it funny to me =p Theres alot of ways where you can argue on what is right and what is wrong. But the “I see nothing that shows it” and quoting Irony:

Was just funny when the original argument were how supatease based boomkins on gladiator push. Then if its EU or NA, like we both have said, could been argued which he never did.

So all in all, most of it is just how you argue/discuss to make an actual point instead of just denying it completely because “I dont see it”. ^^

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I mean I play on EU and my friends too. One that plays really high ratings in EU literally said “is Supatease drunk?” when he heard that it’s Moonkin meta 2 weeks ago. Why? Because he plays EU and doesn’t follow NA ladder. I get it why they said that Boomy isn’t viable with anything else than Outlaw Rogue. It’s outshined by Ele and Destru with Havoc that was historically it’s best partner. It doesn’t work with Ele anymore in EU and gets just tunneled. I get it where their opinion is coming from because if you try playing Boomy in EU it literally ends up being the way they described it. If you check NA ladder. For some reason there are almost no Havoc DHs compared to EU. Havoc/Ele, Havoc/Destru, Havoc/Unh literally erases Boomy from the game. Unh/BM probably too… these + Outlaw/Arcane RMD is literally what people play in EU.

Also if you check NA people play it exclusively with Outlaw. Also add that Cdew/Sam/Trill played the comp also last season and they have probably the most experience playing it. It won them NA AWC but then they lost to EU during Blizzcon.

Didnt hear him say its moonkin meta though or I dont remember him saying it >_>
The video were based on gladiator push and he said:
“I want to put it onto god tier because I think that rogue/moonkin, DH/boomkin or demologic/boomkin are def compositions that are at that status but im worried we are gonna flood that tier with too many god tier specs.”

“Im gonna leave it up on god tier because of its synergy with rogue and spam cyclone atm but this may move.”

So he wasnt entirely sure if it was god tier or S tier. But hes not talking about God tier purely out of its “spec” but more about its “synergy” with other specs to climb to gladiator. Listening on reasons while also completely denying it based on own experience can most of the times be wrong.

As you well know on this forum, theres alot of ppl who believe they are better than what they truly are.
If those specs erased boomy from the game we wouldnt have any kind of boomie above glad range due to the fact that EU is meta driven.

Then the question comes did they misplay during Blizzcon or did they play perfectly and still lost? Theres alot of things that determine the result of a game even if something is technically stronger.
Obviously the better team and prob the better comp won that time.

He said such sentence during one match during AWC 2 weeks ago.

That’s for sure but regarding Boomy I don’t believe it’s the case. EU has some great Moonkin players. Melby was considered best Moonkin once, Corkiy is multi rank 1 and currently the highest Moonkin EU. There is Blizzcon winner Lazerchicken. Besides Corkiy Melby is 2600 and it’s rating he reached with my friend early January.

I think that people are actually figuring meta. Remember that there were some changes that actually nerfed Boomy 2 weeks before AWC. Maybe people still played what they thought will be meta. In EU everyone thought that Outlaw/Ele/R Druid or Outlaw/Arcane RMD will dominate and what happened we all know. Imo people just figured out how busted Havoc is and how indirectly these changes 2 weeks ago made it even stronger. And yes you’re right there are many factors that have influence the fact you win or lose. Stress, current day form, motivation, focus. Good example is the fact that Sub/WW/Disc won 2 weeks ago. According to Whaazz stream these guys are extremely high in RSS but in 3s they are around 2300-2400. Echo and few other teams don’t play against them on dailly basis and had no practice against them. I know this sounds silly but next week you saw how people figured them down. It doesn’t change the fact that Howton is an insane Sub.

People always try to figure out the meta but also the counters on those meta which is why I actually like watching WoW PvP. Also why I grow bored when its only 1-2comps that play or specific specs like during 10.0.7 with Rets/Demo and now its kinda Outlaw. Why its refreshing and actually gets ALOT more enjoyable when specific specs actually join the fight. I got bored to see Rets in AWC during 10.0.7. Was actually interested to see a Ret this time because its not really the “meta” atm what I know of.

But man, I hope there will be a ban system in AWC for 1 spec or something for each team. Feels like it could force different setups and meta and make it more enjoyable atleast in EU. :face_exhaling:

Oh, wasnt it during liquid match? I think I just ignored it lol since commentators usually just say random things just to say it =p

Sure they can be good boomkin players but you also need to remember theres more boomkin players right now in NA above 2400. It can either mean theres more ppl playing it because its good and less ppl play it in EU because its either just not fun for them or its not meta. I rly dont like making too much guess work since there can be any reason for why theres more X players playing specific specs in NA and different reasons in EU etc.

I just hope if theres any dominant factor thats clearly showing blizz do something about it sooner or later. Just annoying AWC tends to make some of those changes not happen even if they made that armor change.