AWC so much fun to watch without Mages

I didnt realize i would be enjoying this spriest meta so much

turns out the game is so much fun to watch when its not a mage with two iceblocks in the chamber who can SUCK THE THRILL out of the room because you know he is permanently safe xD

infinite snare infinite alter times infinite micro cc/roots AND TWO ICELBOCKS permanently in the chamber

the biggest…thrill killer…ever…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Are you okay with Spriests/Rogue & Ferals/Hunters?

They’re playing the same way Warrior/DH/DK/WW should, but can’t

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I get some classes only have 1 DPS and healing spec, but idc. They should introduce a banning spec system. I’m bored, old, and tired of the same old BS. Change the tune, I’ve heard this one for at least a decade and a half.

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-play one of the highest skillcap and skillceiling class in the game that is fairly unforgiving
-get trashtalked all the time by other classes
-currently 2 spec sitting in c tier for an entire month

man im loving this exansion, no matter how bad my specs get some people always think its “SS tier free rating easiest spec in the game blizzard favourite”

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No thanks. I want to see the best of the best playing what they are best at. We saw what happens when teams try to play a different spec or different comp with The Move: an embarrassing display.

A banning system in AWC ensures one thing - the only people who have a chance of competing are full-time streamers and the jobless, now that is one way to get bored and tired.

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Youre delusional.


are u still playing wotlk or something

i mean i understand ure usually rival2 at best so ure using like 20% of mage’s potential but its a much easier class to play right now(and since cata) than you think because of the amount of tools(microcc/knock/cs/55%(after the nerf) slows/instant damage on low cd/high casted damage so cant be left alone) it has
it completely counters other casters when paired with a melee vs another melee/caster because of the mobility/amount of cc/instant damage
it also happen to be the ONLY(and i mean it, ONLY) class that is able to 100% of the time kite other classes because its insane how much mobility it has nowadays

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no, mage overall is not easier to play nowdays compared to wotlk, specially arcane and fire, which are the specs i play

clearly, i am

then again i always know im right and the delusional are the others, which is why wow always goes in their direction and they never EVER see it

forgive me, but did you just suggest that Mage is hard to play ?

between rotating Ice blocks, blinks, roots, alter time, sheep, invis , Dbreath, silence, Snares, mage shields, knockbacks, Ice wall, ring of frost

out of all the classes in the game, there is not a single class that has that Toolkit
there has to be a draw back for a DPS class

Mage has been Blizzards love child since TBC
( funny enough, one of the mage spells is literally called Blizzard )


mage is incredibly hard to play

then again, what i mean is mostly arcane, and then fire

what u mean is

icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance icelance

they rly need to address finger of frost procs, winter’s chill, and then frostbite too

for the rest, if u think mage is easy, idk what to tell u, i genunlly feel i could sink 10% of the time i have in mage in any other class and do just fine.

have u played wotlk mage? especially wotlk arcane and wotlk fire

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i played Mage for about 2 years through TBC and WOTLK
and ill hold my hands up, the rotation was 2 buttons back then

i dont know much about their rotation , but the Utility they have at hand needs to be toned down

blizzard had the audacity to give them a Stun in the next patch… ( which i believe has now been nerfed ? )

you cant make this stuff up

yeah its bad, they shouldn’t have added a stun, stuns are one of the worst things for pvp.

I feel like frosts toolkit and damages profile doesn’t fit together.
They got the tools to be a caster but don’t need to cast atm

its the same for Hunters, like im not a " hunter till i die " person. just experienced
i play DK , Hunter, sham, evoker, pala

an example , Hunter shouldnt of had MM being this 1 shot gimmick, any true hunter out there has been asking for defence over offence

exactly like how i can take your honest feedback with mage as experienced

i just Wish Blizzard in all their wisdom would lay off the bias, its always certain classes that get preferential treatment

  • i honestly think id kill for a Procc’d root or an iceblock on my hunter lol

I mean, you trade it for Dragon’s Breath… it’s not like it’s an extra CC, just a different kind.

But it’s changed to a root in PvP so no one will still take it… shame.

Not to mention, it’s only for Fire and Arcane which IMO need something extra than Frost (even though Frost has AoE PvP stun talent…)

i think my point was in its vast options,
there needs to be a trade off,
but even with trade offs , we are still seeing mage every AWC, which is a testament to its utility on its own

im just being honest with what i see and experience, and seeing mage every game
and Rogue every game
and disc priest every game

its kinda annoying? to say the least
( and dont get me wrong , being a hunter is great vs a Mage)
i dont doubt that , im just lucky that i can counter them

Buff Holy Priest :slight_smile:

The amount of copium this guy inhale is breaking every record.